olofk / fusesoc

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How to use coregen provider ? #134

Closed Fatsie closed 7 years ago

Fatsie commented 7 years ago

I am trying to use coregen from a core file using the coregen provider. This is the .core file:

name = freecores.github.io:t80:Z80Rom
description = ROM for Z80 debug
simulators = isim

[provider coregen]
script_file = syn/xilinx/coregen/Z80Rom.xco
project_file = syn/xilinx/coregen/Atlys.cgp

For the t80 core I have the following depend in the [main] section:

depend = freecores.github.io:t80:Z80Rom

When trying to simulate the top core with isim the files are not generated:

$ fusesoc sim --build-only freecores.github.io:t80:T80
INFO:  Preparing freecores.github.io:t80:Z80Rom:0
INFO:  Preparing freecores.github.io:t80:T80:0

Running: /home/eda/software/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/unwrapped/fuse TestBench -prj isim.prj -o fusesoc.elf 
ISim P.20131013 (signature 0xfbc00daa)
Number of CPUs detected in this system: 4
Turning on mult-threading, number of parallel sub-compilation jobs: 8 
Determining compilation order of HDL files
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80_Pack.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/GBse.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T8080se.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80_ALU.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80a.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80_MCode.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80_Reg.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80sed.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80se.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80s.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T80.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/Z80.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/SSRAM.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/T16450.vhd" into library work
Parsing VHDL file "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/DebugSystem.vhd" into library work
ERROR:HDLCompiler:104 - "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/DebugSystem.vhd" Line 116: Cannot find <z80rom> in library <work>. Please ensure that the library was compiled, and that a library and a use clause are present in the VHDL file.
ERROR:HDLCompiler:854 - "../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/DebugSystem.vhd" Line 33: Unit <struct> ignored due to previous errors.
VHDL file ../src/freecores.github.io_t80_T80_0/rtl/vhdl/DebugSystem.vhd ignored due to errors
ERROR: Failed to build simulation model
ERROR: Failed to compile Isim simulation model

DebugSystem.vhd is where the Z80Rom block is used

Fatsie commented 7 years ago

Ok found first error, the following

[provider coregen]

should be

name = coregen

With this change I still does not seem to get the right combination of fileset and this provider to in the end be able to generate the files and be used in the parent core.

olofk commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. You need to add the HDL files that are generated by coregen to a fileset in the z80rom core, as FuseSoC has no knowledge of this otherwise

Fatsie commented 7 years ago

Can you be more specific in how to specify them or a working .core file of a RAM done with coregen ? Either it just seems fusesoc copies the already generated files without running the coregen or it tries to run coregen but that errors out with syn/xilinx/ROM80.xco. What is actually the file_type to use for specifying the .xco file ?

olofk commented 7 years ago

ok, I looked into this a bit more and I got two answers for you. First of all, assuming it's this https://github.com/freecores/t80/ repo you're using, it's not a coregen ROM you are supposed to use. I'll send my findings in a mail, since it's a bit off-topic to this issue.

For the coregen provider in general, it works in two steps. First step is to generate the HDL code from the IP description files. The IP description files are the .xco and cgp files as you have correctly written in the [provider] section. This will only be done once, and the generated IP will be placed in your cache. Check ~/.cache/fusesoc/freecores.github.io_t80_Z80Rom_0. From now on FuseSoC will see that this directory exists and will not regenerate the IP unless you remove the directory. For the next step, FuseSoC will need to know which HDL files that were generated by coregen. I tried to launch coregen and generate a ROM IP with the "Block Memory Generator". There will be a lot of generated files, but the only file you'll likely need for ISE and ISIm is the one in the root directory which has the same name as you chose for the IP core when you generated it

Fatsie commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to provide the T80 as a github hosted .core. Depending on custom C++ code needing configuration of compiler + Makefiles etc. does not fit in this. That's why I am trying to generate the ROM with coregen from out of FuseSoC. In the end I think we should have even a more generic ROM generator not (directly) depending on Xilinx specific tools.

I have indeed an empty directory for the coregen core in ~/.cache, I think this should be removed if coregen fails or better check if needed files are there and redo the coregen if not. Will see what I can do and also see if I can get the coregen core working now.

Edit: after I deleted the empty directory I again get error:

  File "/home/eda/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/fusesoc/provider/coregen.py", line 16, in fetch
  File "/home/eda/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/fusesoc/provider/coregen.py", line 32, in _checkout
    shutil.copyfile(f_src, f_dst)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/shutil.py", line 115, in copyfile
    with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/eda/.cache/fusesoc/freecores.github.io_t80_ROM80_0/syn/xilinx/coregen/ROM80.xco'

After further investigation I think this error is becuase ROM80.xco is in a subdirectory that does not exists yet. Will see how to fix it.

olofk commented 7 years ago

Agree. FuseSoC should be smarter about this and not assume the core is working if the directory exists. Cache handling needs more love in several areas

Also agree that custom c++ is really unnecessary here, and using coregen is bad too, since it limits the number of simulators we can use. I propose that we use a verilog module here that can be fed with a parameter containing the initial memory contents. This is super easy and is the way I usually do this for other systems. The reason for using verilog here is that we can use $readmemh, and VHDL doesn't have a similar standard for prepopulating memories. A simplified version of https://github.com/olofk/or1k_bootloaders/blob/master/wb_bootrom.v would work

olofk commented 7 years ago

Because even if you use coregen, you still have the problem of how to fill the contents of the ROM

Fatsie commented 7 years ago

Will look at pure verilog but this assumes all synthesis flow do the proper thing with $readmemh, as I also want to target ASICs I'm not sure how valid this assumption is. Another problem is that the open source synthesis flows for ASICs or simulators don't handle mixed Verilog/VHDL sources at the moment. Anyway I provided pull request #135 for the path generation of coregen anyway and this issue can be closed for the moment.