ome / ngff

Next-generation file format (NGFF) specifications for storing bioimaging data in the cloud.
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RFC-3: more dimensions for thee #239

Open jni opened 1 month ago

jni commented 1 month ago

To make sure we have consensus, I'm opening this RFC in the style of RFC-2. (I'm aware that RFC-1 has some pending issues to be resolved, but when consensus is possible 🤞 this is a useful way to document the history of past decisions.) Please add a thumbs up if you want to be listed as an endorser. Please reply if you have concerns.

@d-v-b @joshmoore @normanrz @bogovicj @will-moore @ziw-liu @tlambert03

Please add pings for authors of libraries implementing ome-ngff readers and writers, as the main effect here is not on existing files but on implementations that may implement too-restrictive a spec.

My goal is to get this and #235 merged before the upcoming 0.5 release. 🤞 (I think that is being targeted for late June/early July? @joshmoore?)

Review URL:

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Automated Review URLs

imagesc-bot commented 1 month ago

This pull request has been mentioned on Forum. There might be relevant details there:

jni commented 1 month ago

PS: I asked @joshmoore whether whimsy was allowed and he said yes, hence the title. (This comes after I realised I couldn't have "RFC-2: dimensional hullabaloo" because @normanrz had taken that number already. 😂)

tlambert03 commented 1 month ago

full endorsement. While i absolutely recognize the significant challenge that lifting the strict dimensionality model may pose for mapping arbitrary future usage onto legacy code bases that have been built around XYZCT, I fully agree that a true next-generation format is going to have to lift it. I have personally experienced a number of use cases and applications where the current restrictions have led me to delay adopting ngff in my own work, and this RFC would allow me to more enthusiastically consider adoption.

I agree with @jni that concerns around communicating the semantics of specific axes (i.e. formally named "X", "Y" and "Z") are better addressed by additional keys in the axis metadata, such as "type" and "space".

joshmoore commented 1 month ago

jni commented 4 minutes ago I asked @joshmoore whether whimsy was allowed and he said yes, hence the title.

For comparison, ("IP over Avian Carriers")

joshmoore commented 1 month ago

tlambert03 commented 1 minute ago I have personally experienced a number of use cases and applications where the current restrictions have led me to delay adopting ngff in my own work, and this RFC would allow me to more enthusiastically consider adoption.

Would you be able/willing to contribute those, perhaps even for a section in the RFC?

tlambert03 commented 1 month ago

Would you be able/willing to contribute those, perhaps even for a section in the RFC?

Sure, the most direct stories I can share are from implementing writers for data coming off microscopes (code in pymmcore-plus/mda/handlers). There I essentially have a class OMEZarrWriter(_5DWriterBase) that is able to accept acquisition definitions that explicitly adhere to the 5D model, but which will simply fail otherwise. As a result, I find myself using a more general zarr format more often, and have kind of punted for now on outputting data to something that I know users will be able to open in a variety of downstream applications (not that I love that either)

tlambert03 commented 1 month ago

it's possible that @nclack and/or @aliddell would have opinions here as well, as I know they've spent a fair amount of time thinking about how to map a variety of custom experiment types to the ngff format in the acquire-python schema

jni commented 1 month ago

@tlambert03 thanks for the links! I'll add these to the background section, but could you point me to where in the code

is able to accept acquisition definitions that explicitly adhere to the 5D model, but which will simply fail otherwise.

would fail? The smoking gun would be:

Maybe it's not as easy as that to define these things compactly, but if it is, I think it would be worthwhile detail for this RFC's motivation.

joshmoore commented 1 month ago

A few quick clarifications, @jni:

will-moore commented 1 month ago

Re: NGFF readers:

cc @manzt - - Any idea how much work it would be to support n-dimensional NGFF data?

cc @dgault - - Since the OME data model is very much 5D, this is going to take a bit of thought on how to handle n-dimensional NGFF data?

d-v-b commented 1 month ago
  • Are you looking to clarify whether or not to remove the 3 space dimensions restriction in this RFC or is this something for a future RFC?

