olmokramer / atom-autohide-tree-view

Hides most of the tree view, reveal it on hover
MIT License
38 stars 7 forks source link

Not working #49

Open Malfinio opened 9 years ago

Malfinio commented 9 years ago

Hello, I just installed your package and ... it's not working. I restarted Atom, but nothing change...It's a bug or one must enable it somewhere? (package is enabled in settings ...)

olmokramer commented 9 years ago

It should enable right after it is installed... If you search the command palette for Autohide Tree View, does it list any commands? Also, what version of Atom and OS are you running? And could you list the packages you have installed?

enoversum commented 7 years ago

@olmokramer I installed it on a Beta version three weeks ago, it shows up in the packages list, but it doesn't have any effect so far. I can change the settings, but the tree view won't hide. Also, no autohide-related commands in the palette so far. It is installed and enabled. Is this possibly a known bug with the latest version? Or do you have any idea of interference with other packages?