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ROI: Folders - Mockups - Measuring Tool - Step 3 #11

Closed gusferguson closed 8 years ago

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

This issue follows on from and contains mockups and comments relating to UI functionality that will be implemented as third or subsequent steps.

ROI Folders managed via right-click menu

Two choices:

3 roi containers-dropdown

Add to Folder...

Gives dialog:

4 roi containers-roi selection

Rename Folder...

Gives simple rename dialog:

5 roi containers-rename

In response to Comments:

Adding "breadcrumbs" to show any folder hierarchy to the inspector pane should not be much of an issue:

7 roi containers-inspector-breadcrumbs

Showing hierarchy in other views much more problematic. If decision is to go for just one level in measurement tool for first step then suggest tooltip to show any hierarchy as that would show they exist but not be much of an implementation overhead. - e.g.:

8 roi containers-manager-tooltip

9 roi containers-roi selection-tooltip

Comments carried over from Step 1


If we are focusing on a single level of hierarchy here (**) Inspector Tab for ROIs is likely the place it'd be best to have some notion of the full hierarchy in the early days (breadcrumb style?).

Rename Folder... might be a second location since it's effectively a "move". Add to Folder... is another.

(**) my understanding of how the implementation of this first mockup (#9) would work is that someone will choose some hierarchy context in the full viewer and then click on the measurement tool to say, "show me the ROIs" at this level.


Rename Folder... might be a second location since it's effectively a "move". Add to Folder... is another.

Rename should not be a move - literally rename - e.g. if there was a spelling error or you wanted to broaden the name from "oval cells" to "irregular cells" etc.

Moving ROIs/folders from one folder to another is a totally different UI concept, and is covered in these interactions by removing them from one folder and adding them to another. Less than elegant albeit.

I would greatly favour a proper ROI and folder management UI element - but I have been banging on about one for tags and tag sets for ages and no-one else likes the idea.


Rename should not be a move - literally rename - e.g. if there was a spelling error or you wanted to broaden the name from "oval cells" to "irregular cells" etc.

Agreed if it's ok to have a second location, but even for the rename, having the parent context could well be useful (for example if you're trying to find a typo from a new ontology version).

I would greatly favour a proper ROI and folder management UI element

I'm intrigued. Is there anything I can read on the tags/sets version for later discussions?


I'm intrigued. Is there anything I can read on the tags/sets version for later discussions?

No it never got as far as a mockup unfortunately.

The mockups here do not allow for creation of nested folders either - so if we extend to cover hierarchies then we need to add that in (somehow :-/).


Maybe a trifle, but could the context menu when applied on ROI folders not have the Duplicate, Propagate items which I suppose come from the present context menu on ROIs and cannto be transferred to the ROI folder functionalities ? Also, will we allow the other actions in the context menu, like Merge for ROI folders ? If not, this would be nice not to have there.

@sbesson : Synthetic images in what sense ? Fake images ? It would be the best to have the most demonstrative images which would show the features and usefulnesses imho...

Michael suggested the mitotic image from Jason's homepage as a good example, as well as images curated/deltavision/michael/mtools/HeLa.dv are good candidates for his case.


A couple of points raised as part of yesterday's meeting:



will-moore commented 8 years ago

It seems that we are basically trying to do what Photoshop does, so it may be useful to see how they handle multiple levels of Folders (they call them "Groups"). They have a very simple "New Group" button, then all the renaming and grouping happens in the tree itself by drag-and-drop etc.

screen shot 2016-01-28 at 11 45 48

will-moore commented 8 years ago

To make the "create folder" functionality more prominent, a "Folder" button could be added to the toolbar. I don't know how hard it is to do drag-and-drop, but I imagine that's what users will want for organising the folder hierarchy.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Comment from @pwalczysko

When selecting a ROI which is included in 2 folders, this is being selected twice in the ROI Manager. As a result, such ROI cannot be propagated, because the UI will answer can propagate just one ROI at a time.

This will need to be addressed.

Gus: This may best be addressed at the same time as the Insight model change needed for the above point.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Comment from @pwalczysko

Another comment for follow-up work: Visibility of ROIs which are contained in more than one folder:

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Comment from @dominikl

That's because in the current implementation the "Visible" status of the ROI folder is determined by the Visible status of its ROIs, and the change of the Visible status of the ROI folder is propagated to all its ROIs.

But as discussed with @pwalczysko , it has to be the other way round. The Visible status of the ROI has to take the Visible status of all it's parent Folders into account.

