omar-polo / gmid

a Gemini server
ISC License
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Official docker/OCI container #29

Closed ivanov17 closed 1 month ago

ivanov17 commented 1 month ago

Is there any plans to provide an official docker/OCI container for gmid?

Thank you.

omar-polo commented 1 month ago

great timing, i was just thinking to add a workflow to publish an image to the github registry. would that work for you?

omar-polo commented 1 month ago

I've added a new workflow that pushes an image to the github registry, it should be publicly available, see

unfortunately out-of-the-box it's not really useful, since it contains a self-signed cert for "localhost", but if new certs are mounted over it could work.

I'm open to any suggestions to improve the default image :)

ivanov17 commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much! I'll try it soon. If I have any ideas, I'll write to you and try to create a pull request.

omar-polo commented 1 month ago

will count on it ;)

I'm going to close this as completed then, thanks