olofk / corescore

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added support for TrenzElectronics MAX1000 #36

Closed binderalexander closed 2 years ago

binderalexander commented 2 years ago

I tried it on a TrenzElectronics MAX1000 Board which features a Intel Max10 with 8k LEs.

These are my results: max1000_corey

Fitter Status : Successful - Wed Sep 29 13:39:10 2021 Quartus Prime Version : 20.1.1 Build 720 11/11/2020 SJ Lite Edition Revision Name : corescore_0 Top-level Entity Name : corescore_max1000 Family : MAX 10 Device : 10M08SAU169C8G Timing Models : Final Total logic elements : 7,636 / 8,064 ( 95 % ) Total combinational functions : 6,976 / 8,064 ( 87 % ) Dedicated logic registers : 5,347 / 8,064 ( 66 % ) Total registers : 5347 Total pins : 3 / 130 ( 2 % ) Total virtual pins : 0 Total memory bits : 44,032 / 387,072 ( 11 % ) Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements : 0 / 48 ( 0 % ) Total PLLs : 1 / 1 ( 100 % ) UFM blocks : 0 / 1 ( 0 % ) ADC blocks : 0 / 1 ( 0 % )

olofk commented 2 years ago

Fantastic. Looks perfectly fine and I've been curious how big the max10 chips are.

Many thanks for your contribution. Picked and pushed!