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next-props in shouldComponentUpdate is not expected #816

Closed xfsnowind closed 7 years ago

xfsnowind commented 7 years ago

I tried to print the next-props in componentWillReceiveProps, it's the data I expected. but next-props in shouldComponentUpdate is the metadata (seems like):, check the below informations:

 #js {:omcljs$value #object[], :omcljs$instrument nil, :omcljs$reactKey nil, :omcljs$shared nil, :omcljs$path nil, :omcljs$reconciler{:config {:pathopt false, :id-key nil, :instrument nil, :merge-ident #object[om$next$default_merge_ident "function om$next$default_merge_ident(_,tree,ref,props){
}"], :merge-sends #object[Function "function (p1__24485_SHARP_,p2__24486_SHARP_){
}"], :remotes [:remote], :migrate #object[om$next$default_migrate "function om$next$default_migrate(var_args){
var args24407 = [];
var len__21513__auto___24454 = arguments.length;
var i__21514__auto___24455 = (0);
if((i__21514__auto___24455 < len__21513__auto___24454)){

var G__24456 = (i__21514__auto___24455 + (1));
i__21514__auto___24455 = G__24456;
} else {

var G__24409 = args24407.length;
switch (G__24409) {
case 3:

case 4:

throw (new Error([cljs.core.str("Invalid arity: "),cljs.core.str(args24407.length)].join('')));

