omarbassam88 / lisp-spectrum

Exploring the Lisp Family of languages
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tinylisp #3

Open Malix-Labs opened 2 weeks ago

Malix-Labs commented 2 weeks ago

I don't know if it is out of scope, but I feel like tinylisp could be a wonderful addition to the spectrum

omarbassam88 commented 2 weeks ago

I haven't heard about it before but it looks like a very interesting project. Feel free to add a page if you want. But first let make sure we have answers to those questions:

  1. Is it actively maintained?
  2. Which standard of Lisp does it conform to? I'm guessing Scheme.
  3. How easy is it to install and run it?
  4. What about package management?
  5. Can you build useful things with it or is this just a tutorial on how to write a Lisp in C?

It also seems that there are two other related projects to this: lisp and lispcheney . Which one is the more complete project?

Malix-Labs commented 2 weeks ago
  1. All of them are "finished" in the way that maintaining doesn't make as much sense as much other projects
  2. Custom flavor, but conforming to John McCarthy's Lisp as much as possible
  3. AFAIU, you have to compile them yourself, which is not extremely hard given they are just some few C LOCs
  4. None, afaik
  5. They are more like extremely minimalists Lisp proof of concepts
  6. Tinylisp is 99 C LOC Lisp and Lispcheney are 1k LOC, but Lispcheney include Cheney's copying garbage collector See