omaralvarez / deluge-autoremoveplus

Auto removing of deluge torrents
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addremoveplus fails to remove downloaded torrents #65

Closed adefaria closed 2 years ago

adefaria commented 2 years ago

I use the AddRemovePlus (AR+) 0.6.1 with Deluge 2.0.4.dev56., I would like AR+ to remove the torrent and any files downloaded immediately after it's downloaded and imported by either Sonarr or Radarr. I've configured AR+ to enable both Sonarr and Radarr and provided their API keys. There's a Test button there but pressing it doesn't seem to do anything. There's also a Server URL field but I have no idea of what to put in there. I've tried various combinations of http[s]://(localhost|)/ and none of them give different results (pressing test does not indicate success or failure).

I'm not really interested in learning about seed time, ratio, etc. but will learn about them if required. I really just want to know what settings to set to achieve the desired result of removing what was downloaded immediately after it has been successfully transferred into my Plex library. As I understand it (and I could very well be wrong), Sonarr/Radarr searches for things using indexers and then inform download clients such as Deluge to download the media. After downloading completely Deluge tells Sonarr/Radarr that the torrent's been downloaded and Sonarr and Radarr then transfer the downloaded material such that Plex then indexes it and it's available to be watched. Doesn't Sonarr/Radarr inform Deluge that they've transferred the media successfully? And if so wouldn't the AR+ plugin spring into action? Why then doesn't it remove the torrent at the moment?!? I've tried waiting for a while, even overnight but the torrent remains.

How can I configure AR+ to do what I want?

adefaria commented 2 years ago

Well got it working but I don't know all the settings I fiddled with. I think the key was not in AddRemovePlus, oddly enough, rather in Deluge's settings for Queue. I basically set Share Ratio, Time Ratio, Time (m) all to 0, ticked on Share Ratio under Shar Ratio Reached, and set it to 0 as well as ticked on Remove torrent. That Remote Torrent option hints that perhaps I don't need AddRemovePlus at all. I need to test that.

In watching a torrent download, it gets put into the Paused state at 100% as the download speed slowly drops to 0. A few seconds later the torrent gets deleted.