olvidalo / obsidian-chord-sheets

Work with chord sheets (chords over lyrics or inline in brackets) in Obsidian: Chord diagrams for guitar, ukulele and mandolin, transpose, autoscroll and more. Works in Live Preview and reading mode.
MIT License
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Baritone Ukulele #11

Open mulhoon opened 1 month ago

mulhoon commented 1 month ago

This is so amazing! Great work on this plugin, just what I needed.

It would be awesome to be able to change to a baritone uke (D-G-B-E).

Is that even possible to achieve code-wise?

Thanks again

olvidalo commented 1 month ago

In theory that would be possible. The data for the chord diagrams come from my fork of @tombatossals chords database. So this would be the place to add a new instrument with its corresponding chords. I've done it before for mandolin, see this commit as a reference. Once the bariton uke chords are in there, I can add them to the plugin.

If you like, take a stab at it and open a pull request. Or, if you know of any machine-readable data in whatever format for chord shapes and fingerings for bariton uke, let me know and I can transform it to the format that the chords db needs.