olofson / eel

The Extensible Embeddable Language for scripting in realtime applications
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TIPE: Parameter modulators, with custom function support #102

Open olofson opened 8 years ago

olofson commented 8 years ago

Some of the layer parameters support either fixed values or arrays for indexing and/or interpolation. This functionality is mostly hardwired, with separate control parameters in some cases.

TIPE should also support functions - built-in and custom - with parameters. One option is to pass a table containing the desired function (probably best referred to by name as a string, for the built-in ones, and an actual "OOP method style" function for custom ones), along with any optional named parameters for the function. The function will be called for each frame, with the frame index, the parameter table, and possibly some other arguments, and should return the target parameter value.

Built-in modulator functions would be "select" (picks nearest value from array mapped over frames), "interpolate" (mapping of array over frames through linear interpolation), and various basic math functions. ("select" and "interpolate" would correspond to/replace the current array functionality, along with their related offset and wrap control parameters.)