The space restrictions, and all other axis restrictions (other than the requirement that axes have unique names) are removed in #235

normanrz commented 1 month ago

Re: NGFF readers:

Webknossos already supports an arbitrary number of dimensions. However, it assumes that there are only 3 space dimensions to map to xyz. I think the spec should provide guidance to visualization tools what to do with >3 space dimensions.

imagesc-bot commented 1 month ago

This pull request has been mentioned on Forum. There might be relevant details there:

will-moore commented 1 month ago

The PR at #235 mentioned above seems to go a bit further than this RFC in that it removes restrictions on ordering of dimensions, whereas this proposal only mentions removing the restriction on the number of dimensions.

I imagine that supporting arbitrary dimension order is a fair bit more work for implementers that n-dimensions, so that endorsement of this proposal may not signal endorsement of #235?

d-v-b commented 1 month ago

regarding advice for partial implementations (e.g., implementations that only support a fixed number of dimensions, or a fixed order), I included the following section in the PR:, please let me know if this guidance is sufficient or if we should say more (and lets have that conversation over in #235 instead of here, so that we can keep synchronized with the actual changes to the spec)

jni commented 1 month ago


The PR at mentioned above seems to go a bit further than this RFC in that it removes restrictions on ordering of dimensions, whereas this proposal only mentions removing the restriction on the number of dimensions.

I probably need to update the summary at the top, but under "proposal" I write:


This document proposes removing any restrictions on the number of dimensions stored in NGFF arrays. Additionally, it removes restrictions on the names and types of included dimensions.

If the names are arbitrary, the ordering must also be arbitrary, surely? But I can make it explicit.

jni commented 1 month ago


Webknossos already supports an arbitrary number of dimensions. However, it assumes that there are only 3 space dimensions to map to xyz. I think the spec should provide guidance to visualization tools what to do with >3 space dimensions.

in my opinion the spec should leave this question undefined. The mapping can be direct (x=x, y=y, z=z), user defined (give users options of how to map axes), or arbitrary (x=foo, y=bar, z=baz). In practice, I think it is not going to be an issue, I am just wary of restricting the number for the same reason that I was wary of restricting the total number of dimensions, which indeed caused problems.

If it helps this RFC move forward, I can bring back the "maximum three spatial dimensions" limit from #138, and we can have the discussion in a later RFC. The unlike the other changes in this RFC, the removal of the maximum number of "space" dimensions is purely speculative on my end, and not motivated from a concrete use case.

Action requested:

d-v-b commented 1 month ago
  • if you would like the number of spatial dimensions to remain arbitrary (string theory ftw!), 👎 this post, and ideally please provide suggestions below for what guidance you would offer implementers.

Implementations that do not support some aspect of user data should clearly communicate that to users. Users can then decide which implementation use, given the data they have stored. We should not try to limit the data that users can store, simply because some implementations cannot represent that data.

This is a broader issue: as of 0.4, there are lots of OME-NGFF tools that don't support big images on cloud storage (of which I have plenty). Should we change the spec to limit the size, or location of images, just because some implementations can't load my big ones? I don't think so. So for the same reason, we should not restrict what axes users have, just because some implementations are opinionated about axes.

normanrz commented 1 month ago

If it helps this RFC move forward, I can bring back the "maximum three spatial dimensions" limit from #138, and we can have the discussion in a later RFC. The unlike the other changes in this RFC, the removal of the maximum number of "space" dimensions is purely speculative on my end, and not motivated from a concrete use case.

