olsak / OpTeX

OpTeX - LuaTeX format with extended Plain TeX macros
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Italic uppercase Greek letters #38

Closed cao- closed 3 years ago

cao- commented 3 years ago

I get opposite behaviour on uppercase Greek letters when using \it if a unicode font family is loaded. Try to see the output of the following lines with and without the \fontfam[lm] line.





amstex defines the command \varOmega to obtain the italic Omega in math mode, and similar commands for the other letters. Maybe adding them into OpTeX too would be useful.

olsak commented 3 years ago

Thank for this report.

When \fontfam[lm] is present then $\it\Omega$ should be italic Omega. I corrected this by my last commit.

When \fontfam[lm] is not present then \it\Omega (otside math mode) behaves strangely, but I don't know the exact expected behavior becaue it is not defined with 7bit fonts. Classical TeX repors error here.