ome / napari-ome-zarr

A napari plugin for zarr backed OME-NGFF images
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
30 stars 21 forks source link

Failed to open a zarr file #20

Closed bpavie closed 1 year ago

bpavie commented 3 years ago

Dear All,

I am trying to visualize ome.zarr file in napari on Windows 10.

I converted a dataset to zarr from the

I downloaded it using the following script

import argparse
import ftplib
import os

def download_camelyon16_image(filename):
    filename = filename.lower()
    if os.path.exists(filename):
        print(f"The image [{filename}] already exist locally.")
        print(f"Downloading '{filename}'...")
        prefix = filename.split("_")[0].lower()
        if prefix == "test":
            folder_name = "testing/images"
        elif prefix in ["normal", "tumor"]:
            folder_name = f"training/{prefix}"
            raise ValueError(
                f"'{filename}' not found on the server."
                " File name should be like 'test_001.tif', 'tumor_001.tif', or 'normal_001.tif'"
        path = f"gigadb/pub/10.5524/100001_101000/100439/CAMELYON16/{folder_name}/"
        ftp = ftplib.FTP("")
        ftp.login("anonymous", "")
        ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, open(filename, "wb").write)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        help="The image name in Camelyon16 dataset to be downloaded.",
    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

I then converted it into zarr using the following sccript:

import numpy as np
import zarr
import os
#Just to load the openslide dll
from openslide import OpenSlide

#Require pip install openslide-python
slide = OpenSlide('data/tumor_001.tif')
file_name = 'data/tumor_001.zarr'

root = zarr.open_group(file_name, mode='a')

for i in range(0, 3):
    print(i, 10)
    shape = (slide.level_dimensions[i][0], slide.level_dimensions[i][1], 4)
    z1 = root.create_dataset(str(i), shape=shape, chunks=(300, 300, None),

    # image = np.asarray(slide.read_region((0, 0), i,
    #                    slide.level_dimensions[i])).transpose(1, 0, 2)
    # z1[:] = image

    for j in range(slide.level_dimensions[i][0]//1528):
        print(j, slide.level_dimensions[i][0]/1528)
        image = np.asarray(slide.read_region((j*1528*(2**i), 0), i,
                           (1528, slide.level_dimensions[i][1]))).transpose(1, 0, 2)
        z1[j*1528:(j+1)*1528] = image

I installed the plugin for napari ( pip install ome-zarr )and tried to open it but get the following error:

napari "data\tumor_001.zarr"
10:46:57 ERROR exception calling callback for <Future at 0x2173e8e27c0 state=finished returned ChunkRequest>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\gbw_myprograms\anaconda3\envs\napari-env2\lib\concurrent\futures\", line 328, in _invoke_callbacks
  File "c:\gbw_myprograms\anaconda3\envs\napari-env2\lib\site-packages\napari\components\experimental\chunk\", line 162, in _on_done
  File "c:\gbw_myprograms\anaconda3\envs\napari-env2\lib\site-packages\napari\components\experimental\chunk\", line 225, in _on_done
  File "c:\gbw_myprograms\anaconda3\envs\napari-env2\lib\site-packages\napari\components\experimental\chunk\", line 108, in add_chunks
    self.chunks[request.location] = request.chunks
  File "c:\gbw_myprograms\anaconda3\envs\napari-env2\lib\site-packages\napari\_vendor\experimental\cachetools\cachetools\", line 19, in __setitem__
    cache_setitem(self, key, value)
  File "c:\gbw_myprograms\anaconda3\envs\napari-env2\lib\site-packages\napari\_vendor\experimental\cachetools\cachetools\", line 47, in __setitem__
    raise ValueError('value too large')

Any tips will be appreciated Benjamin

joshmoore commented 3 years ago

Hi Benjamin. Your conversion has produced a Zarr file but not an OME-Zarr image. You can see a similar thread under

Support for opening raw Zarr files is provided directly from the napari team. Alternatively, we can help you to format the Zarr according to in which case this would be the right repository.