}"], :easy-reads true, :history #object[], :state #object [cljs.core.Atom {:val {:countries-rounds [{:id "norge", :label "Norge", :rounds [{:id "round1", :label "Round 1"} {:id "round2", :label "Round 2"} {:id "round3", :label "Round 3"} {:id "round4", :label "Round 4"} {:id "round5", :label "Round 5"} {:id "round6", :label "Round 6"}]} {:id "kina", :label "Kina", :rounds [{:id "round1", :label "Round 1"} {:id "round2", :label "Round 2"} {:id "round4", :label "Round 4"} {:id "round5", :label "Round 5"} {:id "round6", :label "Round 6"}]} {:id "japan", :label "Japan", :rounds [{:id "round2", :label "Round 2"} {:id "round3", :label "Round 3"} {:id "round5", :label "Round 5"} {:id "round6", :label "Round 6"}]}], :groups-variables [{:id "VG1", :label "Adminstrative variables; country, identifications numbers, editions. Automatically included in data file.", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1139, :name "cntry", :label "Country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 2, :name "cname", :label "Title of cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 3, :name "cedition", :label "Edition of cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 4, :name "cproddat", :label "Production date of cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 5, :name "cseqno", :label "Respondent's sequence number in cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 6, :name "name", :label "Title of dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 7, :name "essround", :label "ESS round"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 8, :name "edition", :label "Edition"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 9, :name "idno", :label "Respondent's identification number"}]} {:id "VG2", :label "Design, post-stratification and population weights. Automatically included in data file.", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 10, :name "dweight", :label "Design weight"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 11, :name "pspwght", :label "Post-stratification weight including design weight"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 12, :name "pweight", :label "Population size weight (must be combined with dweight or pspwght)"}]} {:id "VG3", :label "Media use and trust", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 13, :name "tvtot", :label "TV watching, total time on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 14, :name "tvpol", :label "TV watching, news/politics/current affairs on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 15, :name "rdtot", :label "Radio listening, total time on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 16, :name "rdpol", :label "Radio listening, news/ politics/current affairs on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 17, :name "nwsptot", :label "Newspaper reading, total time on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 18, :name "nwsppol", :label "Newspaper reading, politics/current affairs on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 19, :name "netuse", :label "Personal use of internet/e-mail/www"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 20, :name "ppltrst", :label "Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 21, :name "pplfair", :label "Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 22, :name "pplhlp", :label "Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves"}]} {:id "VG4", :label "Politics, including: political interest, efficacy, trust, electoral and other forms of participation, party allegiance, socio-political orientations", :var-groups [{:id "VG5", :label "ESS standard variables", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 23, :name "polintr", :label "How interested in politics"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 24, :name "polcmpl", :label "Politics too complicated to understand"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 25, :name "poldcs", :label "Making mind up about political issues"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 26, :name "trstprl", :label "Trust in country's parliament"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 27, :name "trstlgl", :label "Trust in the legal system"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 28, :name "trstplc", :label "Trust in the police"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 29, :name "trstplt", :label "Trust in politicians"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 30, :name "trstprt", :label "Trust in political parties"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 31, :name "trstep", :label "Trust in the European Parliament"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 32, :name "trstun", :label "Trust in the United Nations"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 33, :name "vote", :label "Voted last national election"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 34, :name "contplt", :label "Contacted politician or government official last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 35, :name "wrkprty", :label "Worked in political party or action group last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 36, :name "wrkorg", :label "Worked in another organisation or association last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 37, :name "badge", :label "Worn or displayed campaign badge/sticker last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 38, :name "sgnptit", :label "Signed petition last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 39, :name "pbldmn", :label "Taken part in lawful public demonstration last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 40, :name "bctprd", :label "Boycotted certain products last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 41, :name "clsprty", :label "Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 42, :name "prtdgcl", :label "How close to party"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 43, :name "mmbprty", :label "Member of political party"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 44, :name "lrscale", :label "Placement on left right scale"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 45, :name "stflife", :label "How satisfied with life as a whole"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 46, :name "stfeco", :label "How satisfied with present state of economy in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 47, :name "stfgov", :label "How satisfied with the national government"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 48, :name "stfdem", :label "How satisfied with the way democracy works in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 49, :name "stfedu", :label "State of education in country nowadays"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 50, :name "stfhlth", :label "State of health services in country nowadays"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 51, :name "gincdif", :label "Government should reduce differences in income levels"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 52, :name "freehms", :label "Gays and lesbians free to live life as they wish"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 53, :name "prtyban", :label "Ban political parties that wish overthrow democracy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 54, :name "scnsenv", :label "Modern science can be relied on to solve environmental problems"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 55, :name "euftf", :label "European Union: European unification go further or gone too far"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 56, :name "imsmetn", :label "Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 57, :name "imdfetn", :label "Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 58, :name "impcntr", :label "Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 59, :name "imbgeco", :label "Immigration bad or good for country's economy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 60, :name "imueclt", :label "Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 61, :name "imwbcnt", :label "Immigrants make country worse or better place to live"}]} {:id "VG6", :label "Country-specific variables, party affiliation", :var-groups [{:id "VG7", :label "Party voted for in last general election", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 62, :name "prtvtat", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 63, :name "prtvtaat", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 64, :name "prtvtbe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 65, :name "prtvtabe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 66, :name "prtvtbbe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 67, :name "prtvtcbe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 68, :name "prtvtbg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 69, :name "prtvtabg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 70, :name "prtvtbbg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 71, :name "prtvtcbg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 72, :name "prtvtch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 73, :name "prtvtach", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 74, :name "prtvtbch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 75, :name "prtvtcch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 76, :name "prtvtdch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 77, :name "prtvtcy", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 78, :name "prtvtacy", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 79, :name "prtvtcz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 80, :name "prtvtacz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 81, :name "prtvtbcz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 82, :name "prtvtccz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 83, :name "prtvde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 84, :name "prtvade1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 85, :name "prtvbde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 86, :name "prtvcde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 87, :name "prtvdde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 88, :name "prtvde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 89, :name "prtvade2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 90, :name "prtvbde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 91, :name "prtvcde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 92, :name "prtvdde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 93, :name "prtvtdk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 94, :name "prtvtadk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 95, :name "prtvtbdk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 96, :name "prtvtcdk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 97, :name "prtvtee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 98, :name "prtvtaee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 99, :name "prtvtbee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 100, :name "prtvtcee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 101, :name "prtvtdee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 102, :name "prtvtes", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 103, :name "prtvtaes", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 104, :name "prtvtbes", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 105, :name "prtvtces", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 106, :name "prtvtfi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 107, :name "prtvtafi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 108, :name "prtvtbfi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 109, :name "prtvtcfi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 110, :name "prtvtfr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 111, :name "prtvtafr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 112, :name "prtvtbfr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 113, :name "prtvtcfr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 114, :name "prtvtgb", :label "Party voted for in last national election, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 115, :name "prtvtagb", :label "Party voted for in last national election, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 116, :name "prtvtgr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 117, :name "prtvtagr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 118, :name "prtvtbgr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 119, :name "prtvtcgr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 120, :name "prtvthr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 121, :name "prtvthu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 122, :name "prtvtahu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 123, :name "prtvtbhu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 124, :name "prtvtchu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 125, :name "prtvtdhu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 126, :name "prtvtie", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 127, :name "prtvtaie", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 128, :name "prtvtil", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 129, :name "prtvtail", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 130, :name "prtvtbil", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 131, :name "prtvtis", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 132, :name "prtvtais", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 133, :name "prtvtit", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 134, :name "prtvtait", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 135, :name "prtvtbit", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 136, :name "prtvlt1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Lithuania (first vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 137, :name "prtvalt1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Lithuania (first vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 138, :name "prtvlt2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Lithuania (second vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 139, :name "prtvalt2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Lithuania (second vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 140, :name "prtvlt3", :label "Party voted for in last national election 3, Lithuania (third vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 141, :name "prtvalt3", :label "Party voted for in last national election 3, Lithuania (third vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 142, :name "prtvtlu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 143, :name "prtvtnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 144, :name "prtvtanl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 145, :name "prtvtbnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 146, :name "prtvtcnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 147, :name "prtvtdnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 148, :name "prtvtenl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 149, :name "prtvtno", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 150, :name "prtvtano", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 151, :name "prtvtpl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 152, :name "prtvtapl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 153, :name "prtvtbpl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 154, :name "prtvtcpl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 155, :name "prtvtpt", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 156, :name "prtvtapt", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 157, :name "prtvtbpt", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 158, :name "prtvtru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 159, :name "prtvtaru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 160, :name "prtvtbru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 161, :name "prtvtcru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 162, :name "prtvtse", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 163, :name "prtvtase", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 164, :name "prtvtbse", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 165, :name "prtvtsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 166, :name "prtvtasi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 167, :name "prtvtbsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 168, :name "prtvtcsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 169, :name "prtvtdsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 170, :name "prtvtsk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 171, :name "prtvtask", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 172, :name "prtvtbsk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 173, :name "prtvtcsk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 174, :name "prtvttr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 175, :name "prtvtatr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 176, :name "prtvtua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 177, :name "prtvtaua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 178, :name "prtvtbua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 179, :name "prtvtcua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG8", :label "Party feeling closer to than others", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 180, :name "prtclat", :label "Which party feel closer to, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 181, :name "prtclaat", :label "Which party feel closer to, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 182, :name "prtclbe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 183, :name "prtclabe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 184, :name "prtclbbe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 185, :name "prtclcbe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 186, :name "prtclbg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 187, :name "prtclabg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 188, :name "prtclbbg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 189, :name "prtclcbg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 190, :name "prtclch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 191, :name "prtclach", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 192, :name "prtclbch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 193, :name "prtclcch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 194, :name "prtcldch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 195, :name "prtclcy", :label "Which party feel closer to, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 196, :name "prtclacy", :label "Which party feel closer to, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 197, :name "prtclcz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 198, :name "prtclacz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 199, :name "prtclbcz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 200, :name "prtclccz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 201, :name "prtclde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 202, :name "prtclade", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 203, :name "prtclbde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 204, :name "prtclcde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 205, :name "prtcldde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 206, :name "prtcldk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 207, :name "prtcladk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 208, :name "prtclbdk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 209, :name "prtclcdk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 210, :name "prtclee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 211, :name "prtclaee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 212, :name "prtclbee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 213, :name "prtclcee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 214, :name "prtcldee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 215, :name "prtcles", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 216, :name "prtclaes", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 217, :name "prtclbes", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 218, :name "prtclces", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 219, :name "prtclfi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 220, :name "prtclafi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 221, :name "prtclbfi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 222, :name "prtclcfi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 223, :name "prtclfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 224, :name "prtclafr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 225, :name "prtclbfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 226, :name "prtclcfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 227, :name "prtcldfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 228, :name "prtclgb", :label "Which party feel closer to, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 229, :name "prtclagb", :label "Which party feel closer to, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 230, :name "prtclgr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 231, :name "prtclagr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 232, :name "prtclbgr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 233, :name "prtclcgr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 234, :name "prtclhr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 235, :name "prtclhu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 236, :name "prtclahu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 237, :name "prtclbhu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 238, :name "prtclchu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 239, :name "prtcldhu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 240, :name "prtclie", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 241, :name "prtclaie", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 242, :name "prtclbie", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 243, :name "prtclil", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 244, :name "prtclail", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 245, :name "prtclbil", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 246, :name "prtclcil", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 247, :name "prtclis", :label "Which party feel closer to, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 248, :name "prtclais", :label "Which party feel closer to, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 249, :name "prtclit", :label "Which party feel closer to, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 250, :name "prtclait", :label "Which party feel closer to, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 251, :name "prtclbit", :label "Which party feel closer to, italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 252, :name "prtcllu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 253, :name "prtcllt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 254, :name "prtclalt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 255, :name "prtclnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 256, :name "prtclanl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 257, :name "prtclbnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 258, :name "prtclcnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 259, :name "prtcldnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 260, :name "prtclno", :label "Which party feel closer to, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 261, :name "prtclano", :label "Which party feel closer to, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 262, :name "prtclpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 263, :name "prtclapl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 264, :name "prtclbpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 265, :name "prtclcpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 266, :name "prtcldpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 267, :name "prtclepl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 268, :name "prtclpt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 269, :name "prtclapt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 270, :name "prtclbpt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 271, :name "prtclcpt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 272, :name "prtclru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 273, :name "prtclaru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 274, :name "prtclbru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 275, :name "prtclcru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 276, :name "prtclse", :label "Which party feel closer to, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 277, :name "prtclase", :label "Which party feel closer to, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 278, :name "prtclbse", :label "Which party feel closer to, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 279, :name "prtclsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 280, :name "prtclasi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 281, :name "prtclbsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 282, :name "prtclcsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 283, :name "prtcldsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 284, :name "prtclsk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 285, :name "prtclask", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 286, :name "prtclbsk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 287, :name "prtclcsk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 288, :name "prtcltr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 289, :name "prtclatr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 290, :name "prtclua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 291, :name "prtclaua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 292, :name "prtclbua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 293, :name "prtclcua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG9", :label "Member of political party", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 294, :name "prtmbat", :label "Member of which party, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 295, :name "prtmbaat", :label "Member of which party, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 296, :name "prtmbbe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 297, :name "prtmbabe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 298, :name "prtmbbbe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 299, :name "prtmbcbe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 300, :name "prtmbbg", :label "Member of which party, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 301, :name "prtmbabg", :label "Member of which party, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 302, :name "prtmbbbg", :label "Member of which party, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 303, :name "prtmbch", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 304, :name "prtmbach", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 305, :name "prtmbbch", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 306, :name "prtmbcch", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 307, :name "prtmbcy", :label "Member of which party, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 308, :name "prtmbcz", :label "Member of which party, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 309, :name "prtmbacz", :label "Member of which party, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 310, :name "prtmbbcz", :label "Member of which party, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 311, :name "prtmbde", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 312, :name "prtmbade", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 313, :name "prtmbbde", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 314, :name "prtmbcde", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 315, :name "prtmbdk", :label "Member of which party, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 316, :name "prtmbadk", :label "Member of which party, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 317, :name "prtmbbdk", :label "Member of which party, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 318, :name "prtmbee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 319, :name "prtmbaee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 320, :name "prtmbbee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 321, :name "prtmbcee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 322, :name "prtmbes", :label "Member of which party, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 323, :name "prtmbaes", :label "Member of which party, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 324, :name "prtmbbes", :label "Member of which party, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 325, :name "prtmbfi", :label "Member of which party, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 326, :name "prtmbafi", :label "Member of which party, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 327, :name "prtmbbfi", :label "Member of which party, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 328, :name "prtmbfr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 329, :name "prtmbafr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 330, :name "prtmbbfr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 331, :name "prtmbcfr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 332, :name "prtmbgb", :label "Member of which party, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 333, :name "prtmbagb", :label "Member of which party, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 334, :name "prtmbgr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 335, :name "prtmbagr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 336, :name "prtmbbgr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 337, :name "prtmbcgr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 338, :name "prtmbhr", :label "Member of which party, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 339, :name "prtmbhu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 340, :name "prtmbahu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 341, :name "prtmbbhu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 342, :name "prtmbchu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 343, :name "prtmbie", :label "Member of which party, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 344, :name "prtmbaie", :label "Member of which party, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 345, :name "prtmbil", :label "Member of which party, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 346, :name "prtmbail", :label "Member of which party, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 347, :name "prtmbbil", :label "Member of which party, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 348, :name "prtmbit", :label "Member of which party, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 349, :name "prtmbait", :label "Member of which party, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 350, :name "prtmblu", :label "Member of which party, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 351, :name "prtmbnl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 352, :name "prtmbanl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 353, :name "prtmbbnl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 354, :name "prtmbcnl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 355, :name "prtmbno", :label "Member of which party, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 356, :name "prtmbano", :label "Member of which party, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 357, :name "prtmbpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 358, :name "prtmbapl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 359, :name "prtmbbpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 360, :name "prtmbcpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 361, :name "prtmbdpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 362, :name "prtmbpt", :label "Member of which party, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 363, :name "prtmbapt", :label "Member of which party, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 364, :name "prtmbbpt", :label "Member of which party, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 365, :name "prtmbru", :label "Member of which party, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 366, :name "prtmbaru", :label "Member of which party, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 367, :name "prtmbbru", :label "Member of which party, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 368, :name "prtmbse", :label "Member of which party, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 369, :name "prtmbase", :label "Member of which party, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 370, :name "prtmbsi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 371, :name "prtmbasi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 372, :name "prtmbbsi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 373, :name "prtmbcsi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 374, :name "prtmbsk", :label "Member of which party, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 375, :name "prtmbask", :label "Member of which party, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 376, :name "prtmbbsk", :label "Member of which party, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 377, :name "prtmbtr", :label "Member of which party, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 378, :name "prtmbatr", :label "Member of which party, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 379, :name "prtmbua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 380, :name "prtmbaua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 381, :name "prtmbbua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 382, :name "prtmbcua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"}]}]}]} {:id "VG10", :label "Subjective well-being, social exclusion; religion; percieved discrimination; national and ethnic identity", :var-groups [{:id "VG11", :label "ESS standard variables", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 383, :name "happy", :label "How happy are you"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 384, :name "sclmeet", :label "How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 385, :name "inmdisc", :label "Anyone to discuss intimate and personal matters with"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 386, :name "sclact", :label "Take part in social activities compared to others of same age"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 387, :name "crmvct", :label "Respondent or household member victim of burglary/assault last 5 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 388, :name "aesfdrk", :label "Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 389, :name "brghmwr", :label "How often worry about your home being burgled"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 390, :name "brghmef", :label "Worry about home burgled has effect on quality of life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 391, :name "crvctwr", :label "How often worry about becoming a victim of violent crime"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 392, :name "crvctef", :label "Worry about becoming victim of violent crime has effect on quality of life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 393, :name "trrenyr", :label "How likely terrorist attack in Europe during next twelve months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 394, :name "trrcnyr", :label "How likely terrorist attack in country during next twelve months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 395, :name "trrprsn", :label "Terrorist suspect in prison until police satisfied"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 396, :name "trrtort", :label "Torture in country never justified even to prevent terrorist attack"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 397, :name "health", :label "Subjective general health"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 398, :name "hlthhmp", :label "Hampered in daily activities by illness/disability/infirmity/mental problem"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 399, :name "rlgblg", :label "Belonging to particular religion or denomination"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 400, :name "rlgdnm", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 401, :name "rlgblge", :label "Ever belonging to particular religion or denomination"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 402, :name "rlgdnme", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 403, :name "rlgdgr", :label "How religious are you"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 404, :name "rlgatnd", :label "How often attend religious services apart from special occasions"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 405, :name "pray", :label "How often pray apart from at religious services"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 406, :name "dscrgrp", :label "Member of a group discriminated against in this country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 407, :name "dscrrce", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: colour or race"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 408, :name "dscrntn", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: nationality"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 409, :name "dscrrlg", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: religion"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 410, :name "dscrlng", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: language"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 411, :name "dscretn", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: ethnic group"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 412, :name "dscrage", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: age"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 413, :name "dscrgnd", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: gender"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 414, :name "dscrsex", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: sexuality"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 415, :name "dscrdsb", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: disability"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 416, :name "dscroth", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: other grounds"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 417, :name "dscrdk", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: don't know"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 418, :name "dscrref", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: refusal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 419, :name "dscrnap", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: not applicable"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 420, :name "dscrna", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: no answer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 421, :name "ctzcntr", :label "Citizen of country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 422, :name "ctzship", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 423, :name "ctzshipa", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 424, :name "ctzshipb", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 425, :name "ctzshipc", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 426, :name "brncntr", :label "Born in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 427, :name "cntbrth", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 428, :name "cntbrtha", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 429, :name "cntbrthb", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 430, :name "cntbrthc", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 431, :name "livecntr", :label "How long ago first came to live in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 432, :name "livecnta", :label "What year you first came to live in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 433, :name "lnghoma", :label "Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 434, :name "lnghom1", :label "Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 435, :name "lnghomb", :label "Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 436, :name "lnghom2", :label "Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 437, :name "blgetmg", :label "Belong to minority ethnic group in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 438, :name "facntr", :label "Father born in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 439, :name "facntn", :label "Continent of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 440, :name "fbrncnt", :label "Country of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 441, :name "fbrncnta", :label "Country of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 442, :name "fbrncntb", :label "Country of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 443, :name "mocntr", :label "Mother born in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 444, :name "mocntn", :label "Continent of birth, mother"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 445, :name "mbrncnt", :label "Country of birth, mother"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 446, :name "mbrncnta", :label "Country of birth, mother"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 447, :name "mbrncntb", :label "Country of birth, mother"}]} {:id "VG12", :label "Country specific variables, religious belonging", :var-groups [{:id "VG13", :label "Religious belonging at present", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 448, :name "rlgdnch", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 449, :name "rlgdnach", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 450, :name "rlgdncy", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 451, :name "rlgdnde", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 452, :name "rlgdnade", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 453, :name "rlgdnfi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 454, :name "rlgdnafi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 455, :name "rlgdngb", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 456, :name "rlgdngr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 457, :name "rlgdnagr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 458, :name "rlgdnhu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 459, :name "rlgdnie", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 460, :name "rlgdnil", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 461, :name "rlgdnlt", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 462, :name "rlgdnnl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 463, :name "rlgdnno", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 464, :name "rlgdnpl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 465, :name "rlgdnapl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 466, :name "rlgdnpt", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 467, :name "rlgdnru", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 468, :name "rlgdnaru", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 469, :name "rlgdnse", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 470, :name "rlgdnase", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 471, :name "rlgdnsk", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 472, :name "rlgdnua", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG14", :label "Religious belonging in the past", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 473, :name "rlgdech", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 474, :name "rlgdeach", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 475, :name "rlgdecy", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 476, :name "rlgdede", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 477, :name "rlgdeade", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 478, :name "rlgdefi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 479, :name "rlgdeafi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 480, :name "rlgdegb", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 481, :name "rlgdegr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 482, :name "rlgdeagr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 483, :name "rlgdehu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 484, :name "rlgdeie", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 485, :name "rlgdeil", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 486, :name "rlgdelt", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 487, :name "rlgdenl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 488, :name "rlgdeno", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 489, :name "rlgdepl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 490, :name "rlgdeapl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 491, :name "rlgdept", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 492, :name "rlgderu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 493, :name "rlgdearu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 494, :name "rlgdese", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 495, :name "rlgdease", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 496, :name "rlgdesk", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 497, :name "rlgdeua", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Ukraine"}]}]}]} {:id "VG15", :label "Gender, age and household composition", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 498, :name "hhmmb", :label "Number of people living regularly as member of household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 499, :name "gndr", :label "Gender"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 500, :name "gndr2", :label "Gender of second person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 501, :name "gndr3", :label "Gender of third person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 502, :name "gndr4", :label "Gender of fourth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 503, :name "gndr5", :label "Gender of fifth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 504, :name "gndr6", :label "Gender of sixth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 505, :name "gndr7", :label "Gender of seventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 506, :name "gndr8", :label "Gender of eighth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 507, :name "gndr9", :label "Gender of ninth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 508, :name "gndr10", :label "Gender of tenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 509, :name "gndr11", :label "Gender of eleventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 510, :name "gndr12", :label "Gender of twelfth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 511, :name "gndr13", :label "Gender of thirteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 512, :name "gndr14", :label "Gender of fourteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 513, :name "gndr15", :label "Gender of fifteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 514, :name "gndr16", :label "Gender of sixteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 515, :name "gndr17", :label "Gender of seventeenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 516, :name "gndr18", :label "Gender of eighteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 517, :name "yrbrn", :label "Year of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 518, :name "agea", :label "Age of respondent, calculated"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 519, :name "yrbrn2", :label "Year of birth of second person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 520, :name "yrbrn3", :label "Year of birth of third person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 521, :name "yrbrn4", :label "Year of birth of fourth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 522, :name "yrbrn5", :label "Year of birth of fifth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 523, :name "yrbrn6", :label "Year of birth of sixth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 524, :name "yrbrn7", :label "Year of birth of seventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 525, :name "yrbrn8", :label "Year of birth of eighth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 526, :name "yrbrn9", :label "Year of birth of ninth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 527, :name "yrbrn10", :label "Year of birth of tenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 528, :name "yrbrn11", :label "Year of birth of eleventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 529, :name "yrbrn12", :label "Year of birth of twelfth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 530, :name "yrbrn13", :label "Year of birth of thirteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 531, :name "yrbrn14", :label "Year of birth of fourteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 532, :name "yrbrn15", :label "Year of birth of fifteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 533, :name "yrbrn16", :label "Year of birth of sixteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 534, :name "yrbrn17", :label "Year of birth of seventeenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 535, :name "yrbrn18", :label "Year of birth of eighteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 536, :name "rship2", :label "Second person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 537, :name "rshipa2", :label "Second person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 538, :name "rship3", :label "Third person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 539, :name "rshipa3", :label "Third person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 540, :name "rship4", :label "Fourth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 541, :name "rshipa4", :label "Fourth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 542, :name "rship5", :label "Fifth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 543, :name "rshipa5", :label "Fifth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 544, :name "rship6", :label "Sixth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 545, :name "rshipa6", :label "Sixth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 546, :name "rship7", :label "Seventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 547, :name "rshipa7", :label "Seventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 548, :name "rship8", :label "Eighth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 549, :name "rshipa8", :label "Eighth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 550, :name "rship9", :label "Ninth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 551, :name "rshipa9", :label "Ninth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 552, :name "rship10", :label "Tenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 553, :name "rshipa10", :label "Tenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 554, :name "rship11", :label "Eleventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 555, :name "rshipa11", :label "Eleventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 556, :name "rship12", :label "Twelfth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 557, :name "rshipa12", :label "Twelfth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 558, :name "rship13", :label "Thirteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 559, :name "rshipa13", :label "Thirteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 560, :name "rship14", :label "Fourteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 561, :name "rshipa14", :label "Fourteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 562, :name "rship15", :label "Fifteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 563, :name "rshipa15", :label "Fifteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 564, :name "rship16", :label "Sixteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 565, :name "rshipa16", :label "Sixteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 566, :name "rship17", :label "Seventeenth person in household: Relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 567, :name "rshipa17", :label "Seventeenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 568, :name "rship18", :label "Eighteenth person in household: Relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 569, :name "rshipa18", :label "Eighteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"}]} {:id "VG16", :label "Socio-demographic profile, including: type of area, education and occupation, union membership, income, marital status", :var-groups [{:id "VG17", :label "ESS standard variables", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 570, :name "partner", :label "Lives with husband/wife/partner at household grid"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 571, :name "rshpsts", :label "Relationship with husband/wife/partner currently living with"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 572, :name "marsts", :label "Legal marital status"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 573, :name "marital", :label "Legal marital status"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 574, :name "martlfr", :label "Legal marital status, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 575, :name "maritala", :label "Legal marital status"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 576, :name "maritalb", :label "Legal marital status, post coded"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 577, :name "lvghw", :label "Currently living with husband/wife"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 578, :name "lvghwa", :label "Currently living with husband/wife/civil partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 579, :name "lvgoptn", :label "Currently living with another partner than husband/wife"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 580, :name "lvgptn", :label "Currently living with partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 581, :name "lvgptna", :label "Currently living with partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 582, :name "lvgptne", :label "Ever lived with a partner without being married"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 583, :name "lvgptnea", :label "Ever lived with a partner, without being married"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 584, :name "dvrcdev", :label "Ever been divorced"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 585, :name "dvrcdeva", :label "Ever been divorced/had civil union dissolved"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 586, :name "chldhm", :label "Children living at home or not"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 587, :name "chldhhe", :label "Ever had children living in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 588, :name "domicil", :label "Domicile, respondent's description"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 589, :name "edulvla", :label "Highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 590, :name "edulvlb", :label "Highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 591, :name "eisced", :label "Highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 592, :name "edufld", :label "Field or subject, highest qualification"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 593, :name "eduyrs", :label "Years of full-time education completed"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 594, :name "pdwrk", :label "Doing last 7 days: paid work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 595, :name "edctn", :label "Doing last 7 days: education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 596, :name "uempla", :label "Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 597, :name "uempli", :label "Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 598, :name "dsbld", :label "Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 599, :name "rtrd", :label "Doing last 7 days: retired"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 600, :name "cmsrv", :label "Doing last 7 days: community or military service"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 601, :name "hswrk", :label "Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 602, :name "dngoth", :label "Doing last 7 days: other"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 603, :name "dngdk", :label "Doing last 7 days: don't know"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 604, :name "dngref", :label "Doing last 7 days: refusal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 605, :name "dngna", :label "Doing last 7 days: no answer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 606, :name "mainact", :label "Main activity last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 607, :name "mnactic", :label "Main activity, last 7 days. All respondents. Post coded"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 608, :name "crpdwk", :label "Control paid work last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 609, :name "pdjobev", :label "Ever had a paid job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 610, :name "pdjobyr", :label "Year last in paid job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 611, :name "emplrel", :label "Employment relation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 612, :name "emplno", :label "Number of employees respondent has/had"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 613, :name "wrkctr", :label "Employment contract unlimited or limited duration"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 614, :name "wrkctra", :label "Employment contract unlimited or limited duration"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 615, :name "estsz", :label "Establishment size"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 616, :name "jbspv", :label "Responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 617, :name "njbspv", :label "Number of people responsible for in job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 618, :name "wkdcorg", :label "Allowed to decide how daily work is organised"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 619, :name "wkdcorga", :label "Allowed to decide how daily work is organised"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 620, :name "iorgact", :label "Allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 621, :name "wkhct", :label "Total contracted hours per week in main job overtime excluded"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 622, :name "wkhtot", :label "Total hours normally worked per week in main job overtime included"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 623, :name "nacer1", :label "Industry, NACE rev.1"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 624, :name "nacer11", :label "Industry, NACE rev.1.1"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 625, :name "nacer2", :label "Industry, NACE rev.2"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 626, :name "tporgwk", :label "What type of organisation work/worked for"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 627, :name "iscoco", :label "Occupation, ISCO88 (com)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 628, :name "isco08", :label "Occupation, ISCO08"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 629, :name "wrkac6m", :label "Paid work in another country, period more than 6 months last 10 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 630, :name "uemp3m", :label "Ever unemployed and seeking work for a period more than three months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 631, :name "uemp12m", :label "Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 632, :name "uemp5yr", :label "Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 633, :name "mbtru", :label "Member of trade union or similar organisation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 634, :name "hincsrc", :label "Main source of household income"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 635, :name "hincsrca", :label "Main source of household income"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 636, :name "hinctnt", :label "Household's total net income, all sources"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 637, :name "hinctnta", :label "Household's total net income, all sources"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 638, :name "hincfel", :label "Feeling about household's income nowadays"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 639, :name "brwmny", :label "Borrow money to make ends meet, difficult or easy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 640, :name "edulvlpa", :label "Partner's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 641, :name "edulvlpb", :label "Partner's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 642, :name "eiscedp", :label "Partner's highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 643, :name "pdwrkp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: paid work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 644, :name "edctnp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 645, :name "uemplap", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 646, :name "uemplip", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 647, :name "dsbldp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 648, :name "rtrdp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: retired"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 649, :name "cmsrvp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: community or military service"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 650, :name "hswrkp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 651, :name "dngothp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: other"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 652, :name "dngdkp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: don't know"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 653, :name "dngnapp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: not applicable"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 654, :name "dngrefp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: refusal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 655, :name "dngnap", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: no answer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 656, :name "mnactp", :label "Partner's main activity last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 657, :name "crpdwkp", :label "Partner, control paid work last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 658, :name "iscocop", :label "Occupation partner, ISCO88 (com)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 659, :name "isco08p", :label "Occupation partner, ISCO08"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 660, :name "emprelp", :label "Partner's employment relation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 661, :name "emplnop", :label "Number of employees partner has"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 662, :name "jbspvp", :label "Partner responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 663, :name "njbspvp", :label "Number of people partner responsible for in job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 664, :name "wkdcorp", :label "Partner allowed to decide how daily work is organised"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 665, :name "ioactp", :label "Partner is allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 666, :name "wkhtotp", :label "Hours normally worked a week in main job overtime included, partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 667, :name "edulvlfa", :label "Father's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 668, :name "edulvlfb", :label "Father's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 669, :name "eiscedf", :label "Father's highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 670, :name "emprf14", :label "Father's employment status when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 671, :name "emplnof", :label "Number of employees father had"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 672, :name "jbspvf", :label "Father responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 673, :name "occf14", :label "Father's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 674, :name "occf14a", :label "Father's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 675, :name "occf14b", :label "Father's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 676, :name "edulvlma", :label "Mother's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 677, :name "edulvlmb", :label "Mother's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 678, :name "eiscedm", :label "Mother's highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 679, :name "emprm14", :label "Mother's employment status when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 680, :name "emplnom", :label "Number of employees mother had"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 681, :name "jbspvm", :label "Mother responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 682, :name "occm14", :label "Mother's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 683, :name "occm14a", :label "Mother's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 684, :name "occm14b", :label "Mother's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 685, :name "atncrse", :label "Improve knowledge/skills: course/lecture/conference, last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 686, :name "fxltph", :label "Fixed-line telephone in accommodation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 687, :name "mbltph", :label "Personally have mobile telephone"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 688, :name "inttph", :label "Use the Internet for telephone calls at home"}]} {:id "VG18", :label "Country-specific variables, education level attained", :var-groups [{:id "VG19", :label "Highest level of education, respondent", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 689, :name "edlvbe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 690, :name "edlvabe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 691, :name "edlvdbe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 692, :name "edlvebe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 693, :name "edlvbg", :label "Highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 694, :name "edlvdbg", :label "Highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 695, :name "edlvch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 696, :name "edlvach", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 697, :name "edlvbch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 698, :name "edlvcch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 699, :name "edlvdch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 700, :name "edlvcy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 701, :name "edlvacy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 702, :name "edlvdcy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 703, :name "edlvecy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 704, :name "edlvcz", :label "Highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 705, :name "edlvdcz", :label "Highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 706, :name "edlvde", :label "Highest level of education, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 707, :name "edlvade", :label "Highest level of education, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 708, :name "edude1", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 709, :name "eduade1", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 710, :name "edude2", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 711, :name "edude3", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 712, :name "edlvdk", :label "Highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 713, :name "edlvadk", :label "Highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 714, :name "edlvddk", :label "Highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 715, :name "edlvee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 716, :name "edlvaee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 717, :name "edlvbee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 718, :name "edlvdee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 719, :name "edlves", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 720, :name "edlvaes", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 721, :name "edlvdes", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 722, :name "edlvees", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 723, :name "edlvdfi", :label "Highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 724, :name "edlvfr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 725, :name "edlvafr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 726, :name "edlvbfr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 727, :name "edlvdfr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 728, :name "edlvgb", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 729, :name "edlvagb", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 730, :name "edugb1", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 731, :name "eduagb1", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 732, :name "edugb2", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 733, :name "edagegb", :label "Age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 734, :name "edlvgr", :label "Highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 735, :name "edlvagr", :label "Highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 736, :name "edlvdgr", :label "Highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 737, :name "edlvhr", :label "Highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 738, :name "edlvdhr", :label "Highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 739, :name "edlvhu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 740, :name "edlvahu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 741, :name "edlvbhu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 742, :name "edlvdhu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 743, :name "edlvie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 744, :name "edlvaie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 745, :name "edlvbie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 746, :name "edlvdie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 747, :name "edlvil", :label "Highest level of education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 748, :name "edlvail", :label "Highest level of education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 749, :name "eduil1", :label "Highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 750, :name "eduail1", :label "Highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 751, :name "eduil2", :label "Highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 752, :name "eduail2", :label "Highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 753, :name "edlvit", :label "Highest level of education, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 754, :name "edlvait", :label "Highest level of education, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 755, :name "edlvdit", :label "Highest level of education, italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 756, :name "edlvdlt", :label "Highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 757, :name "edlvlu", :label "Highest level of education, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 758, :name "edlvnl", :label "Highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 759, :name "edlvdnl", :label "Highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 760, :name "edlvno", :label "Highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 761, :name "edlvano", :label "Highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 762, :name "edlvdno", :label "Highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 763, :name "edlvpl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 764, :name "edlvapl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 765, :name "edlvbpl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 766, :name "edlvdpl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 767, :name "edlvepl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 768, :name "edupl2", :label "Tertiary education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 769, :name "edlvpt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 770, :name "edlvapt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 771, :name "edlvbpt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 772, :name "edlvdpt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 773, :name "edlvru", :label "Highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 774, :name "edlvdru", :label "Highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 775, :name "edlvse", :label "Highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 776, :name "edlvase", :label "Highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 777, :name "edlvdse", :label "Highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 778, :name "edlvsi", :label "Highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 779, :name "edlvasi", :label "Highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 780, :name "edlvdsi", :label "Highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 781, :name "edlvsk", :label "Highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 782, :name "edlvask", :label "Highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 783, :name "edlvdsk", :label "Highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 784, :name "edlvua", :label "Highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 785, :name "edlvaua", :label "Highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 786, :name "edlvdua", :label "Highest level of education, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG20", :label "Highest level of education, partner", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 787, :name "edlvpbe", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 