olofk / fusesoc

Package manager and build abstraction tool for FPGA/ASIC development
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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add svf-file generation #131

Closed frantony closed 7 years ago

frantony commented 7 years ago

@olofk Most of the time I use openocd to burn Altera's FPGA (e.g. I use Raspberry Pi for burning FPGA and can't run Quartus on it). Can we add svf-file generation feature to fusesoc? Just now I use this patch:

--- a/fusesoc/build/quartus.py
+++ b/fusesoc/build/quartus.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class Quartus(Backend):


-all: sta
+all: svf

 project: $(TCL_FILE)
        quartus_sh $(QUARTUS_OPTIONS) -t $(DESIGN_NAME).tcl
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ asm: fit
 sta: asm
        quartus_sta $(QUARTUS_OPTIONS) $(DESIGN_NAME)

+svf: sta
+       quartus_cpf -c -n p -q 2MHz -g 3.3 $(DESIGN_NAME).sof $(DESIGN_NAME).svf
        rm -rf *.* db incremental_db

I think that the patch is not perfect (e.g. hardcoding -q 2MHz -g 3.3 is a bad solution, I have to move this options to configuration file).

Any suggestions?

olofk commented 7 years ago


That's one way to solve your issue, but I'm always hesitating a bit to add more options directly into FuseSoC and prefer to keep these things in tcl files whenever possible. For example, I have a similar situation where I need to generate an rbf file with quartus. To do this, I add set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_RBF_FILE ON to one of the tcl files that is loaded from FuseSoC (to load a tcl file, add it to a fileset or create a new one, and set usage=quartus and file_type=tclSource). I haven't checked, but there is likely some way to do this. Another option would be to create a script that runs quartus_cpf and add it to the core file as a post_impl_script in the [scripts] section

frantony commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion!

I have found GENERATE_CONFIG_SVF_FILE and GENERATE_SVF_FILE options in the Quartus Prime Settings File Reference Manual. I have enabled these options and svf-files were succesfully generated without any changes in the fusesoc codes.