hello, I'm a student who is learning AI.
I was download your code, but I have a problem about this code,
The paper saids "The loss function in this work is simply the summation of two terms, the classification loss(cross-entropy), and the regularization term(which is l2 norm of the weights in the last two fully-connected layers)"
In the main.py, I just see "the classification loss". Is there any particular reason for this?
hello, I'm a student who is learning AI. I was download your code, but I have a problem about this code, The paper saids "The loss function in this work is simply the summation of two terms, the classification loss(cross-entropy), and the regularization term(which is l2 norm of the weights in the last two fully-connected layers)" In the main.py, I just see "the classification loss". Is there any particular reason for this?
finally, thank you for your code contributions