788, :name "edlvpdbe", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 789, :name "edlvpebe", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 790, :name "edlvpdbg", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 791, :name "edlvpch", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 792, :name "edlvpdch", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 793, :name "edlvpcy", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 794, :name "edlvpdcy", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 795, :name "edlvpecy", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 796, :name "edlvpcz", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 797, :name "edlvpdcz", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 798, :name "edupde1", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 799, :name "edupade1", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 800, :name "edupde2", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 801, :name "edupde3", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 802, :name "edlvpdk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 803, :name "edlvpddk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 804, :name "edlvpee", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 805, :name "edlvpdee", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 806, :name "edlvpes", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 807, :name "edlvpdes", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 808, :name "edlvpees", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 809, :name "edlvpdfi", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 810, :name "edlvpfr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 811, :name "edlvpdfr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 812, :name "edupgb1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 813, :name "edupagb1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 814, :name "edupgb2", :label "Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 815, :name "edagepgb", :label "Partner's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 816, :name "edlvpgr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 817, :name "edlvpdgr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 818, :name "edlvphr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 819, :name "edlvpdhr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 820, :name "edlvphu", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 821, :name "edlvpdhu", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 822, :name "edlvpie", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 823, :name "edlvpdie", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 824, :name "edupil1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 825, :name "edupail1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 826, :name "edupil2", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 827, :name "edupail2", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 828, :name "edlvpdlt", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 829, :name "edlvpnl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 830, :name "edlvpdnl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 831, :name "edlvpno", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 832, :name "edlvpdno", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 833, :name "edlvppl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 834, :name "edlvpdpl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 835, :name "edlvpepl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 836, :name "eduppl2", :label "Partner's tertiary education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 837, :name "edlvppt", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 838, :name "edlvpdpt", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 839, :name "edlvpru", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 840, :name "edlvpdru", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 841, :name "edlvpse", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 842, :name "edlvpdse", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 843, :name "edlvpsi", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 844, :name "edlvpdsi", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 845, :name "edlvpsk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 846, :name "edlvpdsk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 847, :name "edlvpua", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 848, :name "edlvpdua", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG21", :label "Highest level of education, father", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 849, :name "edlvfbe", :label "Father's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 850, :name "edlvfdbe", :label "Father's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 851, :name "edlvfebe", :label "Father's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 852, :name "edlvfdbg", :label "Father's highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 853, :name "edlvfch", :label "Father's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 854, :name "edlvfdch", :label "Father's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 855, :name "edlvfcy", :label "Father's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 856, :name "edlvfdcy", :label "Father's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 857, :name "edlvfecy", :label "Father's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 858, :name "edlvfcz", :label "Father's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 859, :name "edlvfdcz", :label "Father's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 860, :name "edufde1", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 861, :name "edufade1", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 862, :name "edufde2", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 863, :name "edufde3", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 864, :name "edlvfdk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 865, :name "edlvfddk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 866, :name "edlvfee", :label "Father's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 867, :name "edlvfdee", :label "Father's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 868, :name "edlvfes", :label "Father's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 869, :name "edlvfdes", :label "Father's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 870, :name "edlvfees", :label "Father's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 871, :name "edlvffr", :label "Father's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 872, :name "edlvfdfr", :label "Father's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 873, :name "edlvfdfi", :label "Father's highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 874, :name "edufgb1", :label "Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 875, :name "edufagb1", :label "Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 876, :name "edufgb2", :label "Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 877, :name "edagefgb", :label "Father's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 878, :name "edlvfgr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 879, :name "edlvfdgr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 880, :name "edlvfhr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 881, :name "edlvfdhr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 882, :name "edlvfhu", :label "Father's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 883, :name "edlvfdhu", :label "Father's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 884, :name "edlvfie", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 885, :name "edlvfdie", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 886, :name "edufil1", :label "Father's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 887, :name "edufail1", :label "Father's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 888, :name "edufil2", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 889, :name "edufail2", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 890, :name "edlvfdlt", :label "Father's highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 891, :name "edlvfnl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 892, :name "edlvfdnl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 893, :name "edlvfno", :label "Father's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 894, :name "edlvfdno", :label "Father's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 895, :name "edlvfpl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 896, :name "edlvfdpl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 897, :name "edlvfepl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 898, :name "edlvfpt", :label "Father's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 899, :name "edlvfdpt", :label "Father's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 900, :name "edlvfru", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 901, :name "edlvfdru", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 902, :name "edlvfse", :label "Father's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 903, :name "edlvfdse", :label "Father's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 904, :name "edlvfsi", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 905, :name "edlvfdsi", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 906, :name "edlvfsk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 907, :name "edlvfdsk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 908, :name "edlvfua", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 909, :name "edlvfdua", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG22", :label "Highest level of education, mother", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 910, :name "edlvmbe", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 911, :name "edlvmdbe", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 912, :name "edlvmebe", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 913, :name "edlvmdbg", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 914, :name "edlvmch", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 915, :name "edlvmdch", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 916, :name "edlvmcy", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 917, :name "edlvmdcy", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 918, :name "edlvmecy", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 919, :name "edlvmcz", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 920, :name "edlvmdcz", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 921, :name "edumde1", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 922, :name "edumade1", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 923, :name "edumde2", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 924, :name "edumde3", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 925, :name "edlvmdk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 926, :name "edlvmddk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 927, :name "edlvmee", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 928, :name "edlvmdee", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 929, :name "edlvmes", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 930, :name "edlvmdes", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 931, :name "edlvmees", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 932, :name "edlvmfr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 933, :name "edlvmdfr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 934, :name "edlvmdfi", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 935, :name "edumgb1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 936, :name "edumagb1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 937, :name "edumgb2", :label "Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 938, :name "edagemgb", :label "Mother's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 939, :name "edlvmgr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 940, :name "edlvmdgr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 941, :name "edlvmhr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 942, :name "edlvmdhr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 943, :name "edlvmhu", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 944, :name "edlvmdhu", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 945, :name "edlvmie", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 946, :name "edlvmdie", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 947, :name "edumil1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 948, :name "edumail1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 949, :name "edumil2", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 950, :name "edumail2", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 951, :name "edlvmdlt", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 952, :name "edlvmnl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 953, :name "edlvmdnl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 954, :name "edlvmno", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 955, :name "edlvmdno", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 956, :name "edlvmpl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 957, :name "edlvmdpl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 958, :name "edlvmepl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 959, :name "edlvmpt", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 960, :name "edlvmdpt", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 961, :name "edlvmru", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 962, :name "edlvmdru", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 963, :name "edlvmse", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 964, :name "edlvmdse", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 965, :name "edlvmsi", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 966, :name "edlvmdsi", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 967, :name "edlvmsk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 968, :name "edlvmdsk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 969, :name "edlvmua", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 970, :name "edlvmdua", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ukraine"}]}]} {:id "VG23", :label "Country-specific variables, marital and relationship status", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 971, :name "marstie", :label "Legal marital status, Ireland"}]}]} {:id "VG24", :label "Human values scale", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 972, :name "ipcrtiv", :label "Important to think new ideas and being creative"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 973, :name "imprich", :label "Important to be rich, have money and expensive things"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 974, :name "ipeqopt", :label "Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 975, :name "ipshabt", :label "Important to show abilities and be admired"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 976, :name "impsafe", :label "Important to live in secure and safe surroundings"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 977, :name "impdiff", :label "Important to try new and different things in life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 978, :name "ipfrule", :label "Important to do what is told and follow rules"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 979, :name "ipudrst", :label "Important to understand different people"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 980, :name "ipmodst", :label "Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 981, :name "ipgdtim", :label "Important to have a good time"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 982, :name "impfree", :label "Important to make own decisions and be free"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 983, :name "iphlppl", :label "Important to help people and care for others well-being"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 984, :name "ipsuces", :label "Important to be successful and that people recognize achievements"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 985, :name "ipstrgv", :label "Important that government is strong and ensures safety"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 986, :name "ipadvnt", :label "Important to seek adventures and have an exciting life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 987, :name "ipbhprp", :label "Important to behave properly"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 988, :name "iprspot", :label "Important to get respect from others"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 989, :name "iplylfr", :label "Important to be loyal to friends and devote to people close"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 990, :name "impenv", :label "Important to care for nature and environment"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 991, :name "imptrad", :label "Important to follow traditions and customs"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 992, :name "impfun", :label "Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure"}]} {:id "VG25", :label "Region", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 993, :name "cregion", :label "Region"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 994, :name "regunit", :label "Regional unit"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 995, :name "regionat", :label "Region, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 996, :name "regionbe", :label "Region, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 997, :name "regionbg", :label "Region, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 998, :name "regionch", :label "Region, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 999, :name "regioach", :label "Region, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1000, :name "regioncy", :label "Region, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1001, :name "regioncz", :label "Region, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1002, :name "regioacz", :label "Region, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1003, :name "regionde", :label "Region, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1004, :name "regiondk", :label "Region, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1005, :name "regioadk", :label "Region, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1006, :name "regionee", :label "Region, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1007, :name "regiones", :label "Region, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1008, :name "regioaes", :label "Region, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1009, :name "regionfi", :label "Region, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1010, :name "regioafi", :label "Region, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1011, :name "regionfr", :label "Region, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1012, :name "regiongb", :label "Region, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1013, :name "regiongr", :label "Region, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1014, :name "regioagr", :label "Region, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1015, :name "regionhr", :label "Region, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1016, :name "regionhu", :label "Region, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1017, :name "regionie", :label "Region, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1018, :name "regioaie", :label "Region, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1019, :name "regiobie", :label "Region, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1020, :name "regionil", :label "Region, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1021, :name "regionit", :label "Region, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1022, :name "regionlu", :label "Region, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1023, :name "regionnl", :label "Region, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1024, :name "regionno", :label "Region, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1025, :name "regionpl", :label "Region, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1026, :name "regionpt", :label "Region, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1027, :name "regioapt", :label "Region, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1028, :name "regionru", :label "Region, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1029, :name "regionse", :label "Region, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1030, :name "regionsi", :label "Region, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1031, :name "regionsk", :label "Region, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1032, :name "regiontr", :label "Region, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1033, :name "regionua", :label "Region, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG26", :label "Administrative variables; interview time, administration of split ballot", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1034, :name "intewde", :label "Place of interview: East, West Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1035, :name "inwdd", :label "Day of month of interview"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1036, :name "inwdds", :label "Start of interview, day of month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1037, :name "inwdde", :label "End of interview, day of month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1038, :name "inwmm", :label "Month of interview"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1039, :name "inwmms", :label "Start of interview, month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1040, :name "inwmme", :label "End of interview, month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1041, :name "inwyr", :label "Year of interview"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1042, :name "inwyys", :label "Start of interview, year"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1043, :name "inwyye", :label "End of interview, year"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1044, :name "inwshh", :label "Start of interview, hour"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1045, :name "inwsmm", :label "Start of interview, minute"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1046, :name "inwehh", :label "End of interview, hour"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1047, :name "inwemm", :label "End of interview, minute"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1048, :name "inwtm", :label "Interview length in minutes, main questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1049, :name "supqdd", :label "Day of month, supplementary questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1050, :name "supqmm", :label "Month, supplementary questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1051, :name "supqyr", :label "Year, supplementary questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1052, :name "mode", :label "Administration of supplementary questionnaire"}]} {:id "VG27", :label "Rotating modules", :var-groups [{:id "VG28", :label "Family, work and wellbeing", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1053, :name "gdsprt", :label "Have felt cheerful and in good spirits last 2 weeks"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1054, :name "clmrlx", :label "Have felt calm and relaxed last 2 weeks"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1055, :name "actvgrs", :label "Have felt active and vigorous last 2 weeks"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1056, :name "yrspdwk", :label "Total number of years in full- or part-time work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1057, :name "yrspdwka", :label "Total number of years in full-or part time work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1058, :name "wrkengt", :label "Work involve working evenings/nights, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1059, :name "wkovrtm", :label "Work involve having to work overtime at short notice, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1060, :name "wrkwe", :label "Work involve working at weekends, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1061, :name "yrcremp", :label "Year first started working for current employer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1062, :name "jbcoedu", :label "Would someone applying for your job need education beyond compulsory"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1063, :name "jbedyrs", :label "Years of education beyond compulsory needed by applicant for your job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1064, :name "jblrn", :label "Somebody with right qualification, how long to learn to do your job well"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1065, :name "vrtywrk", :label "Current job: Variety in work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1066, :name "jbrqlrn", :label "Current job: Job requires learning new things"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1067, :name "wgdpeft", :label "Current job: Wage/salary depends on effort put into work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1068, :name "hlpcowk", :label "Current job: can get support/help from co-workers when needed"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1069, :name "hlthrwk", :label "Current job: health/safety at risk because of work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1070, :name "dcsfwrk", :label "Current job: can decide time start/finish work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1071, :name "jbscr", :label "Current job: Job is secure"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1072, :name "wrkhrd", :label "Current job: Job requires work very hard"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1073, :name "nevdnjb", :label "Current job: Never enough time to get everything done in job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1074, :name "oprtad", :label "Current job: Good opportunities for advancement"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1075, :name "bsmw", :label "Immediate supervisor/boss, man or woman"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1076, :name "ppwwkp", :label "Proportion of women at workplace"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1077, :name "rpljbde", :label "How difficult/easy for employer to replace you if you left"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1078, :name "wrywprb", :label "Worry about work problems when not working, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1079, :name "trdawrk", :label "Too tired after work to enjoy things like do at home, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1080, :name "jbprtfp", :label "Job prevents you from giving time to partner/family, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1081, :name "pfmfdjb", :label "Partner/family fed up with pressure of your job, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1082, :name "pfmfdjba", :label "Partner/family fed up with pressure of your job, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1083, :name "dfcnswk", :label "Difficult to concentrate on work because of family responsibilities"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1084, :name "dfcnswka", :label "Difficult concentrate on work because of family responsibilities"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1085, :name "grspay", :label "Usual gross pay in euros, before deduction for tax/insurance"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1086, :name "grspaya", :label "Usual gross pay in Euros, before deductions for tax and insurance"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1087, :name "payprd", :label "How long period pay cover"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1088, :name "payprda", :label "How long period pay cover"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1089, :name "ipjbini", :label "Important if choosing job: Job enabled you to use own initiative"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1090, :name "ipjbscr", :label "Important if choosing job: Secure job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1091, :name "ipjbhin", :label "Important if choosing job: High income"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1092, :name "ipjbwfm", :label "Important if choosing job: Job allowed you to combine work/family"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1093, :name "wkhsch", :label "How many hours would choose to work weekly"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1094, :name "icptn", :label "Interviewer code, lives with husband/wife/partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1095, :name "wkengtp", :label "Partner's work involve working evenings/nights, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1096, :name "wkovtmp", :label "Partner's work involve working overtime at short notice, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1097, :name "ptnwkwe", :label "Partner´s work involve working at weekends, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1098, :name "rtryr", :label "Year of retirement"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1099, :name "wntrtr", :label "Wanted to retire or preferred to continue paid work, year of retirement"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1100, :name "plnchld", :label "Plan having child within next 3 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1101, :name "wkdcpce", :label "Allowed to choose/change pace of work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1102, :name "pphincr", :label "Proportion of household income respondent provides"}]} {:id "VG29", :label "Personal and social wellbeing", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1103, :name "stfjb", :label "How satisfied with job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1104, :name "stfjbot", :label "Satisfied with balance between time on job and time on other aspects"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1105, :name "wkvlorg", :label "Involved in work for voluntary or charitable organisations, how often past 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1106, :name "optftr", :label "Always optimistic about my future"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1107, :name "pstvms", :label "In general feel very positive about myself"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1108, :name "flrms", :label "At times feel as if I am a failure"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1109, :name "fltdpr", :label "Felt depressed, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1110, :name "flteeff", :label "Felt everything did as effort, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1111, :name "slprl", :label "Sleep was restless, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1112, :name "wrhpp", :label "Were happy, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1113, :name "fltlnl", :label "Felt lonely, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1114, :name "fltlnla", :label "How much time during past week you felt lonely"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1115, :name "enjlf", :label "Enjoyed life, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1116, :name "fltsd", :label "Felt sad, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1117, :name "cldgng", :label "Could not get going, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1118, :name "enrglot", :label "Had lot of energy, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1119, :name "fltanx", :label "Felt anxious, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1120, :name "fltpcfl", :label "Felt calm and peaceful, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1121, :name "dclvlf", :label "Free to decide how to live my life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1122, :name "lchshcp", :label "Little chance to show how capable I am"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1123, :name "accdng", :label "Feel accomplishment from what I do"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1124, :name "wrbknrm", :label "When things go wrong in my life it takes a long time to get back to normal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1125, :name "pplahlp", :label "Feel people in local area help one another"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1126, :name "trtrsp", :label "Feel people treat you with respect"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1127, :name "dngval", :label "Feel what I do in life is valuable and worthwhile"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1128, :name "nhpftr", :label "Hard to be hopeful about the future of the world"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1129, :name "lfwrs", :label "For most people in country life is getting worse"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1130, :name "flclpla", :label "Feel close to the people in local area"}]}]} {:id "VG30", :label "Cross-module replicated questions", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1131, :name "wmcpwrk", :label "Woman should be prepared to cut down on paid work for sake of family"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1132, :name "mnrgtjb", :label "Men should have more right to job than women when jobs are scarce"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1133, :name "hrshsnt", :label "People who break the law much harsher sentences"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1134, :name "hrshsnta", :label "People who break the law much harsher sentences"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1135, :name "pdaprp", :label "Get paid appropriately, considering efforts and achievements"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1136, :name "pdaprpa", :label "Considering efforts and achievements in job I feel I get paid appropriately"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1137, :name "smbtjob", :label "Get a similar or better job with another employer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1138, :name "smbtjoba", :label "Get similar or better job with another employer"}]}], :all-rounds [{:id "round1", :label "Round 1"} {:id "round2", :label "Round 2"} {:id "round3", :label "Round 3"} {:id "round4", :label "Round 4"} {:id "round5", :label "Round 5"} {:id "round6", :label "Round 6"}], :loading #{}, :status {:countries-rounds false, :groups-variables false, :login false}, :metadata [], :dataset {:type "", :data ""}, :open-dropdowns #{}, :session {:chans {}, :session-id "", :groups-variables [{:id "VG1", :label "Adminstrative variables; country, identifications numbers, editions. Automatically included in data file.", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1139, :name "cntry", :label "Country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 2, :name "cname", :label "Title of cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 3, :name "cedition", :label "Edition of cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 4, :name "cproddat", :label "Production date of cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 5, :name "cseqno", :label "Respondent's sequence number in cumulative dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 6, :name "name", :label "Title of dataset"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 7, :name "essround", :label "ESS round"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 8, :name "edition", :label "Edition"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 9, :name "idno", :label "Respondent's identification number"}]} {:id "VG2", :label "Design, post-stratification and population weights. Automatically included in data file.", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 10, :name "dweight", :label "Design weight"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 11, :name "pspwght", :label "Post-stratification weight including design weight"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 12, :name "pweight", :label "Population size weight (must be combined with dweight or pspwght)"}]} {:id "VG3", :label "Media use and trust", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 13, :name "tvtot", :label "TV watching, total time on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 14, :name "tvpol", :label "TV watching, news/politics/current affairs on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 15, :name "rdtot", :label "Radio listening, total time on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 16, :name "rdpol", :label "Radio listening, news/ politics/current affairs on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 17, :name "nwsptot", :label "Newspaper reading, total time on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 18, :name "nwsppol", :label "Newspaper reading, politics/current affairs on average weekday"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 19, :name "netuse", :label "Personal use of internet/e-mail/www"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 20, :name "ppltrst", :label "Most people can be trusted or you can't be too careful"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 21, :name "pplfair", :label "Most people try to take advantage of you, or try to be fair"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 22, :name "pplhlp", :label "Most of the time people helpful or mostly looking out for themselves"}]} {:id "VG4", :label "Politics, including: political interest, efficacy, trust, electoral and other forms of participation, party allegiance, socio-political orientations", :var-groups [{:id "VG5", :label "ESS standard variables", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 23, :name "polintr", :label "How interested in politics"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 24, :name "polcmpl", :label "Politics too complicated to understand"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 25, :name "poldcs", :label "Making mind up about political issues"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 26, :name "trstprl", :label "Trust in country's parliament"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 27, :name "trstlgl", :label "Trust in the legal system"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 28, :name "trstplc", :label "Trust in the police"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 29, :name "trstplt", :label "Trust in politicians"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 30, :name "trstprt", :label "Trust in political parties"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 31, :name "trstep", :label "Trust in the European Parliament"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 32, :name "trstun", :label "Trust in the United Nations"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 33, :name "vote", :label "Voted last national election"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 34, :name "contplt", :label "Contacted politician or government official last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 35, :name "wrkprty", :label "Worked in political party or action group last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 36, :name "wrkorg", :label "Worked in another organisation or association last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 37, :name "badge", :label "Worn or displayed campaign badge/sticker last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 38, :name "sgnptit", :label "Signed petition last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 39, :name "pbldmn", :label "Taken part in lawful public demonstration last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 40, :name "bctprd", :label "Boycotted certain products last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 41, :name "clsprty", :label "Feel closer to a particular party than all other parties"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 42, :name "prtdgcl", :label "How close to party"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 43, :name "mmbprty", :label "Member of political party"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 44, :name "lrscale", :label "Placement on left right scale"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 45, :name "stflife", :label "How satisfied with life as a whole"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 46, :name "stfeco", :label "How satisfied with present state of economy in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 47, :name "stfgov", :label "How satisfied with the national government"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 48, :name "stfdem", :label "How satisfied with the way democracy works in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 49, :name "stfedu", :label "State of education in country nowadays"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 50, :name "stfhlth", :label "State of health services in country nowadays"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 51, :name "gincdif", :label "Government should reduce differences in income levels"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 52, :name "freehms", :label "Gays and lesbians free to live life as they wish"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 53, :name "prtyban", :label "Ban political parties that wish overthrow democracy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 54, :name "scnsenv", :label "Modern science can be relied on to solve environmental problems"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 55, :name "euftf", :label "European Union: European unification go further or gone too far"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 56, :name "imsmetn", :label "Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 57, :name "imdfetn", :label "Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 58, :name "impcntr", :label "Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 59, :name "imbgeco", :label "Immigration bad or good for country's economy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 60, :name "imueclt", :label "Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 61, :name "imwbcnt", :label "Immigrants make country worse or better place to live"}]} {:id "VG6", :label "Country-specific variables, party affiliation", :var-groups [{:id "VG7", :label "Party voted for in last general election", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 62, :name "prtvtat", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 63, :name "prtvtaat", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 64, :name "prtvtbe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 65, :name "prtvtabe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 66, :name "prtvtbbe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 67, :name "prtvtcbe", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 68, :name "prtvtbg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 69, :name "prtvtabg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 70, :name "prtvtbbg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 71, :name "prtvtcbg", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 72, :name "prtvtch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 73, :name "prtvtach", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 74, :name "prtvtbch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 75, :name "prtvtcch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 76, :name "prtvtdch", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 77, :name "prtvtcy", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 78, :name "prtvtacy", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 79, :name "prtvtcz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 80, :name "prtvtacz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 81, :name "prtvtbcz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 82, :name "prtvtccz", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 83, :name "prtvde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 84, :name "prtvade1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 85, :name "prtvbde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 86, :name "prtvcde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 87, :name "prtvdde1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 88, :name "prtvde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 89, :name "prtvade2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 90, :name "prtvbde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 91, :name "prtvcde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 92, :name "prtvdde2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 93, :name "prtvtdk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 94, :name "prtvtadk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 95, :name "prtvtbdk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 96, :name "prtvtcdk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 97, :name "prtvtee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 98, :name "prtvtaee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 99, :name "prtvtbee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 100, :name "prtvtcee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 101, :name "prtvtdee", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 102, :name "prtvtes", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 103, :name "prtvtaes", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 104, :name "prtvtbes", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 105, :name "prtvtces", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 106, :name "prtvtfi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 107, :name "prtvtafi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 108, :name "prtvtbfi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 109, :name "prtvtcfi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 110, :name "prtvtfr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 111, :name "prtvtafr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 112, :name "prtvtbfr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 113, :name "prtvtcfr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, France (ballot 1)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 114, :name "prtvtgb", :label "Party voted for in last national election, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 115, :name "prtvtagb", :label "Party voted for in last national election, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 116, :name "prtvtgr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 117, :name "prtvtagr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 118, :name "prtvtbgr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 119, :name "prtvtcgr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 120, :name "prtvthr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 121, :name "prtvthu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 122, :name "prtvtahu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 123, :name "prtvtbhu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 124, :name "prtvtchu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 125, :name "prtvtdhu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 126, :name "prtvtie", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 127, :name "prtvtaie", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 128, :name "prtvtil", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 129, :name "prtvtail", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 130, :name "prtvtbil", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 131, :name "prtvtis", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 132, :name "prtvtais", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 133, :name "prtvtit", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 134, :name "prtvtait", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 135, :name "prtvtbit", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 136, :name "prtvlt1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Lithuania (first vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 137, :name "prtvalt1", :label "Party voted for in last national election 1, Lithuania (first vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 138, :name "prtvlt2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Lithuania (second vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 139, :name "prtvalt2", :label "Party voted for in last national election 2, Lithuania (second vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 140, :name "prtvlt3", :label "Party voted for in last national election 3, Lithuania (third vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 141, :name "prtvalt3", :label "Party voted for in last national election 3, Lithuania (third vote, party)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 142, :name "prtvtlu", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 143, :name "prtvtnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 144, :name "prtvtanl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 145, :name "prtvtbnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 146, :name "prtvtcnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 147, :name "prtvtdnl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 148, :name "prtvtenl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 149, :name "prtvtno", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 150, :name "prtvtano", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 151, :name "prtvtpl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 152, :name "prtvtapl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 153, :name "prtvtbpl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 154, :name "prtvtcpl", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 155, :name "prtvtpt", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 156, :name "prtvtapt", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 157, :name "prtvtbpt", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 158, :name "prtvtru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 159, :name "prtvtaru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 160, :name "prtvtbru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 161, :name "prtvtcru", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 162, :name "prtvtse", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 163, :name "prtvtase", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 164, :name "prtvtbse", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 165, :name "prtvtsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 166, :name "prtvtasi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 167, :name "prtvtbsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 168, :name "prtvtcsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 169, :name "prtvtdsi", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 170, :name "prtvtsk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 171, :name "prtvtask", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 172, :name "prtvtbsk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 173, :name "prtvtcsk", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 174, :name "prtvttr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 175, :name "prtvtatr", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 176, :name "prtvtua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 177, :name "prtvtaua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 178, :name "prtvtbua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 179, :name "prtvtcua", :label "Party voted for in last national election, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG8", :label "Party feeling closer to than others", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 180, :name "prtclat", :label "Which party feel closer to, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 181, :name "prtclaat", :label "Which party feel closer to, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 182, :name "prtclbe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 183, :name "prtclabe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 184, :name "prtclbbe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 185, :name "prtclcbe", :label "Which party feel closer to, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 186, :name "prtclbg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 187, :name "prtclabg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 188, :name "prtclbbg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 189, :name "prtclcbg", :label "Which party feel closer to, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 190, :name "prtclch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 191, :name "prtclach", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 192, :name "prtclbch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 193, :name "prtclcch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 194, :name "prtcldch", :label "Which party feel closer to, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 195, :name "prtclcy", :label "Which party feel closer to, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 196, :name "prtclacy", :label "Which party feel closer to, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 197, :name "prtclcz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 198, :name "prtclacz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 199, :name "prtclbcz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 200, :name "prtclccz", :label "Which party feel closer to, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 201, :name "prtclde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 202, :name "prtclade", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 203, :name "prtclbde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 204, :name "prtclcde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 205, :name "prtcldde", :label "Which party feel closer to, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 206, :name "prtcldk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 207, :name "prtcladk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 208, :name "prtclbdk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 209, :name "prtclcdk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 210, :name "prtclee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 211, :name "prtclaee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 212, :name "prtclbee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 213, :name "prtclcee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 214, :name "prtcldee", :label "Which party feel closer to, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 215, :name "prtcles", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 216, :name "prtclaes", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 217, :name "prtclbes", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 218, :name "prtclces", :label "Which party feel closer to, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 219, :name "prtclfi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 220, :name "prtclafi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 221, :name "prtclbfi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 222, :name "prtclcfi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 223, :name "prtclfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 224, :name "prtclafr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 225, :name "prtclbfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 226, :name "prtclcfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 227, :name "prtcldfr", :label "Which party feel closer to, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 228, :name "prtclgb", :label "Which party feel closer to, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 229, :name "prtclagb", :label "Which party feel closer to, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 230, :name "prtclgr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 231, :name "prtclagr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 232, :name "prtclbgr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 233, :name "prtclcgr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 234, :name "prtclhr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 235, :name "prtclhu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 236, :name "prtclahu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 237, :name "prtclbhu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 238, :name "prtclchu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 239, :name "prtcldhu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 240, :name "prtclie", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 241, :name "prtclaie", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 242, :name "prtclbie", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 243, :name "prtclil", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 244, :name "prtclail", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 245, :name "prtclbil", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 246, :name "prtclcil", :label "Which party feel closer to, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 247, :name "prtclis", :label "Which party feel closer to, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 248, :name "prtclais", :label "Which party feel closer to, Iceland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 249, :name "prtclit", :label "Which party feel closer to, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 250, :name "prtclait", :label "Which party feel closer to, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 251, :name "prtclbit", :label "Which party feel closer to, italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 252, :name "prtcllu", :label "Which party feel closer to, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 253, :name "prtcllt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 254, :name "prtclalt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 255, :name "prtclnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 256, :name "prtclanl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 257, :name "prtclbnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 258, :name "prtclcnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 259, :name "prtcldnl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 260, :name "prtclno", :label "Which party feel closer to, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 261, :name "prtclano", :label "Which party feel closer to, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 262, :name "prtclpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 263, :name "prtclapl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 264, :name "prtclbpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 265, :name "prtclcpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 266, :name "prtcldpl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 267, :name "prtclepl", :label "Which party feel closer to, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 268, :name "prtclpt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 269, :name "prtclapt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 270, :name "prtclbpt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 271, :name "prtclcpt", :label "Which party feel closer to, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 272, :name "prtclru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 273, :name "prtclaru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 274, :name "prtclbru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 275, :name "prtclcru", :label "Which party feel closer to, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 276, :name "prtclse", :label "Which party feel closer to, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 277, :name "prtclase", :label "Which party feel closer to, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 278, :name "prtclbse", :label "Which party feel closer to, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 279, :name "prtclsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 280, :name "prtclasi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 281, :name "prtclbsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 282, :name "prtclcsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 283, :name "prtcldsi", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 284, :name "prtclsk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 285, :name "prtclask", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 286, :name "prtclbsk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 287, :name "prtclcsk", :label "Which party feel closer to, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 288, :name "prtcltr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 289, :name "prtclatr", :label "Which party feel closer to, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 290, :name "prtclua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 291, :name "prtclaua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 292, :name "prtclbua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 293, :name "prtclcua", :label "Which party feel closer to, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG9", :label "Member of political party", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 294, :name "prtmbat", :label "Member of which party, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 295, :name "prtmbaat", :label "Member of which party, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 296, :name "prtmbbe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 297, :name "prtmbabe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 298, :name "prtmbbbe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 299, :name "prtmbcbe", :label "Member of which party, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 300, :name "prtmbbg", :label "Member of which party, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 301, :name "prtmbabg", :label "Member of which party, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 302, :name "prtmbbbg", :label "Member of which party, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 303, :name "prtmbch", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 304, :name "prtmbach", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 305, :name "prtmbbch", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 306, :name "prtmbcch", :label "Member of which party, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 307, :name "prtmbcy", :label "Member of which party, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 308, :name "prtmbcz", :label "Member of which party, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 309, :name "prtmbacz", :label "Member of which party, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 310, :name "prtmbbcz", :label "Member of which party, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 311, :name "prtmbde", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 312, :name "prtmbade", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 313, :name "prtmbbde", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 314, :name "prtmbcde", :label "Member of which party, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 315, :name "prtmbdk", :label "Member of which party, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 316, :name "prtmbadk", :label "Member of which party, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 317, :name "prtmbbdk", :label "Member of which party, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 318, :name "prtmbee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 319, :name "prtmbaee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 320, :name "prtmbbee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 321, :name "prtmbcee", :label "Member of which party, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 322, :name "prtmbes", :label "Member of which party, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 323, :name "prtmbaes", :label "Member of which party, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 324, :name "prtmbbes", :label "Member of which party, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 325, :name "prtmbfi", :label "Member of which party, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 326, :name "prtmbafi", :label "Member of which party, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 327, :name "prtmbbfi", :label "Member of which party, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 328, :name "prtmbfr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 329, :name "prtmbafr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 330, :name "prtmbbfr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 331, :name "prtmbcfr", :label "Member of which party, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 332, :name "prtmbgb", :label "Member of which party, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 333, :name "prtmbagb", :label "Member of which party, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 334, :name "prtmbgr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 335, :name "prtmbagr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 336, :name "prtmbbgr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 337, :name "prtmbcgr", :label "Member of which party, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 338, :name "prtmbhr", :label "Member of which party, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 339, :name "prtmbhu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 340, :name "prtmbahu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 341, :name "prtmbbhu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 342, :name "prtmbchu", :label "Member of which party, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 343, :name "prtmbie", :label "Member of which party, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 344, :name "prtmbaie", :label "Member of which party, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 345, :name "prtmbil", :label "Member of which party, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 346, :name "prtmbail", :label "Member of which party, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 347, :name "prtmbbil", :label "Member of which party, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 348, :name "prtmbit", :label "Member of which party, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 349, :name "prtmbait", :label "Member of which party, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 350, :name "prtmblu", :label "Member of which party, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 351, :name "prtmbnl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 352, :name "prtmbanl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 353, :name "prtmbbnl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 354, :name "prtmbcnl", :label "Member of which party, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 355, :name "prtmbno", :label "Member of which party, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 356, :name "prtmbano", :label "Member of which party, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 357, :name "prtmbpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 358, :name "prtmbapl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 359, :name "prtmbbpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 360, :name "prtmbcpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 361, :name "prtmbdpl", :label "Member of which party, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 362, :name "prtmbpt", :label "Member of which party, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 363, :name "prtmbapt", :label "Member of which party, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 364, :name "prtmbbpt", :label "Member of which party, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 365, :name "prtmbru", :label "Member of which party, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 366, :name "prtmbaru", :label "Member of which party, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 367, :name "prtmbbru", :label "Member of which party, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 368, :name "prtmbse", :label "Member of which party, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 369, :name "prtmbase", :label "Member of which party, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 370, :name "prtmbsi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 371, :name "prtmbasi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 372, :name "prtmbbsi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 373, :name "prtmbcsi", :label "Member of which party, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 374, :name "prtmbsk", :label "Member of which party, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 375, :name "prtmbask", :label "Member of which party, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 376, :name "prtmbbsk", :label "Member of which party, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 377, :name "prtmbtr", :label "Member of which party, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 378, :name "prtmbatr", :label "Member of which party, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 379, :name "prtmbua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 380, :name "prtmbaua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 381, :name "prtmbbua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 382, :name "prtmbcua", :label "Member of which party, Ukraine"}]}]}]} {:id "VG10", :label "Subjective well-being, social exclusion; religion; percieved discrimination; national and ethnic identity", :var-groups [{:id "VG11", :label "ESS standard variables", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 383, :name "happy", :label "How happy are you"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 384, :name "sclmeet", :label "How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 385, :name "inmdisc", :label "Anyone to discuss intimate and personal matters with"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 386, :name "sclact", :label "Take part in social activities compared to others of same age"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 387, :name "crmvct", :label "Respondent or household member victim of burglary/assault last 5 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 388, :name "aesfdrk", :label "Feeling of safety of walking alone in local area after dark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 389, :name "brghmwr", :label "How often worry about your home being burgled"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 390, :name "brghmef", :label "Worry about home burgled has effect on quality of life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 391, :name "crvctwr", :label "How often worry about becoming a victim of violent crime"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 392, :name "crvctef", :label "Worry about becoming victim of violent crime has effect on quality of life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 393, :name "trrenyr", :label "How likely terrorist attack in Europe during next twelve months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 394, :name "trrcnyr", :label "How likely terrorist attack in country during next twelve months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 395, :name "trrprsn", :label "Terrorist suspect in prison until police satisfied"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 396, :name "trrtort", :label "Torture in country never justified even to prevent terrorist attack"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 397, :name "health", :label "Subjective general health"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 398, :name "hlthhmp", :label "Hampered in daily activities by illness/disability/infirmity/mental problem"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 399, :name "rlgblg", :label "Belonging to particular religion or denomination"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 400, :name "rlgdnm", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 401, :name "rlgblge", :label "Ever belonging to particular religion or denomination"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 402, :name "rlgdnme", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 403, :name "rlgdgr", :label "How religious are you"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 404, :name "rlgatnd", :label "How often attend religious services apart from special occasions"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 405, :name "pray", :label "How often pray apart from at religious services"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 406, :name "dscrgrp", :label "Member of a group discriminated against in this country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 407, :name "dscrrce", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: colour or race"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 408, :name "dscrntn", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: nationality"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 409, :name "dscrrlg", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: religion"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 410, :name "dscrlng", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: language"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 411, :name "dscretn", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: ethnic group"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 412, :name "dscrage", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: age"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 413, :name "dscrgnd", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: gender"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 414, :name "dscrsex", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: sexuality"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 415, :name "dscrdsb", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: disability"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 416, :name "dscroth", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: other grounds"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 417, :name "dscrdk", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: don't know"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 418, :name "dscrref", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: refusal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 419, :name "dscrnap", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: not applicable"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 420, :name "dscrna", :label "Discrimination of respondent's group: no answer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 421, :name "ctzcntr", :label "Citizen of country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 422, :name "ctzship", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 423, :name "ctzshipa", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 424, :name "ctzshipb", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 425, :name "ctzshipc", :label "Citizenship"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 426, :name "brncntr", :label "Born in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 427, :name "cntbrth", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 428, :name "cntbrtha", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 429, :name "cntbrthb", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 430, :name "cntbrthc", :label "Country of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 431, :name "livecntr", :label "How long ago first came to live in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 432, :name "livecnta", :label "What year you first came to live in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 433, :name "lnghoma", :label "Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 434, :name "lnghom1", :label "Language most often spoken at home: first mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 435, :name "lnghomb", :label "Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 436, :name "lnghom2", :label "Language most often spoken at home: second mentioned"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 437, :name "blgetmg", :label "Belong to minority ethnic group in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 438, :name "facntr", :label "Father born in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 439, :name "facntn", :label "Continent of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 440, :name "fbrncnt", :label "Country of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 441, :name "fbrncnta", :label "Country of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 442, :name "fbrncntb", :label "Country of birth, father"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 443, :name "mocntr", :label "Mother born in country"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 444, :name "mocntn", :label "Continent of birth, mother"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 445, :name "mbrncnt", :label "Country of birth, mother"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 446, :name "mbrncnta", :label "Country of birth, mother"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 447, :name "mbrncntb", :label "Country of birth, mother"}]} {:id "VG12", :label "Country specific variables, religious belonging", :var-groups [{:id "VG13", :label "Religious belonging at present", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 448, :name "rlgdnch", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 449, :name "rlgdnach", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 450, :name "rlgdncy", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 451, :name "rlgdnde", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 452, :name "rlgdnade", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 453, :name "rlgdnfi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 454, :name "rlgdnafi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 455, :name "rlgdngb", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 456, :name "rlgdngr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 457, :name "rlgdnagr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 458, :name "rlgdnhu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 459, :name "rlgdnie", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 460, :name "rlgdnil", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 461, :name "rlgdnlt", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 462, :name "rlgdnnl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 463, :name "rlgdnno", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 464, :name "rlgdnpl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 465, :name "rlgdnapl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 466, :name "rlgdnpt", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 467, :name "rlgdnru", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 468, :name "rlgdnaru", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 469, :name "rlgdnse", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 470, :name "rlgdnase", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 471, :name "rlgdnsk", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 472, :name "rlgdnua", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to at present, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG14", :label "Religious belonging in the past", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 473, :name "rlgdech", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 474, :name "rlgdeach", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 475, :name "rlgdecy", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 476, :name "rlgdede", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 477, :name "rlgdeade", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 478, :name "rlgdefi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 479, :name "rlgdeafi", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 480, :name "rlgdegb", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 481, :name "rlgdegr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 482, :name "rlgdeagr", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 483, :name "rlgdehu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 484, :name "rlgdeie", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 485, :name "rlgdeil", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 486, :name "rlgdelt", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 487, :name "rlgdenl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 488, :name "rlgdeno", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 489, :name "rlgdepl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 490, :name "rlgdeapl", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 491, :name "rlgdept", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 492, :name "rlgderu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 493, :name "rlgdearu", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 494, :name "rlgdese", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 495, :name "rlgdease", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 496, :name "rlgdesk", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 497, :name "rlgdeua", :label "Religion or denomination belonging to in the past, Ukraine"}]}]}]} {:id "VG15", :label "Gender, age and household composition", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 498, :name "hhmmb", :label "Number of people living regularly as member of household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 499, :name "gndr", :label "Gender"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 500, :name "gndr2", :label "Gender of second person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 501, :name "gndr3", :label "Gender of third person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 502, :name "gndr4", :label "Gender of fourth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 503, :name "gndr5", :label "Gender of fifth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 504, :name "gndr6", :label "Gender of sixth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 505, :name "gndr7", :label "Gender of seventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 506, :name "gndr8", :label "Gender of eighth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 507, :name "gndr9", :label "Gender of ninth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 508, :name "gndr10", :label "Gender of tenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 509, :name "gndr11", :label "Gender of eleventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 510, :name "gndr12", :label "Gender of twelfth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 511, :name "gndr13", :label "Gender of thirteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 512, :name "gndr14", :label "Gender of fourteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 513, :name "gndr15", :label "Gender of fifteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 514, :name "gndr16", :label "Gender of sixteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 515, :name "gndr17", :label "Gender of seventeenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 516, :name "gndr18", :label "Gender of eighteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 517, :name "yrbrn", :label "Year of birth"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 518, :name "agea", :label "Age of respondent, calculated"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 519, :name "yrbrn2", :label "Year of birth of second person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 520, :name "yrbrn3", :label "Year of birth of third person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 521, :name "yrbrn4", :label "Year of birth of fourth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 522, :name "yrbrn5", :label "Year of birth of fifth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 523, :name "yrbrn6", :label "Year of birth of sixth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 524, :name "yrbrn7", :label "Year of birth of seventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 525, :name "yrbrn8", :label "Year of birth of eighth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 526, :name "yrbrn9", :label "Year of birth of ninth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 527, :name "yrbrn10", :label "Year of birth of tenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 528, :name "yrbrn11", :label "Year of birth of eleventh person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 529, :name "yrbrn12", :label "Year of birth of twelfth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 530, :name "yrbrn13", :label "Year of birth of thirteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 531, :name "yrbrn14", :label "Year of birth of fourteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 532, :name "yrbrn15", :label "Year of birth of fifteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 533, :name "yrbrn16", :label "Year of birth of sixteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 534, :name "yrbrn17", :label "Year of birth of seventeenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 535, :name "yrbrn18", :label "Year of birth of eighteenth person in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 536, :name "rship2", :label "Second person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 537, :name "rshipa2", :label "Second person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 538, :name "rship3", :label "Third person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 539, :name "rshipa3", :label "Third person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 540, :name "rship4", :label "Fourth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 541, :name "rshipa4", :label "Fourth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 542, :name "rship5", :label "Fifth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 543, :name "rshipa5", :label "Fifth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 544, :name "rship6", :label "Sixth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 545, :name "rshipa6", :label "Sixth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 546, :name "rship7", :label "Seventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 547, :name "rshipa7", :label "Seventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 548, :name "rship8", :label "Eighth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 549, :name "rshipa8", :label "Eighth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 550, :name "rship9", :label "Ninth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 551, :name "rshipa9", :label "Ninth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 552, :name "rship10", :label "Tenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 553, :name "rshipa10", :label "Tenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 554, :name "rship11", :label "Eleventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 555, :name "rshipa11", :label "Eleventh person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 556, :name "rship12", :label "Twelfth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 557, :name "rshipa12", :label "Twelfth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 558, :name "rship13", :label "Thirteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 559, :name "rshipa13", :label "Thirteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 560, :name "rship14", :label "Fourteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 561, :name "rshipa14", :label "Fourteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 562, :name "rship15", :label "Fifteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 563, :name "rshipa15", :label "Fifteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 564, :name "rship16", :label "Sixteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 565, :name "rshipa16", :label "Sixteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 566, :name "rship17", :label "Seventeenth person in household: Relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 567, :name "rshipa17", :label "Seventeenth person in household: relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 568, :name "rship18", :label "Eighteenth person in household: Relationship to respondent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 569, :name "rshipa18", :label "Eighteenth person in household: relationship to respondent"}]} {:id "VG16", :label "Socio-demographic profile, including: type of area, education and occupation, union membership, income, marital status", :var-groups [{:id "VG17", :label "ESS standard variables", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 570, :name "partner", :label "Lives with husband/wife/partner at household grid"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 571, :name "rshpsts", :label "Relationship with husband/wife/partner currently living with"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 572, :name "marsts", :label "Legal marital status"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 573, :name "marital", :label "Legal marital status"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 574, :name "martlfr", :label "Legal marital status, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 575, :name "maritala", :label "Legal marital status"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 576, :name "maritalb", :label "Legal marital status, post coded"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 577, :name "lvghw", :label "Currently living with husband/wife"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 578, :name "lvghwa", :label "Currently living with husband/wife/civil partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 579, :name "lvgoptn", :label "Currently living with another partner than husband/wife"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 580, :name "lvgptn", :label "Currently living with partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 581, :name "lvgptna", :label "Currently living with partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 582, :name "lvgptne", :label "Ever lived with a partner without being married"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 583, :name "lvgptnea", :label "Ever lived with a partner, without being married"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 584, :name "dvrcdev", :label "Ever been divorced"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 585, :name "dvrcdeva", :label "Ever been divorced/had civil union dissolved"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 586, :name "chldhm", :label "Children living at home or not"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 587, :name "chldhhe", :label "Ever had children living in household"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 588, :name "domicil", :label "Domicile, respondent's description"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 589, :name "edulvla", :label "Highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 590, :name "edulvlb", :label "Highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 591, :name "eisced", :label "Highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 592, :name "edufld", :label "Field or subject, highest qualification"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 593, :name "eduyrs", :label "Years of full-time education completed"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 594, :name "pdwrk", :label "Doing last 7 days: paid work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 595, :name "edctn", :label "Doing last 7 days: education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 596, :name "uempla", :label "Doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 597, :name "uempli", :label "Doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 598, :name "dsbld", :label "Doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 599, :name "rtrd", :label "Doing last 7 days: retired"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 600, :name "cmsrv", :label "Doing last 7 days: community or military service"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 601, :name "hswrk", :label "Doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 602, :name "dngoth", :label "Doing last 7 days: other"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 603, :name "dngdk", :label "Doing last 7 days: don't know"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 604, :name "dngref", :label "Doing last 7 days: refusal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 605, :name "dngna", :label "Doing last 7 days: no answer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 606, :name "mainact", :label "Main activity last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 607, :name "mnactic", :label "Main activity, last 7 days. All respondents. Post coded"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 608, :name "crpdwk", :label "Control paid work last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 609, :name "pdjobev", :label "Ever had a paid job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 610, :name "pdjobyr", :label "Year last in paid job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 611, :name "emplrel", :label "Employment relation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 612, :name "emplno", :label "Number of employees respondent has/had"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 613, :name "wrkctr", :label "Employment contract unlimited or limited duration"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 614, :name "wrkctra", :label "Employment contract unlimited or limited duration"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 615, :name "estsz", :label "Establishment size"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 616, :name "jbspv", :label "Responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 617, :name "njbspv", :label "Number of people responsible for in job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 618, :name "wkdcorg", :label "Allowed to decide how daily work is organised"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 619, :name "wkdcorga", :label "Allowed to decide how daily work is organised"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 620, :name "iorgact", :label "Allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 621, :name "wkhct", :label "Total contracted hours per week in main job overtime excluded"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 622, :name "wkhtot", :label "Total hours normally worked per week in main job overtime included"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 623, :name "nacer1", :label "Industry, NACE rev.1"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 624, :name "nacer11", :label "Industry, NACE rev.1.1"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 625, :name "nacer2", :label "Industry, NACE rev.2"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 626, :name "tporgwk", :label "What type of organisation work/worked for"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 627, :name "iscoco", :label "Occupation, ISCO88 (com)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 628, :name "isco08", :label "Occupation, ISCO08"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 629, :name "wrkac6m", :label "Paid work in another country, period more than 6 months last 10 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 630, :name "uemp3m", :label "Ever unemployed and seeking work for a period more than three months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 631, :name "uemp12m", :label "Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 632, :name "uemp5yr", :label "Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 633, :name "mbtru", :label "Member of trade union or similar organisation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 634, :name "hincsrc", :label "Main source of household income"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 635, :name "hincsrca", :label "Main source of household income"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 636, :name "hinctnt", :label "Household's total net income, all sources"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 637, :name "hinctnta", :label "Household's total net income, all sources"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 638, :name "hincfel", :label "Feeling about household's income nowadays"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 639, :name "brwmny", :label "Borrow money to make ends meet, difficult or easy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 640, :name "edulvlpa", :label "Partner's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 641, :name "edulvlpb", :label "Partner's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 642, :name "eiscedp", :label "Partner's highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 643, :name "pdwrkp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: paid work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 644, :name "edctnp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 645, :name "uemplap", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 646, :name "uemplip", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: unemployed, not actively looking for job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 647, :name "dsbldp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: permanently sick or disabled"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 648, :name "rtrdp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: retired"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 649, :name "cmsrvp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: community or military service"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 650, :name "hswrkp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: housework, looking after children, others"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 651, :name "dngothp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: other"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 652, :name "dngdkp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: don't know"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 653, :name "dngnapp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: not applicable"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 654, :name "dngrefp", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: refusal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 655, :name "dngnap", :label "Partner doing last 7 days: no answer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 656, :name "mnactp", :label "Partner's main activity last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 657, :name "crpdwkp", :label "Partner, control paid work last 7 days"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 658, :name "iscocop", :label "Occupation partner, ISCO88 (com)"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 659, :name "isco08p", :label "Occupation partner, ISCO08"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 660, :name "emprelp", :label "Partner's employment relation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 661, :name "emplnop", :label "Number of employees partner has"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 662, :name "jbspvp", :label "Partner responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 663, :name "njbspvp", :label "Number of people partner responsible for in job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 664, :name "wkdcorp", :label "Partner allowed to decide how daily work is organised"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 665, :name "ioactp", :label "Partner is allowed to influence policy decisions about activities of organisation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 666, :name "wkhtotp", :label "Hours normally worked a week in main job overtime included, partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 667, :name "edulvlfa", :label "Father's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 668, :name "edulvlfb", :label "Father's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 669, :name "eiscedf", :label "Father's highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 670, :name "emprf14", :label "Father's employment status when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 671, :name "emplnof", :label "Number of employees father had"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 672, :name "jbspvf", :label "Father responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 673, :name "occf14", :label "Father's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 674, :name "occf14a", :label "Father's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 675, :name "occf14b", :label "Father's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 676, :name "edulvlma", :label "Mother's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 677, :name "edulvlmb", :label "Mother's highest level of education"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 678, :name "eiscedm", :label "Mother's highest level of education, ES - ISCED"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 679, :name "emprm14", :label "Mother's employment status when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 680, :name "emplnom", :label "Number of employees mother had"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 681, :name "jbspvm", :label "Mother responsible for supervising other employees"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 682, :name "occm14", :label "Mother's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 683, :name "occm14a", :label "Mother's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 684, :name "occm14b", :label "Mother's occupation when respondent 14"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 685, :name "atncrse", :label "Improve knowledge/skills: course/lecture/conference, last 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 686, :name "fxltph", :label "Fixed-line telephone in accommodation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 687, :name "mbltph", :label "Personally have mobile telephone"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 688, :name "inttph", :label "Use the Internet for telephone calls at home"}]} {:id "VG18", :label "Country-specific variables, education level attained", :var-groups [{:id "VG19", :label "Highest level of education, respondent", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 689, :name "edlvbe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 690, :name "edlvabe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 691, :name "edlvdbe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 692, :name "edlvebe", :label "Highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 693, :name "edlvbg", :label "Highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 694, :name "edlvdbg", :label "Highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 695, :name "edlvch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 696, :name "edlvach", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 697, :name "edlvbch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 698, :name "edlvcch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 699, :name "edlvdch", :label "Highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 700, :name "edlvcy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 701, :name "edlvacy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 702, :name "edlvdcy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 703, :name "edlvecy", :label "Highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 704, :name "edlvcz", :label "Highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 705, :name "edlvdcz", :label "Highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 706, :name "edlvde", :label "Highest level of education, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 707, :name "edlvade", :label "Highest level of education, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 708, :name "edude1", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 709, :name "eduade1", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 710, :name "edude2", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 711, :name "edude3", :label "Highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 712, :name "edlvdk", :label "Highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 713, :name "edlvadk", :label "Highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 714, :name "edlvddk", :label "Highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 715, :name "edlvee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 716, :name "edlvaee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 717, :name "edlvbee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 718, :name "edlvdee", :label "Highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 719, :name "edlves", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 720, :name "edlvaes", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 721, :name "edlvdes", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 722, :name "edlvees", :label "Highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 723, :name "edlvdfi", :label "Highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 724, :name "edlvfr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 725, :name "edlvafr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 726, :name "edlvbfr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 727, :name "edlvdfr", :label "Highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 728, :name "edlvgb", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 729, :name "edlvagb", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 730, :name "edugb1", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 731, :name "eduagb1", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 732, :name "edugb2", :label "Highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 733, :name "edagegb", :label "Age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 734, :name "edlvgr", :label "Highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 735, :name "edlvagr", :label "Highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 736, :name "edlvdgr", :label "Highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 737, :name "edlvhr", :label "Highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 738, :name "edlvdhr", :label "Highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 739, :name "edlvhu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 740, :name "edlvahu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 741, :name "edlvbhu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 742, :name "edlvdhu", :label "Highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 743, :name "edlvie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 744, :name "edlvaie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 745, :name "edlvbie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 746, :name "edlvdie", :label "Highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 747, :name "edlvil", :label "Highest level of education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 748, :name "edlvail", :label "Highest level of education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 749, :name "eduil1", :label "Highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 750, :name "eduail1", :label "Highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 751, :name "eduil2", :label "Highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 752, :name "eduail2", :label "Highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 753, :name "edlvit", :label "Highest level of education, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 754, :name "edlvait", :label "Highest level of education, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 755, :name "edlvdit", :label "Highest level of education, italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 756, :name "edlvdlt", :label "Highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 757, :name "edlvlu", :label "Highest level of education, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 758, :name "edlvnl", :label "Highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 759, :name "edlvdnl", :label "Highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 760, :name "edlvno", :label "Highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 761, :name "edlvano", :label "Highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 762, :name "edlvdno", :label "Highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 763, :name "edlvpl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 764, :name "edlvapl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 765, :name "edlvbpl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 766, :name "edlvdpl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 767, :name "edlvepl", :label "Highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 768, :name "edupl2", :label "Tertiary education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 769, :name "edlvpt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 770, :name "edlvapt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 771, :name "edlvbpt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 772, :name "edlvdpt", :label "Highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 773, :name "edlvru", :label "Highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 774, :name "edlvdru", :label "Highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 775, :name "edlvse", :label "Highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 776, :name "edlvase", :label "Highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 777, :name "edlvdse", :label "Highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 778, :name "edlvsi", :label "Highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 779, :name "edlvasi", :label "Highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 780, :name "edlvdsi", :label "Highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 781, :name "edlvsk", :label "Highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 782, :name "edlvask", :label "Highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 783, :name "edlvdsk", :label "Highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 784, :name "edlvua", :label "Highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 785, :name "edlvaua", :label "Highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 786, :name "edlvdua", :label "Highest level of education, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG20", :label "Highest level of education, partner", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 787, :name "edlvpbe", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 788, :name "edlvpdbe", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 789, :name "edlvpebe", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 790, :name "edlvpdbg", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 791, :name "edlvpch", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 792, :name "edlvpdch", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 793, :name "edlvpcy", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 794, :name "edlvpdcy", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 795, :name "edlvpecy", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 796, :name "edlvpcz", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 797, :name "edlvpdcz", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 798, :name "edupde1", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 799, :name "edupade1", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 800, :name "edupde2", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 801, :name "edupde3", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 802, :name "edlvpdk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 803, :name "edlvpddk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 804, :name "edlvpee", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 805, :name "edlvpdee", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 806, :name "edlvpes", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 807, :name "edlvpdes", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 808, :name "edlvpees", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 809, :name "edlvpdfi", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 810, :name "edlvpfr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 811, :name "edlvpdfr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 812, :name "edupgb1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 813, :name "edupagb1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 814, :name "edupgb2", :label "Partner's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 815, :name "edagepgb", :label "Partner's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 816, :name "edlvpgr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 817, :name "edlvpdgr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 818, :name "edlvphr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 819, :name "edlvpdhr", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 820, :name "edlvphu", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 821, :name "edlvpdhu", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 822, :name "edlvpie", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 823, :name "edlvpdie", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 824, :name "edupil1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 825, :name "edupail1", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 826, :name "edupil2", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 827, :name "edupail2", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 828, :name "edlvpdlt", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 829, :name "edlvpnl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 830, :name "edlvpdnl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 831, :name "edlvpno", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 832, :name "edlvpdno", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 833, :name "edlvppl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 834, :name "edlvpdpl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 835, :name "edlvpepl", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 836, :name "eduppl2", :label "Partner's tertiary education: lower or higher/single tier, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 837, :name "edlvppt", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 838, :name "edlvpdpt", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 839, :name "edlvpru", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 840, :name "edlvpdru", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 841, :name "edlvpse", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 842, :name "edlvpdse", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 843, :name "edlvpsi", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 844, :name "edlvpdsi", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 845, :name "edlvpsk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 846, :name "edlvpdsk", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 847, :name "edlvpua", :label "Partner's highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 848, :name "edlvpdua", :label "Partner´s highest level of education, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG21", :label "Highest level of education, father", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 849, :name "edlvfbe", :label "Father's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 850, :name "edlvfdbe", :label "Father's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 851, :name "edlvfebe", :label "Father's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 852, :name "edlvfdbg", :label "Father's highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 853, :name "edlvfch", :label "Father's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 854, :name "edlvfdch", :label "Father's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 855, :name "edlvfcy", :label "Father's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 856, :name "edlvfdcy", :label "Father's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 857, :name "edlvfecy", :label "Father's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 858, :name "edlvfcz", :label "Father's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 859, :name "edlvfdcz", :label "Father's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 860, :name "edufde1", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 861, :name "edufade1", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 862, :name "edufde2", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 863, :name "edufde3", :label "Father´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 864, :name "edlvfdk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 865, :name "edlvfddk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 866, :name "edlvfee", :label "Father's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 867, :name "edlvfdee", :label "Father's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 868, :name "edlvfes", :label "Father's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 869, :name "edlvfdes", :label "Father's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 870, :name "edlvfees", :label "Father's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 871, :name "edlvffr", :label "Father's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 872, :name "edlvfdfr", :label "Father's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 873, :name "edlvfdfi", :label "Father's highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 874, :name "edufgb1", :label "Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 875, :name "edufagb1", :label "Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 876, :name "edufgb2", :label "Father's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 877, :name "edagefgb", :label "Father's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 878, :name "edlvfgr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 879, :name "edlvfdgr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 880, :name "edlvfhr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 881, :name "edlvfdhr", :label "Father's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 882, :name "edlvfhu", :label "Father's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 883, :name "edlvfdhu", :label "Father's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 884, :name "edlvfie", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 885, :name "edlvfdie", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 886, :name "edufil1", :label "Father's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 887, :name "edufail1", :label "Father's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 888, :name "edufil2", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 889, :name "edufail2", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 890, :name "edlvfdlt", :label "Father's highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 891, :name "edlvfnl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 892, :name "edlvfdnl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 893, :name "edlvfno", :label "Father's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 894, :name "edlvfdno", :label "Father's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 895, :name "edlvfpl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 896, :name "edlvfdpl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 897, :name "edlvfepl", :label "Father's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 898, :name "edlvfpt", :label "Father's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 899, :name "edlvfdpt", :label "Father's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 900, :name "edlvfru", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 901, :name "edlvfdru", :label "Father's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 902, :name "edlvfse", :label "Father's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 903, :name "edlvfdse", :label "Father's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 904, :name "edlvfsi", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 905, :name "edlvfdsi", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 906, :name "edlvfsk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 907, :name "edlvfdsk", :label "Father's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 908, :name "edlvfua", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 909, :name "edlvfdua", :label "Father's highest level of education, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG22", :label "Highest level of education, mother", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 910, :name "edlvmbe", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 911, :name "edlvmdbe", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 912, :name "edlvmebe", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 913, :name "edlvmdbg", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 914, :name "edlvmch", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 915, :name "edlvmdch", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 916, :name "edlvmcy", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 917, :name "edlvmdcy", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 918, :name "edlvmecy", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 919, :name "edlvmcz", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 920, :name "edlvmdcz", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 921, :name "edumde1", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 922, :name "edumade1", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster allgemeinbildender schulabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 923, :name "edumde2", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster studienabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 924, :name "edumde3", :label "Mother´s highest level of education, Germany: höchster ausbildungsabschluss"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 925, :name "edlvmdk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 926, :name "edlvmddk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 927, :name "edlvmee", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 928, :name "edlvmdee", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 929, :name "edlvmes", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 930, :name "edlvmdes", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 931, :name "edlvmees", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 932, :name "edlvmfr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 933, :name "edlvmdfr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 934, :name "edlvmdfi", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 935, :name "edumgb1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 936, :name "edumagb1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to 2 or more A-levels or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 937, :name "edumgb2", :label "Mother's highest level of education, United Kingdom: Up to Ph.D or equivalent"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 938, :name "edagemgb", :label "Mother's age when completed full time education, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 939, :name "edlvmgr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 940, :name "edlvmdgr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 941, :name "edlvmhr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 942, :name "edlvmdhr", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 943, :name "edlvmhu", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 944, :name "edlvmdhu", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 945, :name "edlvmie", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 946, :name "edlvmdie", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 947, :name "edumil1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 948, :name "edumail1", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Israeli education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 949, :name "edumil2", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 950, :name "edumail2", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian education, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 951, :name "edlvmdlt", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Lithuania"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 952, :name "edlvmnl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 953, :name "edlvmdnl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 954, :name "edlvmno", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 955, :name "edlvmdno", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 956, :name "edlvmpl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 957, :name "edlvmdpl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 958, :name "edlvmepl", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 959, :name "edlvmpt", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 960, :name "edlvmdpt", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 961, :name "edlvmru", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 962, :name "edlvmdru", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 963, :name "edlvmse", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 964, :name "edlvmdse", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 965, :name "edlvmsi", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 966, :name "edlvmdsi", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 967, :name "edlvmsk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 968, :name "edlvmdsk", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 969, :name "edlvmua", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ukraine"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 970, :name "edlvmdua", :label "Mother's highest level of education, Ukraine"}]}]} {:id "VG23", :label "Country-specific variables, marital and relationship status", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 971, :name "marstie", :label "Legal marital status, Ireland"}]}]} {:id "VG24", :label "Human values scale", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 972, :name "ipcrtiv", :label "Important to think new ideas and being creative"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 973, :name "imprich", :label "Important to be rich, have money and expensive things"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 974, :name "ipeqopt", :label "Important that people are treated equally and have equal opportunities"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 975, :name "ipshabt", :label "Important to show abilities and be admired"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 976, :name "impsafe", :label "Important to live in secure and safe surroundings"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 977, :name "impdiff", :label "Important to try new and different things in life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 978, :name "ipfrule", :label "Important to do what is told and follow rules"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 979, :name "ipudrst", :label "Important to understand different people"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 980, :name "ipmodst", :label "Important to be humble and modest, not draw attention"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 981, :name "ipgdtim", :label "Important to have a good time"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 982, :name "impfree", :label "Important to make own decisions and be free"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 983, :name "iphlppl", :label "Important to help people and care for others well-being"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 984, :name "ipsuces", :label "Important to be successful and that people recognize achievements"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 985, :name "ipstrgv", :label "Important that government is strong and ensures safety"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 986, :name "ipadvnt", :label "Important to seek adventures and have an exciting life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 987, :name "ipbhprp", :label "Important to behave properly"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 988, :name "iprspot", :label "Important to get respect from others"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 989, :name "iplylfr", :label "Important to be loyal to friends and devote to people close"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 990, :name "impenv", :label "Important to care for nature and environment"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 991, :name "imptrad", :label "Important to follow traditions and customs"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 992, :name "impfun", :label "Important to seek fun and things that give pleasure"}]} {:id "VG25", :label "Region", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 993, :name "cregion", :label "Region"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 994, :name "regunit", :label "Regional unit"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 995, :name "regionat", :label "Region, Austria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 996, :name "regionbe", :label "Region, Belgium"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 997, :name "regionbg", :label "Region, Bulgaria"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 998, :name "regionch", :label "Region, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 999, :name "regioach", :label "Region, Switzerland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1000, :name "regioncy", :label "Region, Cyprus"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1001, :name "regioncz", :label "Region, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1002, :name "regioacz", :label "Region, Czech Republic"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1003, :name "regionde", :label "Region, Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1004, :name "regiondk", :label "Region, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1005, :name "regioadk", :label "Region, Denmark"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1006, :name "regionee", :label "Region, Estonia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1007, :name "regiones", :label "Region, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1008, :name "regioaes", :label "Region, Spain"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1009, :name "regionfi", :label "Region, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1010, :name "regioafi", :label "Region, Finland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1011, :name "regionfr", :label "Region, France"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1012, :name "regiongb", :label "Region, United Kingdom"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1013, :name "regiongr", :label "Region, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1014, :name "regioagr", :label "Region, Greece"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1015, :name "regionhr", :label "Region, Croatia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1016, :name "regionhu", :label "Region, Hungary"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1017, :name "regionie", :label "Region, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1018, :name "regioaie", :label "Region, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1019, :name "regiobie", :label "Region, Ireland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1020, :name "regionil", :label "Region, Israel"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1021, :name "regionit", :label "Region, Italy"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1022, :name "regionlu", :label "Region, Luxembourg"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1023, :name "regionnl", :label "Region, Netherlands"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1024, :name "regionno", :label "Region, Norway"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1025, :name "regionpl", :label "Region, Poland"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1026, :name "regionpt", :label "Region, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1027, :name "regioapt", :label "Region, Portugal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1028, :name "regionru", :label "Region, Russian Federation"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1029, :name "regionse", :label "Region, Sweden"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1030, :name "regionsi", :label "Region, Slovenia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1031, :name "regionsk", :label "Region, Slovakia"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1032, :name "regiontr", :label "Region, Turkey"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1033, :name "regionua", :label "Region, Ukraine"}]} {:id "VG26", :label "Administrative variables; interview time, administration of split ballot", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1034, :name "intewde", :label "Place of interview: East, West Germany"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1035, :name "inwdd", :label "Day of month of interview"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1036, :name "inwdds", :label "Start of interview, day of month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1037, :name "inwdde", :label "End of interview, day of month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1038, :name "inwmm", :label "Month of interview"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1039, :name "inwmms", :label "Start of interview, month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1040, :name "inwmme", :label "End of interview, month"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1041, :name "inwyr", :label "Year of interview"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1042, :name "inwyys", :label "Start of interview, year"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1043, :name "inwyye", :label "End of interview, year"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1044, :name "inwshh", :label "Start of interview, hour"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1045, :name "inwsmm", :label "Start of interview, minute"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1046, :name "inwehh", :label "End of interview, hour"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1047, :name "inwemm", :label "End of interview, minute"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1048, :name "inwtm", :label "Interview length in minutes, main questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1049, :name "supqdd", :label "Day of month, supplementary questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1050, :name "supqmm", :label "Month, supplementary questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1051, :name "supqyr", :label "Year, supplementary questionnaire"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1052, :name "mode", :label "Administration of supplementary questionnaire"}]} {:id "VG27", :label "Rotating modules", :var-groups [{:id "VG28", :label "Family, work and wellbeing", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1053, :name "gdsprt", :label "Have felt cheerful and in good spirits last 2 weeks"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1054, :name "clmrlx", :label "Have felt calm and relaxed last 2 weeks"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1055, :name "actvgrs", :label "Have felt active and vigorous last 2 weeks"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1056, :name "yrspdwk", :label "Total number of years in full- or part-time work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1057, :name "yrspdwka", :label "Total number of years in full-or part time work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1058, :name "wrkengt", :label "Work involve working evenings/nights, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1059, :name "wkovrtm", :label "Work involve having to work overtime at short notice, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1060, :name "wrkwe", :label "Work involve working at weekends, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1061, :name "yrcremp", :label "Year first started working for current employer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1062, :name "jbcoedu", :label "Would someone applying for your job need education beyond compulsory"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1063, :name "jbedyrs", :label "Years of education beyond compulsory needed by applicant for your job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1064, :name "jblrn", :label "Somebody with right qualification, how long to learn to do your job well"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1065, :name "vrtywrk", :label "Current job: Variety in work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1066, :name "jbrqlrn", :label "Current job: Job requires learning new things"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1067, :name "wgdpeft", :label "Current job: Wage/salary depends on effort put into work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1068, :name "hlpcowk", :label "Current job: can get support/help from co-workers when needed"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1069, :name "hlthrwk", :label "Current job: health/safety at risk because of work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1070, :name "dcsfwrk", :label "Current job: can decide time start/finish work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1071, :name "jbscr", :label "Current job: Job is secure"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1072, :name "wrkhrd", :label "Current job: Job requires work very hard"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1073, :name "nevdnjb", :label "Current job: Never enough time to get everything done in job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1074, :name "oprtad", :label "Current job: Good opportunities for advancement"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1075, :name "bsmw", :label "Immediate supervisor/boss, man or woman"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1076, :name "ppwwkp", :label "Proportion of women at workplace"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1077, :name "rpljbde", :label "How difficult/easy for employer to replace you if you left"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1078, :name "wrywprb", :label "Worry about work problems when not working, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1079, :name "trdawrk", :label "Too tired after work to enjoy things like do at home, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1080, :name "jbprtfp", :label "Job prevents you from giving time to partner/family, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1081, :name "pfmfdjb", :label "Partner/family fed up with pressure of your job, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1082, :name "pfmfdjba", :label "Partner/family fed up with pressure of your job, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1083, :name "dfcnswk", :label "Difficult to concentrate on work because of family responsibilities"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1084, :name "dfcnswka", :label "Difficult concentrate on work because of family responsibilities"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1085, :name "grspay", :label "Usual gross pay in euros, before deduction for tax/insurance"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1086, :name "grspaya", :label "Usual gross pay in Euros, before deductions for tax and insurance"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1087, :name "payprd", :label "How long period pay cover"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1088, :name "payprda", :label "How long period pay cover"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1089, :name "ipjbini", :label "Important if choosing job: Job enabled you to use own initiative"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1090, :name "ipjbscr", :label "Important if choosing job: Secure job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1091, :name "ipjbhin", :label "Important if choosing job: High income"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1092, :name "ipjbwfm", :label "Important if choosing job: Job allowed you to combine work/family"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1093, :name "wkhsch", :label "How many hours would choose to work weekly"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1094, :name "icptn", :label "Interviewer code, lives with husband/wife/partner"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1095, :name "wkengtp", :label "Partner's work involve working evenings/nights, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1096, :name "wkovtmp", :label "Partner's work involve working overtime at short notice, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1097, :name "ptnwkwe", :label "Partner´s work involve working at weekends, how often"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1098, :name "rtryr", :label "Year of retirement"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1099, :name "wntrtr", :label "Wanted to retire or preferred to continue paid work, year of retirement"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1100, :name "plnchld", :label "Plan having child within next 3 years"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1101, :name "wkdcpce", :label "Allowed to choose/change pace of work"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1102, :name "pphincr", :label "Proportion of household income respondent provides"}]} {:id "VG29", :label "Personal and social wellbeing", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1103, :name "stfjb", :label "How satisfied with job"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1104, :name "stfjbot", :label "Satisfied with balance between time on job and time on other aspects"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1105, :name "wkvlorg", :label "Involved in work for voluntary or charitable organisations, how often past 12 months"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1106, :name "optftr", :label "Always optimistic about my future"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1107, :name "pstvms", :label "In general feel very positive about myself"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1108, :name "flrms", :label "At times feel as if I am a failure"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1109, :name "fltdpr", :label "Felt depressed, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1110, :name "flteeff", :label "Felt everything did as effort, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1111, :name "slprl", :label "Sleep was restless, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1112, :name "wrhpp", :label "Were happy, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1113, :name "fltlnl", :label "Felt lonely, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1114, :name "fltlnla", :label "How much time during past week you felt lonely"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1115, :name "enjlf", :label "Enjoyed life, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1116, :name "fltsd", :label "Felt sad, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1117, :name "cldgng", :label "Could not get going, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1118, :name "enrglot", :label "Had lot of energy, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1119, :name "fltanx", :label "Felt anxious, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1120, :name "fltpcfl", :label "Felt calm and peaceful, how often past week"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1121, :name "dclvlf", :label "Free to decide how to live my life"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1122, :name "lchshcp", :label "Little chance to show how capable I am"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1123, :name "accdng", :label "Feel accomplishment from what I do"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1124, :name "wrbknrm", :label "When things go wrong in my life it takes a long time to get back to normal"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1125, :name "pplahlp", :label "Feel people in local area help one another"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1126, :name "trtrsp", :label "Feel people treat you with respect"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1127, :name "dngval", :label "Feel what I do in life is valuable and worthwhile"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1128, :name "nhpftr", :label "Hard to be hopeful about the future of the world"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1129, :name "lfwrs", :label "For most people in country life is getting worse"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1130, :name "flclpla", :label "Feel close to the people in local area"}]}]} {:id "VG30", :label "Cross-module replicated questions", :variables [{:dataset-id 1, :id 1131, :name "wmcpwrk", :label "Woman should be prepared to cut down on paid work for sake of family"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1132, :name "mnrgtjb", :label "Men should have more right to job than women when jobs are scarce"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1133, :name "hrshsnt", :label "People who break the law much harsher sentences"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1134, :name "hrshsnta", :label "People who break the law much harsher sentences"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1135, :name "pdaprp", :label "Get paid appropriately, considering efforts and achievements"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1136, :name "pdaprpa", :label "Considering efforts and achievements in job I feel I get paid appropriately"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1137, :name "smbtjob", :label "Get a similar or better job with another employer"} {:dataset-id 1, :id 1138, :name "smbtjoba", :label "Get similar or better job with another employer"}]}], :server-uri "http://localhost:9001/transit/"}}}], :merge #object[om$next$default_merge "function om$next$default_merge(reconciler,state,res,query){
return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 3, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"keys","keys",1068423698),,cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY,,cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_),,res)),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"next","next",-117701485),,reconciler,state,res,query),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"tempids","tempids",1767509089),,cljs.core.merge,cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY,,,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"tempids","tempids",1767509089),cljs.core.second),,,cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_,cljs.core.first),res)))], null);
}"], :shared-fn nil, :parser #object[om$next$impl$parser$parser_$_self "function (env,query,target){
case 2:
return om$next$impl$parser$parser_$,env,query);
case 3:
return om$next$impl$parser$parser_$,env,query,target);
throw(new Error('Invalid arity: ' + arguments.length));
}"], :ui->props #object[om$next$default_ui__GT_props "function om$next$default_ui__GT_props(p__24393,c){
var map__24399 = p__24393;
var map__24399__$1 = ((((!((map__24399 == null)))?((((map__24399.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & (64))) || ((cljs.core.PROTOCOL_SENTINEL === map__24399.cljs$core$ISeq$)))?true:false):false))?,cljs.core.hash_map,map__24399):map__24399);
var env = map__24399__$1;
var parser =,map__24399__$1,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"parser","parser",-1543495310));
var pathopt =,map__24399__$1,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"pathopt","pathopt",-61073149));
var ui = (((function (){var and__20393__auto__ = pathopt;
var and__20393__auto____$1 = ((!((c == null)))?(((false) || ((cljs.core.PROTOCOL_SENTINEL ===$next$Ident$)))?true:false):false);
} else {
return and__20393__auto____$1;
} else {
return and__20393__auto__;
})())?(function (){var id =,c,,c));
return,,env,new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray([id,,c)], true, false)], null)),id);
if(!((ui == null))){
return ui;
} else {
var fq =,c);
if((fq == null)){
return null;
} else {
var s =;
var ui__$1 =,env,fq);
var e =;
var temp__4657__auto___24404 = new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"logger","logger",-220675947).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(env);
var l_24405 = temp__4657__auto___24404;
var dt_24406 = (e - s);
if(((16) < dt_24406)){
goog.log.warning(l_24405,[cljs.core.str(c),cljs.core.str(" query took "),cljs.core.str(dt_24406),cljs.core.str(" msecs")].join(''));
} else {
} else {

