ome / awstats-docker

Run Awstats in Docker
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Way to remove logs ? #9

Closed dobriseb closed 4 years ago

dobriseb commented 4 years ago


Is there a way to remove some logs for add forgotten logs ?

manics commented 4 years ago

Hi, this Docker image uses the default configuration provided by AWStats if it's not overwritten. We have our own private configuration file but it's specific to our workflow, so I'm afraid we can't help with your question. Since it's not specific to the Docker image I'd recommend you try and find an AWstats forum or mailing list to obtain help.

dobriseb commented 4 years ago

According to awstat documentation, we need to remove files awstatsXXXXXXXX.YYYYYYY.txt. So what I deed is : docker run -it -v awstats-db:/var/lib/awstats ubuntu /bin/bash In this docker : cd /var/lib/awstats rm FilesToBeRemoved exit Then relaunch the logs