omaralvarez / deluge-autoremoveplus

Auto removing of deluge torrents
152 stars 61 forks source link

Add minimum time after completion #34

Open mooop12 opened 7 years ago

mooop12 commented 7 years ago

Basically how I want to set up my rules is: (ratio > 1.0 && date_completed > 1 day) || date_completed > 30 days. I want it like that so my downloader has a chance to parse the files in a rare case where the ratio is already larger than 1.0 when the torrent has finished downloading. Is there any chance of adding this functionality?

omaralvarez commented 7 years ago

This would probably require to revamp the rule parsing engine. Maybe implementing advanced text queries. I would love to knock this one down since it also is related to other issue. But, I am working full time and in my spare time now have to work on my PhD, so I don't have much spare time for my other projects. In short, no idea when I will able to get back into this.