olofk / edalize

An abstraction library for interfacing EDA tools
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Support Synopsys Design Compiler (DC) for Synthesis #89

Open imphil opened 4 years ago

imphil commented 4 years ago

We need support for Synopsys Design Compiler for synthesis. This will most likely be a rather minimal backend, where only the filelist is coming from edalize, all other configuration is done by specifying a TCL file with the appropriate flow.

msfschaffner commented 4 years ago

@olofk, if you need someone to help with this (including running some tests) I can assist.

olofk commented 4 years ago

That would be excellent. DC is one of the most requested tools. I very much appreciate the offer to help since I don't have access to the tool myself

msfschaffner commented 4 years ago

Ok so DC is a bit tricky, since in addition to the tool flow itself, you need to set up technology specific libraries to make this work. Hence, it is in general not possible to provide a "default" flow that will just run out of the box. The user always has to supply a minimum amount of info about his technology setup.

The flow could be built on top of what is provided for AscentLint at the moment.

It would be great to support three modes here:

  1. batch
  2. interactive shell
  3. gui

For 1. and 2., the tool can be invoked as follows (just the exit statement should not be inserted into the runfile for 2.)

TERM="dtterm" dc_shell-xg-t $@ -f synth.tcl | tee synth.log

For 3., and additional -gui switch is required

TERM="dtterm" dc_shell-xg-t $@ -f synth.tcl -gui | tee synth.log

The terminal setting is a bit peculiar, but required such that the DC shell works correctly.

The main run file is synth.tcl and is meant to contain a simple synthesis flow.


# this is a setup script that the user needs to provide (see template below). 
source setup.tcl

# paths
set DDCDIR   "DDC"

exec mkdir -p ${REPDIR} ${DDCDIR} ${VLOGDIR} ${WORKLIB}

# define work lib path
define_design_lib WORK -path $WORKLIB


# define the top level 

# read source list generated by fusesoc
set fp [open [ls "*.scr"] r]
set file_data [read $fp]
close $fp
set data [split $file_data "\n"]

# if needed, this define can be used to selects the appropriate technology 
# by defining PRIM_DEFAULT_IMPL=prim_pkg::Impl<tech identifier>
# TECH_LIB_SEL is set inside the library setup script

# parse out the SV +defines that Fusesoc puts into the source list
set SRC {}
foreach item $data {
    if {[string range $item 0 7] == "+define+"}  {
        set DEFINE "${DEFINE}[string range $item 8 end] "
    } else {
        lappend SRC $item

# additional parameter override (empty at the moment, 
# could be passed through by fusesoc as well in a similar way as +define)
set PARAMS ""


# delete previous designs.
remove_design -designs
sh rm -rf $WORKLIB/*

analyze -define ${DEFINE} -format sv ${SRC}    > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_analyze.rpt"
elaborate  ${TOP_ENTITY} -parameters ${PARAMS} > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_elab.rpt"
link                                           > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_link.rpt"

write_file -format ddc -hierarchy -output "${DDCDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_elab.ddc"
write_file -format verilog -hierarchy -output "${DDCDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_elab.v"


# user needs to supply a constraints file, see below for a template
source constraints.tcl

##    MAP DESIGN    ##

# gate_clock, scan and no_autoungroup are all options that are typically used
# maybe we can add a tool parameter like "compile_ultra_switches", which contains a list of these
compile_ultra -gate_clock -scan -no_autoungroup > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_compile.rpt"

##   REPORTS   ##

# write NAND2 equivalent to file for the reporting scripts
sh echo ${NAND2_GATE_EQUIVALENT} > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_gate_equiv.rpt"

report_clocks                                 > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_clocks.rpt"
report_timing -nosplit -slack_lesser_than 0.0 > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_timing.rpt"
report_area   -hier -nosplit                  > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_area.rpt"
report_power  -hier -nosplit                  > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_power.rpt"
report_constraints -all_violators             > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_constraints.rpt"

report_timing      -nosplit -nworst 1000 -input -net -trans -cap > "${REPDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_timing_long.rpt"

##   NETLIST   ##

change_names -rules verilog -hierarchy
write_file -format ddc     -hierarchy -output "${DDCDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_mapped.ddc"
write_file -format verilog -hierarchy -output "${VLOGDIR}/${TOP_ENTITY}_mapped.v"

# do not include in interactive modes

the user must provide the two TCL files setup.tcl and constraints.tcl for this to work.

the setup file should look as follows:

##    TOOL SETUP      ##

# this depends #available licenses and compute environment
set_host_options -max_cores 1

##   LIBRARY SETUP    ##

# path to synopsys installation
# paths to standard cell and sram db files
# this is just an example

# library name prefix

# corners to use
# it is advisible to use worst case 
# (i.e. wc or ss corners at high temp like 125c)
# select memory corners

# this could eventually be moved into .synopsys_dc.setup
set search_path [list .                                  \
                      "${SYNOPSYS_PATH}/libraries/syn"   \
                      "${SYNOPSYS_PATH}/dw/sim_ver"      \
                      ${STDCELL_DB_PATH} ${SRAM_DB_PATH} ]

set target_library [list "${VARIANT}_${STDCELL_CORNER}.db" \
                         "<MACRO_NAME>_${SRAM_CORNER}.db"  ]

set synthetic_library [list dw_foundation.sldb]
set synlib_wait_for_design_license [list "DesignWare-Foundation"]
set link_library [concat [concat "*" $target_library] $synthetic_library]
set symbol_library [list generic.sdb]

# used to constrain IOs in constraints
set load_lib "${VARIANT}_${STDCELL_CORNER}"
set driving_cell <NAME_OF_DRIVING_CELL>
set load_cell    <NAME_OF_LOAD_CELL>

# a NAND2 gate equivalent in this tech (for reporting purposes)
# this the area [um^2] of a Nand2 x1 gate

note that the tool setup could also be moved into a file named .synopsys_dc.setup which DC will automatically source upon startup. the above method is however more explicit and probably better suited to the fusesoc flow (.-prefixed files are not always well visible when browsing the directory).

the constraints file should look as follows:

# set primary clock and reset name
set CLK_PIN clk_i
set RST_PIN rst_ni

# timing constraint in ns 
set TCK     10.0
set IN_DEL  2.0
set OUT_DEL 2.0
set DELAY   ${TCK}

# define a primary clock
create_clock ${CLK_PIN} -period ${TCK}

# assume these nets are ideal during synthesis
set_ideal_network ${CLK_PIN}
set_ideal_network ${RST_PIN}

# constrain all combinatorial paths
set_max_delay ${DELAY} -from [all_inputs] -to [all_outputs]
set_input_delay ${IN_DEL} [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] {${CLK_PIN}}] -clock ${CLK_PIN}
set_output_delay ${OUT_DEL}  [all_outputs] -clock ${CLK_PIN}

# input/output pins of stdcells are typically labelled with A,X,Y,Z or similar
set_driving_cell  -no_design_rule -lib_cell ${driving_cell} -pin X [all_inputs]
set_load [load_of ${load_lib}/${load_cell}/A] [all_outputs]
msfschaffner commented 4 years ago

Let me know if you need more info or whether I should test something.

I still need to think about how we can check for success at the end of the flow...