}"], :logger #object[Object [object Object]], :indexer{:indexes #object [cljs.core.Atom {:val {:class->components {ess-cdw-front.core/RootView #{#object[ess-cdw-front.core.RootView]}, #{#object[]}, ess-cdw-front.ui.countries-rounds/CountriesRoundsView #{#object[ess-cdw-front.ui.countries-rounds.CountriesRoundsView]}, ess-cdw-front.ui.login/LoginView #{#object[ess-cdw-front.ui.login.LoginView]}, #{#object[]}, #{#object[]}, #{#object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[]}}, :data-path->components {[] #{#object[ess-cdw-front.ui.countries-rounds.CountriesRoundsView] #object[ess-cdw-front.ui.login.LoginView] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[ess-cdw-front.core.RootView] #object[]}}, :ref->components {}, :prop->classes {:groups-variables-component #{ess-cdw-front.core/RootView}, :countries-rounds-component #{ess-cdw-front.core/RootView}, :download-component #{ess-cdw-front.core/RootView}, :metadata #{ess-cdw-front.core/RootView}}, :class-path->query {[ess-cdw-front.core/RootView] #{[[:groups-variables-component :countries-rounds-component :download-component :metadata] nil]}}}}], :extfs {:index-component #object[Function "function (indexes,component){
return indexes;
}"], :drop-component #object[Function "function (indexes,component){
return indexes;
}"], :ref->components #object[Function "function (indexes,ref){
return null;
}"]}}, :root-unmount #object[Function "function (p1__24489_SHARP_){
return ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(p1__24489_SHARP_);
}"], :send #object[Function "function (p__34046,cb){
var map__34047 = p__34046;
var map__34047__$1 = ((((!((map__34047 == null)))?((((map__34047.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & (64))) || ((cljs.core.PROTOCOL_SENTINEL === map__34047.cljs$core$ISeq$)))?true:false):false))?,cljs.core.hash_map,map__34047):map__34047);
var remote =,map__34047__$1,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"remote","remote",-1593576576));
return,,((function (map__34047,map__34047__$1,remote){
return (function (single_r){
var st =,state);
var request =,new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [single_r], null),st);
return,,state),request,((function (st,request,map__34047,map__34047__$1,remote){
return (function (p1__34041_SHARP_){
return,,state,,ess_cdw_front.core.init_state),request,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"result","result",1415092211).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(p1__34041_SHARP_)));
,((function (st,request,map__34047,map__34047__$1,remote){
return (function (p1__34042_SHARP_){
} else {
return null;
}"], :shared nil, :merge-tree #object[om$next$default_merge_tree "function om$next$default_merge_tree(a,b){
} else {
return b;
}"], :optimize #object[Function "function (cs){
}"], :root-render #object[Function "function (p1__24487_SHARP_,p2__24488_SHARP_){
return ReactDOM.render(p1__24487_SHARP_,p2__24488_SHARP_);
}"], :normalize nil, :prune-tree #object[om$next$default_extract_errors "function om$next$default_extract_errors(reconciler,res,query){
var extract_STAR_ = (function om$next$default_extract_errors_$_extract_STAR_(query__$1,res__$1,errs){
var class$ = new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"component","component",1555936782).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(,query__$1));
var top_error_QMARK_ = (((!((class$ == null))) && (,res__$1)))?,errs,((function (class$){
return (function (p1__24458_SHARP_){
return,p1__24458_SHARP_,new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [,class$,res__$1)], null),,cljs.core.conj,cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY),new cljs.core.Keyword("","error","",-1841983205).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(res__$1));
var ret = (((top_error_QMARK_ == null))?cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY:null);
return,cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY,,((function (class$,top_error_QMARK_,ret){
return (function (p1__24459_SHARP_){
return om$next$default_extract_errors_$,query__$1,p1__24459_SHARP_,errs);
} else {
var exprs =,query__$1);
var ret__$1 = ret;
if(!((exprs == null))){
var expr =,exprs);
var k = (function (){var k =,expr);
var G__24470 = k;
} else {
return G__24470;
var data =,res__$1,k);
var mk =,expr);
var ret_SINGLEQUOTE_ =,res__$1,mk);
var x = new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"mutator","mutator",-1326825366).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(,expr));,errs,((function (exprs,ret__$1,x,mk,ret_SINGLEQUOTE_,expr,k,data,class$,top_error_QMARK_,ret){
return (function (p1__24460_SHARP_){
return,p1__24460_SHARP_,new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [x], null),,cljs.core.conj,cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY),new cljs.core.Keyword("","error","",-1841983205).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(ret_SINGLEQUOTE_));

