When we import an image from OMERO 5.1, display the units 'symbol' in the scalebar form and label (and save units enumeration, E.g. "MICROM"?).
Later we may want to allow users to choose the units of a scalebar. E.g. if an EM image has been imported with microns, you may want to show a scalebar in Angstroms etc. Will need conversion methods available somehow.
When we import an image from OMERO 5.1, display the units 'symbol' in the scalebar form and label (and save units enumeration, E.g. "MICROM"?).
Later we may want to allow users to choose the units of a scalebar. E.g. if an EM image has been imported with microns, you may want to show a scalebar in Angstroms etc. Will need conversion methods available somehow.