omega8cc / boa

Barracuda Octopus Aegir 5.4.0
394 stars 75 forks source link

FATAL ERROR: DNS looks broken for <domain> #1369

Closed namontague closed 5 years ago

namontague commented 5 years ago

In a clean Debian 9 AMI from AWS the install fails to complete. is a placeholder is a placeholder is a placeholder

Command: boa in-head public o1 ask php-7.1


BOA [15:47:07] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-4.0.0-prod welcomes you aboard!

BOA [15:47:10] ==> INFO: NORMAL INIT BOA [15:47:10] ==> INFO: Public Setup Mode Active BOA [15:47:11] ==> INFO: Creating your /root/.barracuda.cnf config file BOA [15:47:16] ==> VIRT: This system is supported: Xen guest fully virtualized (HVM)

BOA [15:47:16] ==> Aegir on ip-172-31-18-16 Debian/stretch x86_64 PHP 7.1

BOA [15:47:16] ==> INFO: Installing some basic tools now, please wait... BOA [15:47:28] ==> INFO: Installing sysvinit-core on Debian stretch...

BOA [15:47:39] ==> NOTE: Please reboot and run barracuda upgrade BOA [15:47:39] ==> NOTE: when boa will complete initial installation BOA [15:47:39] ==> NOTE: to cleanly remove not used systemd packages!

BOA [15:47:55] ==> INFO: Installing more basic tools now, please wait... BOA [15:48:55] ==> INFO: DNS test: OK

BOA [15:48:55] ==> INSTALL START -> checkpoint:

* Your email address is
* Your IP address is
* Your hostname is

BOA [15:48:55] ==> INFO: Installing extra Drush versions... BOA [15:49:01] ==> INFO: Running system packages update... BOA [15:50:21] ==> INFO: Installing required libraries and tools, please wait... BOA [15:52:22] ==> INFO: Installed OpenSSH version 7.4p1, upgrade required BOA [15:52:22] ==> INFO: Building OpenSSH 7.9p1 from sources, please wait... BOA [15:55:13] ==> INFO: Installing MariaDB... BOA [15:55:26] ==> INFO: Retrieving F1656F24C74CD1D8 key.. BOA [15:55:30] ==> INFO: Retrieving 9334A25F8507EFA5 key.. BOA [15:55:32] ==> INFO: Installing MariaDB 10.1.38 in Debian/stretch BOA [15:57:17] ==> INFO: Running aptitude full-upgrade... BOA [16:00:15] ==> INFO: Installed Nginx version nginx/1.10.3, upgrade required BOA [16:00:15] ==> INFO: Installing Nginx... BOA [16:02:48] ==> INFO: Installing MySecureShell master-20-03-2015... BOA [16:04:30] ==> INFO: Installing wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage x86_64... BOA [16:04:36] ==> INFO: Fix #1 for libs in Debian stretch BOA [16:04:36] ==> INFO: Fix #2 for libs in Debian stretch BOA [16:04:36] ==> INFO: Installing VnStat monitor... BOA [16:04:52] ==> INFO: Installing a few more tools... BOA [16:04:52] ==> INFO: PHP 7.1.27 will be installed now BOA [16:04:52] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.1.27 from sources, please wait... BOA [16:04:59] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.1.27 part 1/3 BOA [16:05:02] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.1.27 part 2/3 BOA [16:05:42] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.1.27 part 3/3 BOA [16:16:42] ==> INFO: Installing PhpRedis for PHP 7.1.27... BOA [16:17:00] ==> INFO: Installing UploadProgress for PHP 7.1.27... BOA [16:17:07] ==> INFO: Installing JSMin for PHP 7.1.27... BOA [16:17:14] ==> INFO: Installing Imagick for PHP 7.1.27... BOA [16:17:31] ==> INFO: Installing LibYAML for PHP... BOA [16:17:51] ==> INFO: Installing YAML for PHP 7.1.27... BOA [16:21:02] ==> INFO: Installing Limited Shell BOA [16:21:17] ==> INFO: Installing Redis update for Debian/stretch... BOA [16:22:14] ==> INFO: Generating random password for MariaDB BOA [16:22:14] ==> INFO: Updating MariaDB configuration BOA [16:22:14] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server... BOA [16:22:26] ==> INFO: Installing Aegir Master Instance, please wait... BOA [16:24:32] ==> INFO: Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit, please wait... BOA [16:24:52] ==> INFO: Aegir Master Instance installed BOA [16:24:52] ==> INFO: Installing default SSL Wildcard Nginx Proxy... BOA [16:24:54] ==> INFO: Building Pure-FTPd server from sources, please wait... BOA [16:24:54] ==> INFO: Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit, please wait...