var G__24471 =,exprs);
var G__24472 = ret__$1;
exprs = G__24471;
ret__$1 = G__24472;
} else {
var G__24473 =,exprs);
var G__24474 = (((ret__$1 == null))?,ret__$1,mk,ret_SINGLEQUOTE_));
exprs = G__24473;
ret__$1 = G__24474;
} else {
var jk =,expr);
var jv =,expr);
var class_SINGLEQUOTE_ = new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"component","component",1555936782).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(,jv));
var ret_SINGLEQUOTE_ = om$next$default_extract_errors_$,,jv,,,class_SINGLEQUOTE_,data))),data,errs);
var G__24475 =,exprs);
var G__24476 = (((ret__$1 == null))?,ret__$1,jk,ret_SINGLEQUOTE_));
exprs = G__24475;
ret__$1 = G__24476;
} else {
var ret_SINGLEQUOTE_ =,cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY,,((function (exprs,ret__$1,jk,jv,class_SINGLEQUOTE_,expr,k,data,class$,top_error_QMARK_,ret){
return (function (p1__24461_SHARP_){
return om$next$default_extract_errors_$,,jv,,,class_SINGLEQUOTE_,p1__24461_SHARP_))),p1__24461_SHARP_,errs);
var G__24477 =,exprs);
var G__24478 = (((ret__$1 == null))?,ret__$1,jk,ret_SINGLEQUOTE_));
exprs = G__24477;
ret__$1 = G__24478;
} else {
var jk =,expr);
var jv =,expr);
var ret_SINGLEQUOTE_ = om$next$default_extract_errors_$,jv,data,errs);
var G__24479 =,exprs);
var G__24480 = (((ret__$1 == null))?,ret__$1,jk,ret_SINGLEQUOTE_));
exprs = G__24479;
ret__$1 = G__24480;
} else {
if((,data)) && (,data))){,errs,((function (exprs,ret__$1,expr,k,data,class$,top_error_QMARK_,ret){
return (function (p1__24462_SHARP_){
return,p1__24462_SHARP_,new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [(function (){var or__20405__auto__ = (((class$ == null))?,class$,res__$1));
return or__20405__auto__;
} else {
return k;
})()], null),,cljs.core.conj,cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY),new cljs.core.Keyword("","error","",-1841983205).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(data));

