omarsmak / kafka-consumer-lag-monitoring

Client tool that exports the consumer lag of Kafka consumer groups to Prometheus or your terminal
MIT License
50 stars 13 forks source link

docker build not working #35

Open ankujuniyal opened 2 years ago

ankujuniyal commented 2 years ago

docker run omarsmak/kafka-consumer-lag-monitoring-prometheus-native -p 9739:9739 \ -e kafka_bootstrap_servers=localhost:9092 \ -e = 200 \ -e monitoring_lag_consumer_groups="test*" \ -e monitoring_lag_prometheus_http_port=9739 \ -e monitoring_lag_logging_rootLogger_appenderRef_stdout_ref=LogToConsole \ -e monitoring_lag_logging_rootLogger_level=info

After this Getting this error

./application: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by ./application) ./application: Relink /usr/lib/' with/usr/glibc-compat/lib/' for IFUNC symbol `memset'

Docker version 20.10.8, build 3967b7d OS:- redhat 7.X