I am in favor of limiting spatial dimensions to 3 because even on an abstract level I have a hard time imagining what a fourth spatial dimensions would be. Additional axes can of course be present in the image (e.g. for phases, dim reduction etc). That would also be convienent for Webknossos because the 3 spatial dimensions would be used for 3d visualization and all other dimensions would be "slider" dimensions (i.e. we'll have a slider to select the coordinate).

d-v-b commented 1 month ago

I am in favor of limiting spatial dimensions to 3 because even on an abstract level I have a hard time imagining what a fourth spatial dimensions would be. Additional axes can of course be present in the image (e.g. for phases, dim reduction etc). That would also be convienent for Webknossos because the 3 spatial dimensions would be used for 3d visualization and all other dimensions would be "slider" dimensions (i.e. we'll have a slider to select the coordinate).

I can imagine scenarios where 4+ spatial dimensions might arise, e.g. imaging that is parametrized over the positions of two independent 2D raster scanners would produce images with 4 spatial axes, if you add a z-actuator then you are at 5. And anyone who wants to use OME-NGFF for visualizing the phase space of a dynamical system might have 4+ spatial dimensions. Broadly speaking, I think it's a mistake to prematurely limit what users can represent, especially because these restrictions are a burden on implementers who must write the validation logic.

jni commented 1 month ago

I am in favor of limiting spatial dimensions to 3 because even on an abstract level I have a hard time imagining what a fourth spatial dimensions would be.

It could be a pure mathematical construct. Like I said in #138, maybe you want to represent a 4D Klein bottle for didactic purposes. Or maybe a string theorist wants to save some particle simulations in full 12-dimensional space. 🤷

I'm inclined to agree with @d-v-b's arguments:

I'll wait for a few more votes — I think it's indeed fine to postpone for a later RFC, and I do think getting the remaining parts of this proposal in is urgent for many applications.

tlambert03 commented 1 month ago

yeah, i think i agree with @d-v-b and @jni here. As an end-user, if I feel the need to express more than 3 spatial dimensions, I would be absolutely ok with viewer X (Webknossos, etc...) just saying "we only support 3 spatial dimensions, if you have more than three, we will pick three using the following heuristic: ...".

normanrz commented 1 month ago

"we only support 3 spatial dimensions, if you have more than three, we will pick three using the following heuristic: ...".

We'd probably just pick the first three. That would be fine. Even better, if that is a recommendation in the spec. Anyways, would be great to hear feedback from others in the tool developer community.

crisluengo commented 1 month ago

I'm in favour of removing as many restrictions as possible. Fewer restrictions generally leads to simpler standards. Why limit how many dimensions can be labelled "spatial"? It's not necessary, and so it shouldn't be done.

Software may want to limit how many dimensions they can handle, makes code simpler. But we have plenty of toolboxes/libraries that can handle arrays with an arbitrary number of dimensions. So, the standard shouldn't limit the number. Instead, let the software that wants to have a limit on the number of dimensions simply refuse to read files with too many dimensions. Don't standardize on the minimum common denominator.

ziw-liu commented 1 month ago

I have a similar question as @will-moore as what is the exact change to the specification with this RFC. Is it exactly the same as #235? If so, I think the RFC should be more explicit about its implications. In addition to the changes to the number and ordering, #235 also removes all the restrictions on the type of dimensions. Does this mean that space, time, and channel types can now assume arbitrary names? If this is the case, then I'm confused about the discussion around the number of spatial dimensions, since the spatial dimensions can no longer be detected with a fixed type to begin with. And I think it is a regression in the expressiveness of the metadata, since sharing dimension types is no longer standardized and reliable.

d-v-b commented 1 month ago

Does this mean that space, time, and channel types can now assume arbitrary names? If this is the case, then I'm confused about the discussion around the number of spatial dimensions, since the spatial dimensions can no longer be detected with a fixed type to begin with. And I think it is a regression in the expressiveness of the metadata, since sharing dimension types is no longer standardized and reliable.

@ziw-liu I'm not the author of this RFC, but as the author of #235 I can say that in that PR there are no restrictions on the type field for elements of axes.

