ome / omero-figure

An OMERO.web app for creating Figures from images in OMERO
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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BiorXiv paper on making figures #407

Open will-moore opened 3 years ago

will-moore commented 3 years ago Might have some useful info.

Creating Clear and Informative Image-based Figures for Scientific Publications

"We present detailed descriptions and visual examples to help scientists avoid common pitfalls when publishing images. Our recommendations address image magnification, scale information, insets, annotation, and color and may encourage discussion about quality standards for bioimage publishing."

will-moore commented 3 years ago

Quality control feedback from workshop: "User wants a warning on OMERO.figure - if you do not have a scalebar on your image, pop up a warning when saving the figure: you do not have a scalebar, are you sure ?"

strambc commented 3 years ago

It would be very useful to incorporate guidelines in Figure making. QUAREP-LiMi ( has just launched a Working Group (WG11) on Publication Standards, which takes off from Elena's paper mentioned above, but will also include standards on Material and Methods. It will be important to check the guidelines they produce and consider incorporating them into OMERO.Figure Perhaps as warnings on basic requirements such as SCALE BAR, COLOR schema, INSET quality... would be useful.