omaha-consulting / omaha-server

Google Omaha ("Chromium Update") server
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Linux- Resource temporarily unavailable - Google Omaha Server deployment using supervisord #369

Open shishirsasal8 opened 2 years ago

shishirsasal8 commented 2 years ago

Use Case: We are trying to deploy google omaha server using supervisord along with celery in RHEL8 AWS instance.For this is have installed suprvisord, celery and all the required dependent components and configured the supervisor.conf file to run Omaha and celery FYI- Omaha server am trying to deploy will be used for our windows application automatic update by downloading the build from omaha server.

Issue: When supervisord is started we get the status as running FYI- supervisord status But the issue is when the omaha server is accessed from the browser via nginx it gives "504 Gateway Time-out". We have checked nginx is working for other services.In the omaha server logs we see this Omaha server issue when tried to reach via browser

Steps we have tried to resolve the issue:

1.Modify the uwsgi.ini file with the property listen=200

  1. $ sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=200 3.Increase system disk space 4.Increase system memory from 200mb to 3gb before staritng the omaha server 5.Applogies if the question is not in the proper format. Please let us know if any more details are required.
mherrmann commented 2 years ago

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