olodrim / kata

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3 Code Kata: Ramas #3

Open olodrim opened 4 years ago

olodrim commented 4 years ago

Generar Ramas

git branch git branch --help

En nuestra rama master git log Vemos el historial de cambios (Autor, SHA, y donde está el HEAD) git branch Lista las ramas disponibles

Creando commits en rama 1

Respaldo de rama para futuros trabajos

git branch feature/rama2 git branch : Comprobamos que la rama exista git checkout feature/rama2 git push origin feature/rama2

git branch feature/rama3 git branch : Comprobamos que la rama exista git checkout feature/rama3 git push origin feature/rama3

Generamos push de rama para ver en github

git push origin feature/rama1

Fin ???

Cosas Extras

Cherrypick Existe Gitflow Hubflow Pero esto puede ser otro code kata

olodrim commented 4 years ago

Alias git

$ git config --global alias.co checkout $ git config --global alias.br branch $ git config --global alias.ci commit $ git config --global alias.st status

olodrim commented 4 years ago

Renombrar Tags de git Here is quick tip to rename a git tag in the remote repo.

Step 1: Create a new tag on the same commit point of old tag and push it, git tag new_tag old_tag git push --tags

Step 2: Delete the old tag from local repo. git tag -d old_tag

Step 3: Delete the old tag from remote repo. git push origin :refs/tags/old_tag

You can verify the changes made, by executing the below command. It shows all remote tags: git ls-remote --tags origin

olodrim commented 4 years ago

GIT REBASE multiple

Quiero hacer un rebase con mi proia rama para squashar N commits git rebase -i HEAD~3

olodrim commented 3 years ago

git commit --amend --author "Stephanie Burckhardt stephanie.burckhardt@beetrack.com" --no-edit && \

olodrim commented 3 years ago

git commit --amend --author "Stephanie Burckhardt stephanie.burckhardt@beetrack.com" --no-edit && \ git rebase --continue