So, if applications previously relied on the "type": "space" mapping to find spatial axes, now it cannot, because there is no requirement that there be axes with "type": "space". For example, someone might save their data like this:

axes: [
 {"name": "foo", "type": "spatial", "unit": "meter"}, 
 {"name": "bar", "type": "space-like", "unit": "meter"},
 {"name": "baz", "type": "duration", "unit": "second"},

The above example has two axes that spatial, but they use a different type attribute. Without standardizing the type field somewhere, consuming applications cannot use the type attribute to detect which axes are spatial.

Does this summarize your concern?

Because if so, I agree with this concern but I think the actual problem is the type field itself, which is simply not well defined or motivated in the spec. As I mentioned in #215, the unit field alone seems to convey what "type" an axis has, which renders the type field of questionable utility.

I would welcome discussion in #215 on what the axis type field is actually for, because it would improve the spec to describe why it exists, how it is different from the unit field, and how applications should use this information.

I am happy to amend #235 to add recommendations for the type field, but I worry that if we wrote those recommendations today we would produce text like "if unit is a unit of length like "meter", then the type field should be "space"", which doesn't address an actual purpose for the type field.

jni commented 1 month ago

Is it exactly the same as

That is the intent.

Does this mean that space, time, and channel types can now assume arbitrary names?

I agree with this concern but I think the actual problem is the type field itself,

I disagree with @d-v-b and have commented on #215, but to record the objection here and keep a semi-complete record of discussion on the RFC PR itself: a unit does not unambiguously specify a type, for example "wavelength" and "space" are both measured in meters, to say nothing of "stage position", for example.

Therefore, I suggest that we use SHOULD as guidance for the special cases of "space", "time", and "channel". But I don't want to use MUST here because, as mentioned in the discussion above, I think it's ok for software to not support all ome-ngff files. For example, I think ome-ngff should be usable to store Fourier-transformed data (type "spatial-frequency", and data type complex64/complex128), but many viewers won't be able to work with that immediately or ever, and I think that's ok.

ziw-liu commented 1 month ago

Thanks @d-v-b and @jni. For me something like this would be useful:

The "type" field MAY be any string.
Implementations SHOULD use values "space", "time", "channel" for the "type" field when applicable.

I would also appreciate a similar recommendation for visualization implementations about choosing 'special dimensions' (e.g. first or last 1 time and 3 space axes) from multiple dimensions with the same type.

jkh1 commented 1 month ago

Fewer restrictions generally leads to simpler standards.

but they shift the burden to implementations which then reduces interoperability because loose specs have ambiguities. I am not against removing restrictions but then there should be strict guidance on what implementations must do so probably not use SHOULD but MUST.

d-v-b commented 1 month ago

Personally I would benefit from some concrete examples of implementations that rely on the current axis restrictions, so that we can better appreciate what impact these proposed changes would have, and potentially how to mitigate those impacts.

jkh1 commented 1 month ago

@d-v-b My own implementation relies on the order t, c, z, y, x. This has the advantage of having clear semantics and this is not just useful for visualization but also for computing. What I worry about is that by making the specs too flexible, this ends up with different implementations eventually leading to variant formats just like happened with TIFF. I'd prefer specs that cover 90% of the use cases in a clear and unambiguous way. But maybe that's an issue of scope, i.e. what is NGFF supposed to cover? I haven't encountered microscopy images that don't fit the current dimension pattern so maybe having concrete examples (e.g. from papers) of microscopy images with more than 5 axes would be useful to understand the need and help reason about it.

normanrz commented 1 month ago

Our implementation of Webknossos expects that there are 2-3 space axes. We don't rely on ordering and all other axes can be arbitrary. While I can see that there is a desire to have the axes more flexible, @jkh1's fragmentation arguments also resonate with me. To cover the 90% case, we could have a clear recommendation for how to structure the axes if you have tczyx (or a subset). All other configurations would also be allowed but not favored.

