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mapr - browse data by custom attributes #60

Open atarkowska opened 7 years ago

atarkowska commented 7 years ago

Goal of this effort is to produce a prototype (or perhaps experimental) plugin which will outline how to take a particular map-annotation instance (e.g. genetic information) and "elevate" (or "reify") it into the UI.

atarkowska commented 7 years ago


URL METHOD URL PARAMS QUERY STRING Success Response Error Response: Sample Call:
/webclient/ GET show=<type>-<value> 302 redirect /webclient/?show=gene-CDC20
/mapr/<type>/ GET type=(gene|phenotype|sirna|compound|organism) value=<value> query=(true|false) default:false 200 HTML /mapr/organism/?value=Homo%20Sapiens /mapr/organism/?value=Homo%20Sapiens&query=true

Attribute URL

Attribute URL, Attributes are preconfigured in application settings or can be altered by changing omero configomeroweb.mapr.config

atarkowska commented 7 years ago


URL METHOD URL PARAMS QUERY STRING Success Response Error Response: Sample Call:
/mapr/api/<type>/count/ GET type=(gene|phenotype|sirna|compound|organism) value=<value> query=(true|false) default:false 200 JSON 400 Invalid parameter value 400 ApiUsageException /api/gene/count/?value=CDC20 /api/gene/count/?value=CDC20query=true
/mapr/api/<type>/ GET type=(gene|phenotype|sirna|compound|organism) id=<value|id> orphaned=(true|false) value=<value> 200 JSON 400 Invalid parameter value 400 ApiUsageException /api/gene/?value=CDC20&orphaned=true get value and children count /api/gene/?value=CDC20&query=true&orphaned=true get value matching %value% pattern and children count and image count /api/gene/?id=CDC20 returns list of screens and/or projects for given gene ID /api/gene/?value=CDC20&query=true returns list of screens and/or projects for matching %value% pattern with exact value
/mapr/api/<type>/<containers>/ GET type=(gene|phenotype|sirna|compound|organism) containers=(plates|datasets|images) value=<value> id=<parent_id> if containers=images then node=(plate|dataset) 200 JSON 400 Invalid parameter value 400 ApiUsageException api/gene/plates/?value=CDC20&query=true&id=1202 return list of plates/datasets in screen/project for given parent_idand value /api/gene/images/?value=991&query=true&node=plate&id=1692 return list of images (Fileset IDs) for a give parent_id and matching %value% pattern with exact value
/mapr/api/annotations/<type>/ GET type=(gene|phenotype|sirna|compound|organism) type=map map=<value> or (screen|plate|project|dataset|image)=<id> 200 JSON 400 Invalid parameter value400 ApiUsageException return map annotations containing given value (case sensitive)
/mapr/api/gene/paths_to_object/ GET map.value= 200 JSON find hierarchies for a given value (case sensitive) - in case we will provide multiple users or groups
/mapr/autocomplete/<type>/ GET type=(gene|phenotype|sirna|compound|organism) value=<value> query=true 200 JSON find keywords for matching %value% pattern
joshmoore commented 7 years ago

This has been migrated to the repo itself, correct?

atarkowska commented 7 years ago


atarkowska commented 7 years ago

once you are happy with I will open a PR against doc and link to the website and

joshmoore commented 7 years ago

for IDR/, I'd like to strip out the results for readability. Haven't had a chance to do that yet.