olsak / OpTeX

OpTeX - LuaTeX format with extended Plain TeX macros
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Fraktur and caligraphic for alternative fonts #31

Closed gromadan closed 3 years ago

gromadan commented 3 years ago

Again, not really a bug, but a slight user unfriendliness: If you use a unicode font that does not contain caligraphic letters or fraktur, then the commands \cal and \frak stop working. I think that it would be better if the font files loaded some alternative in this case.

[You could argue that its the users choice to use a font family that does not contain these variants. Partially it is true, but on the other hand, in the definition of \slides, you are pushing the user to use Heros instead of LM. A naive user, who does not care, which fonts they are actually using, may be then a bit disappointed that \cal and \frak stopped working.]

olsak commented 3 years ago

I added XITSMath font loading when FiraMath is loaded in Heros. This is only first attempt to solution. I know that FiraMath is very poor Math font: many standard math symbols are missing here. It will be needed to do more elaborate solution for this poor FiraMath font. Another solution is mentioned at OpteX trick 0030. Unfortunately, there is no alternative math font for sans-serif. This is due to the fact, that the Math Unicode standard mentions serifed alphabets in Math fonts explicitly. FiraMath is only one font not meeting the standard in this case.