Yes, I'd suggest to tackle this in the next follow up PR.

pwalczysko commented 8 years ago

There are some existing actions on ROIs like Propagate - do you want to include them here or will that be integrated in later stages ?

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

@pwalczysko - not at this stage - all existing functionality will remain as is.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

Looks good. Yes, I'll try to add drag&drop support asap, that'd be the most intuitive way to move Rois and Roi folders around. The question then just is, what a d&d action actually means, cut/paste or copy?

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

@dominikl - thanks. Yes there will be plenty of semantic issues to try and iron out.

jburel commented 8 years ago

for D&D, we will need to keep the same behaviour that the one we have in the tree for dataset/image for example (when it works ;-)) Major point is to keep both in synch. If we change the behaviour, some extra work will be required for PDI

dominikl commented 8 years ago

Just thinking about the "Add to Folder" and "Remove from Folder" action. What about a combined action "Add/Remove", which pops up a Dialog with a list of checkboxes where you can check/uncheck the folders the ROI is part of?

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

@dominikl - sounds good - working on mockups now - will do one of that.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

I'll go for the separate action for now. My previous suggestion won't work with multi-selection of Rois in different folders.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Looking at this at the moment:

image 6 scoping step 3 - schema

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Possible warning dialogs - not sure if they are really necessary, but probably safer.

Removing ROIs from a folder (orphaning)

image 7 scoping step 3 - roi orphaning

Deleting a Folder

image 23 scoping step 3 - folder delete warning

image 24 scoping step 3 - folder delete all confirm

will-moore commented 8 years ago

@gusferguson Looking at all the options in Is this the sum total of functionality (right-click menus, toolbar buttons etc). I can see many of the same issue's we've had with the P/D/I tree "Aaaaahhh!!". E.g. if I select a ROI or Folder, then I click "New Folder" button on toolbar, does the selected ROI or Folder get placed in the new folder? Is the behaviour different for right-click menu vv toolbar button? Does "Orphan Folder" mean "make this folder into an Orphan"? Is that the same as "Remove" (cut)?

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

@will-moore - thanks - you are right this is very tangled up - I will see what I can sort out.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Issues arising from #4458 testing - open question is the conceptual issue of visibility of high level folders #4458 (comment)

Gus: Note the following:

uncheck Visible for Folder: elliptical [2] - uncheck Folder: right [2] - ROI ID 375 is not displayed (screenshot 1) check visible for Folder: right [2] - ROI ID 375 becomes visible and Visible is checked for ROIs and Folder: right [2] but remains unchecked for Folder: elliptical 2 This is actually correct behaviour as there could be other ROIs in that folder that you want to remain visible - it just looks a little odd when there are no other invisible ROIs in folder. So no action needed.

Petr: Re: Visibility when Folder checked or unchecked - fully agree with the lowest-level folder visibility test and anyalysis by @gusferguson . What about the higher and highest folder level though ? Atm there is no action at all if you uncheck the visibility of e.g. Folder: by (id 245). All inside this folder will remain visible. I do not mean now that I have a ready solution for this one, but shouldn't we think of this ? (also, can a higher level folder contain ROIs as well as folders ? How do we adjust the behaviour then ?)

Need to deal with this.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

With respect to the visibility flag on folders there are only two options. Either the visibility of an ROI is determined by its folders visibility (this means all ROIs can be visible although the folder is not set to visible, if the ROIs are also part of other, visible folders), or the visibility of an ROI folder is propagated to its ROIs (that means ROIs can be set to not visible across folders, although other folders containing the ROI are set to visible). What does the user expect, the bottom-up or the top-down approach? We can't mix them up.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

That was a misunderstanding of mine, sorry... discussed with @pwalczysko . The question is, what should happen with subfolders if their parent folder is set to visible (or not visible). I'd suggest that this change should get propagated to the subfolders.

pwalczysko commented 8 years ago

@dominikl : @gusferguson : Thanks for clarifying this. We also discussed the case content of the folder are subfolders as well as ROIs. We agreed that this case (which is apparently not allowed in the present Insight model, but it is allowed in the OMERO model) is far too tricky and we would not allow it and would not solve it in very near future.

will-moore commented 8 years ago

Just tried playing with this in Photoshop. Although they don't allow an ROI/layer to be in more than one folder, you can toggle the visibility of individual ROIs and folders. An ROI is only shown IF the ROI itself is visible AND all it's parent folders are visible. If I turn ON the visibility of an ROI, this automatically makes all it's parents visible too (so it is actually displayed).

