olvid-io / olvid-android

Olvid for Android
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Ajout d'Olvid sur F-Droid #2

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago


Je suis très content de voir qu'Olvid est enfin devenu open-source :)

Pourriez-vous svp l'ajouter sur F-Droid ?

C'est un magasin d'applications alternatif qui regroupe des applications open-source.

Voici un lien pour le faire : https://f-droid.org/en/contribute/

Cela permettrait notamment de pouvoir obtenir Olvid sans passer par le Google Play Store.

finiasz commented 2 years ago

Oui, nous comptons le faire, mais il y a encore un peu de travail pour cela ! Si on regarde la page https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Inclusion_Policy/ il y a pas mal de choses en plus de simplement publier le code de l'application :

Bref, nous allons voir quand nous aurons le temps d'avancer sur cela, et après, bien sûr, nous ferons la demande pour être inclus sur F-Droid.

ghost commented 2 years ago

D'accord, merci J'espère que cela pourra se faire assez rapidement !

kumy commented 2 years ago

While still working on having it officially included in F-droid, maybe you could check with @IzzySoft to have builds hosted there or create your own f-droid repository?

Also if you could attach OSS builds on Github releases, that would be awesome! (And a requirement to get included in IzzySoft)

I've also created an issue here: https://gitlab.com/IzzyOnDroid/repo/-/issues/221

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

If you do, please first take care for these:

Offending libs:
* BillingClient (/com/android/billingclient): NonFreeDep,NonFreeNet
* Firebase Data Transport (/com/google/android/datatransport): NonFreeNet
* Google Mobile Services (/com/google/android/gms): NonFreeDep
* Google API Client Libraries (/com/google/api/client): NonFreeNet
* Firebase (/com/google/firebase): NonFreeNet,NonFreeDep
* Google Drive API (/com/google/api/services/drive): NonFreeDep,NonFreeNet

6 offenders.

which currently taint your app, making it non-FOSS (those libs are "free" like "free beer", but not libre). Then, I could take a per-ABI build into my repo (or one that covers both ARM archs but leaves out the x86 ones, for size reasons – the current APK size is already hard at the limit of 30M).

finiasz commented 2 years ago

Thanks @IzzySoft for listing these. We currently have some high priority taks in our roadmap we need to focus on, but we will try building a flavor of the app that does not include these libs. Also, regarding the size of the apk, the next release of Olvid will be integrating the new emoji2 lib from AndroidX, with a bundled font: this will probably increase the size of the apk by quite a lot (my current all archs apk sits at 39MB)!

IzzySoft commented 2 years ago

@finiasz all at your schedule, of course. As the Debian folks use to say: "It's ready when it's ready". Thanks for taking care! With an overall size of almost 40M (see @kumy – that's what I meant with "size won't decrease"). If you want to go straight for F-Droid, there is no "technical size issue". But if you want to start with a test-drive via my repo, I'd definitely need per-ABI builds then (and would pick the ARMv7 one as it covers the most devices); each of them will then probably be around 20..25M with the new library I guess…

rzr commented 2 years ago

Related-to: https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/reports/search/io.olvid.messenger/

finiasz commented 2 years ago

Well, in part related only :) The tracker found by exodus is a false positive. The OpenTelemetry tracker found is a dependency of the Google Drive library, but is not used as a tracker by this library.

But indeed, the Google Drive library has to be removed for F-Droid.

BaptisteRichard commented 2 years ago

Gentle bump here, as I'm really looking forward to using Olvid once it's entirely free of google libraries :)

Poussinou commented 1 year ago

Could you please in the meantime attach a signed release APK to your releases so that people without Play Store can still download, use and update your app easily?

rzr commented 1 year ago

May we create an other issue to make "offenders" optional at build time then a new ticket could be created at f-droid tracker ?


finiasz commented 1 year ago

The latest release contains a new "nogoogle" flavor which should remove most offenders. If there are still some, please let us know in this thread!

IzzySoft commented 1 year ago

I cannot verify as no (signed release) APKs are attached to that release (see #3 and #6). If you let me know once they're available, I gladly take another look.

Morse6690 commented 1 year ago

Hi Devs. Just wondering if there was any further news on this one?

finiasz commented 1 year ago

Hi, I spent some more time checking the feasibility. The nogoogle flavor of the app should be compatible in terms of licence and dependencies and the app build process seems to work in the gitlab CI. However, publishing the app on F-Droid requires rebuilding everything from source inside the CI, including WebRTC and sqlite-JDBC (which has .so libraries that are not accepted by the CI when bundled in the app source code).

We unfortunately do not have time to work on this at the moment, but the topic is not closed! We still want to publish our app on F-Droid some day.

Neustradamus commented 11 months ago

To follow this ticket.