var G__24481 =,exprs);
var G__24482 = null;
exprs = G__24481;
ret__$1 = G__24482;
} else {
var G__24483 =,exprs);
var G__24484 = (((ret__$1 == null))?,ret__$1,k,data));
exprs = G__24483;
ret__$1 = G__24484;

} else {
return ret__$1;
} else {
return null;
var errs =,cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY);
var ret =,query,res,errs);
return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 2, [new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"tree","tree",-196312028),ret,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"errors","errors",-908790718),,errs)], null);
}"]}, :state #object [cljs.core.Atom {:val {:normalized true, :remove #object[Function "function (){,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"state","state",-1988618099).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(self__.config),(function (){var or__20405__auto__ = target;
return or__20405__auto__;
} else {
return guid;
})());,self__.state,((function (renderf,parsef,ret,rctor,guid,this$__$1){
return (function (p1__24338_SHARP_){
return,,,,p1__24338_SHARP_,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"target","target",253001721)),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"render","render",-1408033454)),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"root","root",-448657453)),new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"remove","remove",-131428414));

if((target == null)){
return null;
} else {
return new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"root-unmount","root-unmount",1692900789).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(self__.config).call(null,target);
}"], :queue [#object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[] #object[]], :sends-queued false, :queued-sends {}, :queued true, :render #object[Function "function (){
var sel =,(function (){var or__20405__auto__ =,ret);
return or__20405__auto__;
} else {
return root_class;
if(((sel == null)) || (,sel))){
} else {
throw (new Error([cljs.core.str("Assert failed: "),cljs.core.str("Application root query must be a vector"),cljs.core.str("\n"),cljs.core.str("(or (nil? sel) (vector? sel))")].join('')));

