olragon / graphql_api

GraphQL for Drupal 7
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Field Collections working? #22

Open njt1982 opened 5 years ago

njt1982 commented 5 years ago

~Does this mean Field Collections are not supported?~


This is not related ^ :)

The value/revision_id always seem to be null?

Bug fixes in PR #24 and #23

njt1982 commented 5 years ago

I've just tried running this (actual collection name "redacted" to blah):

query {
  field_collection_item_field_blah(item_id: "4") {

and I get this:

  "errors": [
      "debugMessage": "Argument 2 passed to field_collection_item_access() must be an instance of FieldCollectionItemEntity or null, instance of EntityDrupalWrapper given, called in /var/www/example/sites/all/modules/contrib/entity/entity.module on line 661",
      "message": "Internal server error",
      "category": "internal",
      "locations": [
          "line": 4,
          "column": 3
      "path": [
  "data": {
    "field_collection_item_field_blah": null
  "debug": {
    "schemaBuildTime": 0.017588138580322266,
    "queryTime": 0.020380020141601562,
    "totalTime": 0.03798794746398926,
    "Drupal\\graphql_api\\Schema::addFieldDefs": 0.0019948482513427734,
    "addEntityGqlDefinition": 0.0001990795135498047,
    "buildInterfaceTypes": 0.003615140914916992,
    "buildObjectTypes": 0.0002658367156982422,
    "drupalAlter": 0.0002930164337158203,
    "GraphQLSchema": 0.0044689178466796875,
    "getMutation": 0.004148006439208984
njt1982 commented 5 years ago

I've opened a PR for that access bug (#23 ) and I think the null value problem is larger than Field Collections as I'm getting it on a text field too. I think #15 is relevant here too?

(I know node 6 has data on this field; I can see it in the database ;) )

query {
  node(nid:"6") {
    field_teaser_text {


  "data": {
    "node": [
        "nid": "6",
        "title": "EXAMPLE TITLE",
        "field_teaser_text": {
          "value": null,
          "format": null
  "debug": {
    "schemaBuildTime": 0.015606164932250977,
    "queryTime": 0.05906796455383301,
    "totalTime": 0.07468700408935547,
    "Drupal\\graphql_api\\Schema::addFieldDefs": 0.002022981643676758,
    "addEntityGqlDefinition": 0.0002880096435546875,
    "buildInterfaceTypes": 0.0030100345611572266,
    "buildObjectTypes": 0.0001671314239501953,
    "drupalAlter": 0.00018596649169921875,
    "GraphQLSchema": 0.004231929779052734,
    "getMutation": 0.002835988998413086
njt1982 commented 5 years ago

Ok so the issue appears to be in here: https://github.com/olragon/graphql_api/blob/c1590e8/src/Schema.php#L1541-L1544

If I change/hack that to: return ['value' => $items];

Then my field_teaser_text has a value...

Not entirely sure how you get the raw field values (value and format, for example) from Entity Wrapper...

EDIT: See PR #24

njt1982 commented 5 years ago

I think this can be closed in favour of the open PRs now?