olofk / fusesoc

Package manager and build abstraction tool for FPGA/ASIC development
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Question: How to cache VUnit files between builds? #592

Open creiter64 opened 1 year ago

creiter64 commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I have fusesoc setup to build my core, including a target to run testbenches via VUnit.

My *.core file looks something like this:

name: fancy::testcore:0.0.1
description: Fancy test core

      - design/fance_core.vhd
    file_type: vhdlSource
    logical_name: abc

      - testbench/fancy_core_tb.vhd
    file_type: vhdlSource

  default: &default
      - rtl
    toplevel: fancy_top

  # The "sim" target simulates the design.
  sim: &sim
    # Copy all key/value pairs from the "default" target.
    <<: *default
    description: Simulate the design
    default_tool: vunit
      - tb
    toplevel: fancy_top_tb

Now the problem is, that if I execute the sim target, the complete VUnit dependency is always re-compiled, which takes significantly longer than running the testbench itself. Is there any way to cache the compiled VUnit library? This behavior occurs with both GHDL and Questa, so I think this has something to do with FuseSoc.

dustex commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue and would be very interested if there is a way around this.

olofk commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is a weakness with FuseSoC. It is something I hope to fix next year though. Working on a roadmap so it's easier for everyone to see