omaralvarez / deluge-autoremoveplus

Auto removing of deluge torrents
152 stars 61 forks source link

New filter suggestion #48

Open C3rberus9 opened 5 years ago

C3rberus9 commented 5 years ago


This is not really a bug, I just was wondering, if someone could implement a new filter... Because now if a torrent is seeded with high speeds, but meets the conditions, like ratio, seed time etc it still gets removed, but if a torrent is shit in upload speeds it gets removed aswell.

So it would be nice to have something like an exception for this. E.g. Exclude if upload speed greater than: x MB/s


shadycuz commented 5 years ago

I can probably look into adding this, but I'm not sure if @omaralvarez is still active.

Basically, we could have an option to except torrents over X upload speed. Should be possible to make happen.