BOA [16:26:22] ==> INFO: Installing Adminer Manager... BOA [16:26:23] ==> INFO: Adminer Manager installed BOA [16:26:23] ==> INFO: Updating init scripts BOA [16:26:24] ==> INFO: InnoDB log file will be set to 256M... BOA [16:26:45] ==> INFO: Starting Redis, PHP-FPM and Nginx BOA [16:26:53] ==> INFO: MariaDB final setup BOA [16:26:53] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server... BOA [16:27:04] ==> INFO: MariaDB setup completed BOA [16:27:04] ==> INFO: You can now log in as root by typing just 'mysql' BOA [16:27:04] ==> INFO: Cleaning up system swap, it may take a moment...

BOA [16:27:11] ==> INFO: Congratulations, Aegir have been installed successfully! BOA [16:27:11] ==> NOTE! Please wait 2 min before visiting Aegir at:

BOA [16:27:11] ==> LINK:

BOA [16:27:22] ==> INFO: Installing csf/lfd firewall... BOA [16:27:26] ==> TEST: csf/lfd firewall should work fine on this system BOA [16:28:56] ==> INFO: csf/lfd firewall installed BOA [16:28:56] ==> INFO: Upgrading csf/lfd firewall... BOA [16:28:59] ==> TEST: csf/lfd firewall should work fine on this system BOA [16:30:29] ==> INFO: csf/lfd firewall upgrade completed BOA [16:30:30] ==> INFO: Installing DNS cache pdnsd server... BOA [16:30:57] ==> INFO: Building pdnsd 1.2.9a from sources, please wait... curl: (6) Could not resolve host: mv: cannot stat 'composer.phar': No such file or directory BOA [16:31:43] ==> CARD: Now charging your credit card for this magic show... BOA [16:31:47] ==> CARD: It will take a moment to process your payment... BOA [16:31:53] ==> JOKE: Just kidding !!! Enjoy your Aegir Hosting System :)

BOA [16:31:57] ==> Final post-install cleaning, one moment... BOA [16:32:07] ==> BYE! netcat: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution INFO: The mirror doesn't respond, let's try default

BOA [16:32:24] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-4.0.0-prod welcomes you aboard!

netcat: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution BOA [16:34:17] ==> WARN: The GitLab mirror repository server doesn't respond... BOA [16:34:17] ==> INFO: Creating your /root/.o1.octopus.cnf config file BOA [16:34:18] ==> New Octopus Setup on in progress...

* Your email address is
* Your client email address is
* Your Aegir control panel for this instance will be available at:
* Your Aegir system user for this instance will be o1
* This Octopus will use PHP-CLI 7.1 for all sites
* This Octopus will use PHP-FPM 7.1 for all sites
* This Octopus includes platforms: ALL
* This Octopus options are listed as SSD / Y / 8 C

BOA [16:42:49] ==> INIT A: Shared platforms code v.001 (new) will be created BOA [16:42:49] ==> INIT A: Adding user... BOA [16:42:49] ==> INIT A: FATAL ERROR: DNS looks broken for BOA [16:42:49] ==> INIT A: FATAL ERROR: Aborting AegirSetupA installer NOW! BOA [16:42:49] ==> FATAL ERROR: AegirSetupA installer failed BOA [16:42:49] ==> FATAL ERROR: Aborting Octopus installer NOW!

BOA in-head completed Bye

Does anyone know why this is failing?

The command(echo $(getent ahostsv4 | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}' 2>&1) does return the ip address before the install in run.

aanjaneyam commented 5 years ago

I am having a similar problem as above apart form the fact that it fails on on DNS look ups and gives ERROR (not Fatal Error) on brand new Octopus installation . Steps to reproduce: 1) Start a brand new vanilla Debian 9 server on Linode. 2) Configure DNS wild card entry for and check propagation using getent hosts to confirm it is working. 3) Configure SSH (RSA) keys for root. 4) Run the install with command "boa in-head public o1" 5) Gives some resolutions errors like in the original post above: a) WARN: The GitLab mirror repository server doesn't respond... b) BOA [16:30:57] ==> INFO: Building pdnsd 1.2.9a from sources, please wait... curl: (6) Could not resolve host: mv: cannot stat 'composer.phar': No such file or directory c) netcat: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution INFO: The mirror doesn't respond, let's try default d) ERROR: doesn't point to

I then searched for information on how Linode configures networking and name servers for freshly built Debian 9 servers and came across . Linode Network helper configures static networking for Debian 9 linode on every boot by configuring /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf files.

