omega-gg / MotionBox

Video Browser for Motion Freedom
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Cannot install on armbian #36

Open arkhanlk opened 3 years ago

arkhanlk commented 3 years ago

Hi! First of all, thanks for the help so far!

Now, my situation: I have a rk322x which is pretty slow for everything on android but videos. So, I installed Ubuntu 20.04 on it (Armbian project). Kernel is 4.4, DE is Lubuntu. I have run on terminal, "sudo sh linux all"

First issue: the /3rdparty/ looks for qt4 installation and attempts to download it if not found. However, qt4 is no longer available in apt install, so it will never be able to continue if it is not previously installed (which is actually not recommended). First solution: I edit the said file and removed the qt4 mentions and managed to continue because it does look for qt5, which is available in apt install, and it continues the installation.

Second issue: deploying lib(s), line 247 of the original file. It starts to search and to copy a bunch of libs that are non-existent on my armhf system. They are not part of a particular package, at least not one I could find, so I cannot proceed. This is the error in the terminal, "DEPLOYING lib(s) cp: cannot stat '/lib/i386-linux-gnu/': No such file or directory"

A possible solution is to find these libs files on multiple packages for arm architecture and insert/use them as needed. Here is this part of the code and below is how my install(.txt, for uploading) looks like after removing the qt4 part:

echo ""
echo "DEPLOYING lib(s)"

mkdir -p "$libs"

sudo cp "$base"/ "$libs"

if [ $host = "ubuntu18" ]; then

    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"
    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"
    sudo cp "$lib"/   "$libs"

    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"
    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"
    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"
    sudo cp "$lib"/   "$libs"

    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"

    # NOTE: Required for Ubuntu 20.04.
    sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"

sudo cp "$lib"/       "$libs"
sudo cp "$lib"/     "$libs"
sudo cp "$lib"/ "$libs"


Thanks and best!

3unjee commented 3 years ago

This is related to the following in

# Linux




What's the name of your gnu include folder in /usr/include ?