In our case, if an ROI is in multiple folders and any one of them is visible then the ROI can be visible too.

screen shot 2016-02-09 at 11 48 05

will-moore commented 8 years ago

You can see from the screenshot that each ROI or folder can have 3 states:

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Because of the number of mockups this issue is becoming very cumbersome. Have opened two additional issues for new mockups.

ROI: Folders - Mockups - Measuring Tool - Step 4 - Part 1 - Folder and ROI interactions Issue:

ROI: Folders - Mockups - Measuring Tool - Step 4 - Part 2 - Folder and ROI interactions - Part 2 Issue:

Once it is decided what will be done in step 3 these will all be tidied up and rationalised.

mtbc commented 8 years ago

I can imagine it's okay not to show the whole hierarchy in all views so long as there is some selection synchronization between those views and the full folder tree wherever it is shown.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

Just to sum up what I'm going to do next:

This will go into PR

After that I'll try to add drag and drop support for managing the hierarchies and moving ROIs around. To keep the steps in a manageable size, I'd suggest a separate step/PR for that. The more complex dialogs of step which is now called 3.1 will come later.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

I'm currently trying to implement the "Create new Folder" action (which should be available in the popup/context menu), with the intention, that if you triggered the context menu by right clicking on a folder, the newly created folder will be a subfolder of this folder. For that use case actually all available folders should be listed in the table. Currently only folders which contain ROIs (or their parent folders) will be displayed. Would it make sense to add a checkbox, e. g. next to "Show comment" checkbox, for toggling between "show all folders" and "show only roi folders"? screen shot 2016-02-12 at 11 01 12

dominikl commented 8 years ago

As discussed with @pwalczysko , I'll implement for now the "show all folders" concept, otherwise empty folders, e.g. newly created folders, won't show up and therefore you can't do anything with them. We just have to be aware of that, when in future folders are used for different purposes other than ROIs.

will-moore commented 8 years ago

I don't think that most users would understand why you'd want to "Show all folders". This may be a large list and completely swamp the UI. I think that you'd want to have an "Add Folder" button that allows you to choose a new or existing folder (by browsing folder hierarchy) and then that folder would show up in the Manager, allowing you to drag and drop (or right-click > Move) ROIs into it. The only gotcha is if the user never added an ROI to this folder, then it wouldn't be shown in the Manager for that image next time, but I think that's OK. This is kinda like "Show selected folder" rather than "Show all folders".

pwalczysko commented 8 years ago

@will-moore : Why to imagine that the list would be that large ? Do we somehow prevent the user from seeing all Datasets and Projects ? In your suggestion, there would be a workflow: Create a new folder -> immediately loose it from sight and usage (because no ROIs are in it) -> be forced to use Add Folder button -> after addition of the newly created folder you can start working with it.... Not very nice.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

I agree with @pwalczysko , we need to show all roi folders, otherwise it's too confusing. At the moment all folders are roi folders. If they are used in a different context later, we have to be able to somehow specify the purpose of a folder (namespace, etc.).

mtbc commented 8 years ago

There could, e.g., be a folder for every term in the Gene Ontology, a folder for every track for every cell in every multi-t image, etc.; hence my earlier interest in at least being able to type to filter.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

@dominikl @pwalczysko vs @mtbc - are you guys all talking about in the measurement tool or are you cross-wiring between the "Measurement Tool" and "Add To Folder" windows?

dominikl commented 8 years ago

I meant the table of the measurement tool as well as the "add to folder" dialog; imho the folders displayed should be the same in both cases.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

Reopened after editing.

will-moore commented 8 years ago

@pwalczysko Every list gets large eventually (as @mtbc suggests). I imagine that adding a folder to the measurement tool would be analogous to adding a Group / User to the P/D/I tree - you can pick the Group & User to add instead of always adding all of them. I wouldn't suggest that you make a user "Create a folder" then "Add" the same folder. Simply by creating it you'd add it to the view.

pwalczysko commented 8 years ago

Simply by creating it you'd add it to the view.

@will-moore : Yes, but I understood that @dominikl says there are some technical difficulties to implement this.

gusferguson commented 8 years ago

For reference: As discussed - mockups of possible Display Folders drop-down and Filter boxes here: ROI: Folders - Mockups - Measuring Tool - Display Folders + Filter Folders #21 Note: Not for this step.

dominikl commented 8 years ago

For my understanding, what is still left to do for this step:

sbesson commented 8 years ago

Assuming this was all covered by OMERO 5.3.0-m2, closing this issue.