ollysamm / project-3

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Review User Testing Videos #49

Open ashx3s opened 1 year ago

ashx3s commented 1 year ago


We should all review the user testing sessions and provide notes from our respective POVs on the feedback.

Definition of Done

jasmitnarula commented 1 year ago

User Testing Feedback from Jacklyn (PurposeMed)


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▪︎ Single sign on ▪︎ Layouts ▪︎ Finds FAQ helpful (especially info on how scores are collected) ▪︎ Overall colors

Suggestions 🤕

□ Prompts: ▪︎ Needs to provide more information ▪︎ Use more HR terminology ▪︎ Expect to answer more in chat itself instead of referring to Support & FAQ ▪︎ Provide a list of recommendations (like ChatGPT)

jasmitnarula commented 1 year ago

User Testing Feedback from Nevada (MRU)


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▪︎ Layout ▪︎ Chat History/Prompts

Suggestions 🤕

▪︎ Ability to customize colors for clients ▪︎ Prompts to use more HR related terminology ▪︎ Need to know more about security and privacy ▪︎ Would prefer a mobile app

~ Design ◇ Setting Icon ◇ White Chat Background

Likely to use this app and refer to others.

ollysamm commented 1 year ago

Great notes @jasmitnarula. A side note about Nevada, he also wants to start his own coaching and consultancy. This is likely why he wants admin access to be able to customise the colours for his clients - something like this could be a potential selling feature for businesses "bleed" their company colours in their workplace culture. Perhaps another item to be included in our report and left in backlog.