will-moore commented 1 month ago

@d-v-b Here's a list of implementations I'm aware of that rely on current axis restrictions. In general these tools handle 2D data (or a stack of 2D planes) so they expect the last 2 dimensions to be (YX) so that the data doesn't have to be transformed for 2D viewing

tlambert03 commented 1 month ago

i disagree that allowing flexible axes will cause fragmentation. I think it's the opposite actually. @jkh1, if your use case relies on a strict TCZYX model, then your primary concern should be whether, given a dataset, you can unambiguously find those 5 axes in the dataset (and then, you can transpose them as needed to fit your required dimension ordering). not whether the specification technically allows for someone else to do something you're not interested in doing. (It's the restriction of those other use cases that causes fragmentation)

I absolutely agree (and I think we all do?) that inasmuch as a dataset does have a standard 3-space + 1-time + 1-channel dimensional model, then the spec should make it unambiguous how to find that. I think it already does that.

jkh1 commented 1 month ago

I agree that use cases not covered will use something else hence also lead to fragmentation but I think preserving interoperability for the greater number of cases should have priority. I am not against changing the model, my primary concern is about preserving the unambiguous semantics of the axes when this is done and maybe the issue is that it isn't clear (at least to me) that this will be the case. The new specs should include the current one as valid subset and also be semantically unambiguous. This probably means standardizing the vocabulary and defining what implementations should do with what they don't understand.

d-v-b commented 1 month ago

But maybe that's an issue of scope, i.e. what is NGFF supposed to cover? I haven't encountered microscopy images that don't fit the current dimension pattern so maybe having concrete examples (e.g. from papers) of microscopy images with more than 5 axes would be useful to understand the need and help reason about it.

Here is a quick rundown of imaging modalities that I think would have trouble fitting into the [t,c,z,y,x] model:

The new specs should include the current one as valid subset and also be semantically unambiguous. This probably means standardizing the vocabulary and defining what implementations should do with what they don't understand.

The new spec does include the current one as a valid subset, and I would argue that the current spec is actually semantically very ambiguous, because it doesn't define what the different types of axes mean. I think contributions to improve this would be welcome.

d-v-b commented 1 month ago

another important example, on the lower end of the dimensionality spectrum: the output of a line-scanning camera is a 1 dimensional array. As OME-NGFF 0.4 cannot represent 1D data, the format cannot represent a single frame of a line-scanning camera image. NGFF users with such data would have to pad their data with fake dimensions, which is data mangling and a very bad user experience.

jni commented 1 month ago

Another example I've been working with lately: electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), which stores a 2D diffraction pattern for each pixel of a material. And the summarised data is still xy+(3D angle) or xy+(quaternion). (The latter could stored as "channel" but that's a little bit of an abuse of the spec, imho.)

My reading of the discussion above is "loosen restrictions, but offer guidance with SHOULD as to how tczyx SHOULD be stored".

imho, though, we should drop the order requirement — it is not hard to transpose an array, and there are good reasons (e.g. performance) why e.g. during acquisition, one might want to store bytes in TZCYX order. Of course, that could be done in some "transitional" format, but I think it would be super nice for everyone if that was also a valid OME-NGFF file!

tlambert03 commented 1 month ago

Strongly agree that order shouldn't matter. It's trivial to create transposed views of when reading

imagesc-bot commented 1 month ago

This pull request has been mentioned on Forum. There might be relevant details there:

sebi06 commented 1 month ago

Hi all, very important discussion. For us (from a microscope vendor perspective) the old TCZYX 5D approach is one of the biggest limitation already and obviously we hope that OME-NGFF will allow for arbitrary dimensions, that can be identifies and read easily.

If this will not be the case, there will be than again various workarounds etc. will will in my opinion defeat the idea behind OME-NGFF. For us this would again mean, the OME-NGFF is just another format, where we need to figure out how to convert our CZI format to. But if it supports many dimensions etc., this becomes a valid option to be used even for vendors.

jni commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the input @sebi06! Would you be happy to be listed as an endorser of the RFC? (If so, please 👍 the original post at the top.) I use libczi as an example in the RFC, but if it were endorsed by you directly that example would probably hold more weight. 😊