omaralvarez / deluge-autoremoveplus

Auto removing of deluge torrents
152 stars 61 forks source link

Different seed time if search query is found in Title #33

Open camjac251 opened 7 years ago

camjac251 commented 7 years ago

I was hoping to have this as a feature since it would be very useful since the current seedtime that I have set is only for a few torrents, some others don't require this long.

Would it be possible to say if it detects an SnnEnn (n meaning a variable from 00 to say 50) that it could then have a custom set shorter seedtime?

omaralvarez commented 7 years ago

This is certainly possible, but I am really sorry to say that I don't know when will I have time to work on this project. I am working full time and in my spare time working on my PhD, I don't have much spare time for my other projects.

LSL1337 commented 7 years ago

I'd like this as well. as season packs need longer seed time than normal episodes.

GL on your PHD.