if(!((sel == null))){
var env =,self__.config);
var v = new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"parser","parser",-1543495310).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(self__.config).call(null,env,sel);
return null;
} else {
} else {
return,,new cljs.core.Keyword(null,"state","state",-1988618099).cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(self__.config)));
}"], :root #object[ess-cdw-front.core.RootView], :t 2, :target #object[HTMLDivElement [object HTMLDivElement]]}}]}, :omcljs$depth 1, :omcljs$parent #object[ess-cdw-front.core.RootView], :children nil}}
xfsnowind commented 7 years ago

Is it supposed to be this? I also tried om-next-demo, and print out the next-props in shouldComponentUpdate in component Todos, it shows:

 #js {:omcljs$value #object[], :omcljs$instrument nil, :omcljs$shared nil, :omcljs$path [], :omcljs$reconciler{:config {:pathopt false, :id-key nil, :instrument nil, :merge-ident #object[Function "function (a, b, c, d) {
  return cljs.core.update_in.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4(b, c, cljs.core.merge, d);
}"], :merge-sends #object[Function "function (a, b) {
      return cljs.core.merge_with.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic(cljs.core.into, cljs.core.array_seq([a, b], 0));
    }"], :remotes [:remote], :migrate #object[Function "function (a) {
  for (var b = [], c = arguments.length, d = 0;;) {
    if (d < c) {
      b.push(arguments[d]), d += 1;
    } else {
  switch(b.length) {
    case 3:
      return$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
    case 4:
      return$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
      throw Error([cljs.core.str("Invalid arity: "), cljs.core.str(b.length)].join(""));;
}"], :history #object[], :state #object [cljs.core.Atom {:val {:todos/list [[:todos/by-id 17592186045418] [:todos/by-id 17592186045419]], :todos/by-id {17592186045418 {:db/id 17592186045418, :todo/completed true, :todo/title "Get milk"}, 17592186045419 {:db/id 17592186045419, :todo/completed false, :todo/title "Walk dog"}}, #{}, todo/update {:keys [[:todos/by-id 17592186045418]], :result {:tempids {}}}}}], :merge #object[Function "function (a, b, c, d) {
  return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 3, [cljs.core.cst$kw$keys, cljs.core.into.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY, cljs.core.remove.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_), cljs.core.keys(c)), cljs.core.cst$kw$next,, b, c, d), cljs.core.cst$kw$tempids, cljs.core.reduce.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(cljs.core.merge, cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY,$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.comp.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.cst$kw$tempids, 
  cljs.core.second), cljs.core.filter.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.comp.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.symbol_QMARK_, cljs.core.first), c)))], null);
}"], :shared-fn nil, :parser #object[l "function (a, b, c) {
        switch(arguments.length) {
          case 2:
            return, a, b);
          case 3:
            return, a, b, c);
        throw Error("Invalid arity: " + arguments.length);
      }"], :ui->props #object[Function "function (a, b) {
  var c = null != a && (a.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 64 || a.cljs$core$ISeq$) ? cljs.core.apply.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.hash_map, a) : a, d = cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(c, cljs.core.cst$kw$parser), e = cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(c, cljs.core.cst$kw$pathopt), f = function() {
    if (e) {
      var a = null != b ?$next$Ident$ ? !0 : !1 : !1;
      return a ? : a;
    return e;
  }() ? function() {
    var a =,;
    return cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(function() {
      var e = new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.fromArray([a,], !0, !1)], null);
      return d.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 ? d.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(c, e) :, c, e);
    }(), a);
  }() : null;
  if (null != f) {
    return f;
  f =$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(b);
  if (null == f) {
    return null;
  var g = cljs.core.system_time(), f = d.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2 ? d.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(c, f) :, c, f), h = cljs.core.system_time(), k = cljs.core.cst$kw$logger.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(c);
  cljs.core.truth_(k) && (g = h - g, 16 < g && (g = [cljs.core.str(b), cljs.core.str(" query took "), cljs.core.str(g), cljs.core.str(" msecs")].join(""), goog.log.warning(k, g)));
  return cljs.core.get_in.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(f,;
}"], :logger nil, :indexer{:indexes #object [cljs.core.Atom {:val {:class->components {todomvc.core/Todos #{#object[todomvc.core.Todos]}, todomvc.item/TodoItem #{#object[todomvc.item.TodoItem] #object[todomvc.item.TodoItem]}}, :ref->components {[:todos/by-id 17592186045418] #{#object[todomvc.item.TodoItem]}, [:todos/by-id 17592186045419] #{#object[todomvc.item.TodoItem]}}, :prop->classes {:todos/list #{todomvc.core/Todos}, :db/id #{todomvc.item/TodoItem}, :todo/editing #{todomvc.item/TodoItem}, :todo/completed #{todomvc.item/TodoItem}, :todo/title #{todomvc.item/TodoItem}}, :class-path->query {[todomvc.core/Todos] #{[[{:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]}] nil]}, [todomvc.core/Todos todomvc.item/TodoItem] #{[[:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title] {:l [:todos/list], :pnodes [[{:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]}] {:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]} [:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]]], :ppath {:l [], :pnodes [[{:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]}] {:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]}], :ppath {:l [], :pnodes [[{:todos/list [:db/id :todo/editing :todo/completed :todo/title]}]], :ppath nil, :r nil}, :r nil}, :r nil}]}}}}], :extfs {:index-component #object[Function "function (a, b) {
    return a;
  }"], :drop-component #object[Function "function (a, b) {
    return a;
  }"], :ref->components #object[Function "function (a, b) {
    return null;
  }"]}}, :root-unmount #object[Function "function (a) {
      return ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(a);
    }"], :send #object[Function "function (b, c) {
    var d = null != b && (b.cljs$lang$protocol_mask$partition0$ & 64 || b.cljs$core$ISeq$) ? cljs.core.apply.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.hash_map, b) : b, e = cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(d, cljs.core.cst$kw$remote);
    return, function(a, b, d) {
      return function(a) {
        a =$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(cljs.core.cst$kw$json), this.getResponseText());
        return c.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 ? c.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(a) :, a);
    }(b, d, e), "POST", cognitect.transit.write(cognitect.transit.writer.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(cljs.core.cst$kw$json), e), {"Content-Type":"application/transit+json"});
  }"], :shared nil, :merge-tree #object[Function "function (a, b) {
  return cljs.core.map_QMARK_(a) ? cljs.core.merge.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic(cljs.core.array_seq([a, b], 0)) : b;
}"], :optimize #object[Function "function (a) {
      return cljs.core.sort_by.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(, a);
    }"], :root-render #object[Function "function (a, b) {
      return ReactDOM.render(a, b);
    }"], :normalize true, :prune-tree #object[Function "function (a, b, c) {
  a = function() {
    var a = cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY;
    return cljs.core.atom.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 ? cljs.core.atom.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(a) :, a);
  b = function e(a, b, c) {
    var k = cljs.core.cst$kw$component.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(cljs.core.meta(a)), l = null != k && ? cljs.core.swap_BANG_.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(c, function(a) {
      return function(c) {
        return cljs.core.update_in.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4(c, new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [, b)], null), cljs.core.fnil.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.conj, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY), cljs.core.cst$kw$om$next_SLASH_error.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(b));
    }(k)) : null, m = null == l ? cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap.EMPTY : null;
    if (cljs.core.vector_QMARK_(a)) {
      if (cljs.core.vector_QMARK_(b)) {
        return cljs.core.into.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY,$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(function(b, g, k) {
          return function(b) {
            return e(a, b, c);
        }(k, l, m)), b);
      for (var n = cljs.core.seq(a), p = m;;) {
        if (null != n) {
          var q = cljs.core.first(n), r = function() {
            var a =;
            return ? cljs.core.first(a) : a;
          }(), t = cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(b, r);
          if ( {
            var u =, v =, w = cljs.core.cst$kw$component.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(cljs.core.meta(v)), r = cljs.core.vector_QMARK_(t) ? cljs.core.into.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY,$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(function(a, b, f, g, k, l, m, n, p, q, r) {
              return function(a) {
                return e(cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(g, cljs.core.first(, a))), a, c);
            }(n, p, u, v, w, q, r, t, k, l, m)), t) : e(cljs.core.get.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(v, cljs.core.first(, t))), t, c), n =, p = null == p ? null : cljs.core.assoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(p, u, r)
          } else {
            cljs.core.truth_( ? (u =, v =, r = e(v, t, c), n =, p = null == p ? null : cljs.core.assoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(p, u, r)) : cljs.core.map_QMARK_(t) && ? (cljs.core.swap_BANG_.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(c, function(a, c, e, f, h, k, l, m) {
              return function(a) {
                return cljs.core.update_in.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$4(a, new cljs.core.PersistentVector(null, 1, 5, cljs.core.PersistentVector.EMPTY_NODE, [function() {
                  var a = null == k ? null :, b);
                  return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : f;
                }()], null), cljs.core.fnil.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.conj, cljs.core.PersistentHashSet.EMPTY), cljs.core.cst$kw$om$next_SLASH_error.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(h));
            }(n, p, q, r, t, k, l, m)), n =, p = null) : (n =, p = null == p ? null : cljs.core.assoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3(p, r, t));
        } else {
          return p;
    } else {
      return null;
  }(c, b, a);
  return new cljs.core.PersistentArrayMap(null, 2, [cljs.core.cst$kw$tree, b, cljs.core.cst$kw$errors, cljs.core.deref.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 ? cljs.core.deref.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(a) :, a)], null);
}"]}, :state #object [cljs.core.Atom {:val {:normalized true, :remove #object[Function "function () {
      cljs.core.remove_watch(cljs.core.cst$kw$state.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(e.config), cljs.core.truth_(c) ? c : g);
      cljs.core.swap_BANG_.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(e.state, function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
        return function(a) {
          return cljs.core.dissoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.dissoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.dissoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(cljs.core.dissoc.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(a, cljs.core.cst$kw$target), cljs.core.cst$kw$render), cljs.core.cst$kw$root), cljs.core.cst$kw$remove);
      }(a, b, d, f, g, h));
      return null == c ? null : cljs.core.cst$kw$root_DASH_unmount.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(e.config).call(null, c);
    }"], :queue [], :sends-queued false, :queued-sends {}, :queued false, :render #object[Function "function () {
      var d = {
        var a = cljs.core.deref.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 ? cljs.core.deref.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(c) :, c);
        return cljs.core.truth_(a) ? a : b;
      if (null != d && !cljs.core.vector_QMARK_(d)) {
        throw Error([cljs.core.str("Assert failed: "), cljs.core.str("Application root query must be a vector"), cljs.core.str("\n"), cljs.core.str(cljs.core.pr_str.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic(cljs.core.array_seq([cljs.core.list(cljs.core.cst$sym$or, cljs.core.list(cljs.core.cst$sym$nil_QMARK_, cljs.core.cst$sym$sel), cljs.core.list(cljs.core.cst$sym$vector_QMARK_, cljs.core.cst$sym$sel))], 0)))].join(""));
      if (null != d) {
        var f =, d = cljs.core.cst$kw$parser.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(e.config).call(null, f, d);
        return cljs.core.empty_QMARK_(d) ? null : a(d);
      return a(function() {
        var a = cljs.core.cst$kw$state.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(e.config);
        return cljs.core.deref.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1 ? cljs.core.deref.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$1(a) :, a);
    }"], :root #object[todomvc.core.Todos], [:sends-queued] true, :t 3, :target #object[HTMLElement [object HTMLElement]]}}]}, :omcljs$depth 0, :omcljs$parent nil, :children nil}}
xfsnowind commented 7 years ago

Checked the source code, the next-props is wrapped with some other information and the function shouldComponentUpdate is also rewritten, think it's my own mistake.