ombre42 / robotframework-sudslibrary

Web service testing library for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Chinese parameter are instead by messy code on Call Soap Method. #24

Open LydiaWang0304 opened 8 years ago

LydiaWang0304 commented 8 years ago
  1. This is sending xml: Sending: <?xml version="1.0" ?> SOAP-ENV:Header/ ns0:Body ns1:saveOrder 867 物业费缴费 {"xm":"王朵7","fjh":"000007"} /ns1:saveOrder /ns0:Body /SOAP-ENV:Envelope Actual Result: ERROR : SOAP-ENV:Header/ ns0:Body ns1:saveOrder 867 \xe7\x89\xa9\xe4\xb8\x9a\xe8\xb4\xb9\xe7\xbc\xb4\xe8\xb4\xb9 {"xm":"\xe7\x8e\x8b\xe6\x9c\xb57","fjh":"000007"} /ns1:saveOrder /ns0:Body /SOAP-ENV:Envelope
LydiaWang0304 commented 8 years ago

Win 10 professional x64 Python 2.7.11 RIDE wxPython

ombre42 commented 7 years ago

I need more context to understand the problem. The extent of testing unicode characters can be found here: