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Active voice, clarifications, clear examples #11

Open pburkholder opened 5 years ago

pburkholder commented 5 years ago

1) Regarding:

allow the end-user, product owner, or another person close to the mission, to rapidly provision systems or services from a shared pool of resources,

it's critical that cloud computing enable IT modernization, and is not simply moving workloads to "virtual remote datacenter." As shown by 2018 State of DevOps report only 22% of tech industry respondents had access to cloud meeting the 5 NIST criteria, but those who could use self-service, resource-pooled, measured-service, elastic cloud were 22x more likely to be elite performers.

2) Replace "traditional" -- traditions are social customs that span generations, and that's not true of any technology referenced here.

3) SaaSes included data and configuration from the customer

4) Examples of security, workforce and procurement. Original wording didn't make it clear that the examples were reinforcing the areas in the preceding paragraph.