It seems that the Network Helper correctly configures a static networking for the Linode but the BOA-4.0.0 install (while running Barracuda and Master instance install and Upgrades) overwrites/empties the /etc/resolv.conf thus messing the name resolutions. When I leave the linode running for some time or reboot it the Network helper automatically corrects the networking configuration by configuring /etc/network/interfaces and populating /etc/resolv.conf. However after Network helper's reconfiguration of networking, I run barracuda up-head and the barracuda script some where during its execution overwrites/empties the /etc/resolv.conf thus throwing out resolution errors and eventually ending up with a failed install with error.

What is the solution. Should we disable the Linode Network Helper or provide dns-nameservers entry in /etc/network/interfaces as I see that that the package resolvconf is installed or edit some other file.

aanjaneyam commented 5 years ago

In fact after running barracuda script (install or upgrade) none of the commands like hostname -f, ping works until linode helper re-populates the /etc/resolv.conf. Both the commands above return Temporary failure in name resolution. The above commands start working automatically after some time until we run barracuda up-head. There it seems like a loop which will never end in successful BOA installation until we correct the problem.

aanjaneyam commented 5 years ago

I don't understand what may be going wrong regarding the name resolution issue. Today I rebuilt Debian 9 with Linode network helper disabled globally and in the server config so that we get vanilla networking and ran the BOA installer again on freshly rebuilt Debian 9.

`root@li761-127:~# boa in-head public My@email o1

BOA [14:41:18] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-4.0.0-prod welcomes you aboard!

BOA [14:41:21] ==> INFO: NORMAL INIT BOA [14:41:21] ==> INFO: Public Setup Mode Active BOA [14:41:22] ==> INFO: Creating your /root/.barracuda.cnf config file BOA [14:41:26] ==> VIRT: This system is supported: Linux KVM guest

BOA [14:41:26] ==> Aegir on li761-127 Debian/stretch x86_64 PHP 7.2

BOA [14:41:26] ==> INFO: Installing some basic tools now, please wait... BOA [14:41:38] ==> INFO: Installing sysvinit-core on Debian stretch...

BOA [14:41:43] ==> NOTE: Please reboot and run barracuda upgrade BOA [14:41:43] ==> NOTE: when boa will complete initial installation BOA [14:41:43] ==> NOTE: to cleanly remove not used systemd packages!

BOA [14:41:58] ==> INFO: Installing more basic tools now, please wait... BOA [14:42:26] ==> INFO: DNS test: OK

BOA [14:42:26] ==> INSTALL START -> checkpoint:

* Your email address is My@email
* Your IP address is
* Your hostname is

BOA [14:42:26] ==> INFO: Installing extra Drush versions... BOA [14:42:30] ==> INFO: Running system packages update... BOA [14:43:42] ==> INFO: Installing required libraries and tools, please wait... BOA [14:44:43] ==> INFO: Installed OpenSSH version 7.4p1, upgrade required BOA [14:44:43] ==> INFO: Building OpenSSH 7.9p1 from sources, please wait... BOA [14:47:35] ==> INFO: Installing MariaDB... BOA [14:47:46] ==> INFO: Retrieving F1656F24C74CD1D8 key.. BOA [14:47:50] ==> INFO: Retrieving 9334A25F8507EFA5 key.. BOA [14:47:53] ==> INFO: Installing MariaDB 10.1.38 in Debian/stretch BOA [14:48:48] ==> INFO: Running aptitude full-upgrade... BOA [14:50:22] ==> INFO: Installed Nginx version nginx/1.10.3, upgrade required BOA [14:50:22] ==> INFO: Installing Nginx... BOA [14:53:39] ==> INFO: Installing MySecureShell master-20-03-2015... BOA [14:55:23] ==> INFO: Installing wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage x86_64... BOA [14:55:26] ==> INFO: Fix #1 for libs in Debian stretch BOA [14:55:26] ==> INFO: Fix #2 for libs in Debian stretch BOA [14:55:26] ==> INFO: Installing VnStat monitor... BOA [14:55:43] ==> INFO: Installing a few more tools...
BOA [14:55:43] ==> INFO: PHP 7.2.16 will be installed now BOA [14:55:43] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.2.16 from sources, please wait...
BOA [14:55:48] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.2.16 part 1/3 BOA [14:55:53] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.2.16 part 2/3
BOA [14:56:53] ==> INFO: Building PHP 7.2.16 part 3/3 BOA [15:12:42] ==> INFO: Installing PhpRedis for PHP 7.2.16... BOA [15:13:03] ==> INFO: Installing UploadProgress for PHP 7.2.16... BOA [15:13:10] ==> INFO: Installing JSMin for PHP 7.2.16... BOA [15:13:19] ==> INFO: Installing Imagick for PHP 7.2.16... BOA [15:13:37] ==> INFO: Installing LibYAML for PHP... BOA [15:14:00] ==> INFO: Installing YAML for PHP 7.2.16... BOA [15:17:11] ==> INFO: Installing Limited Shell BOA [15:17:25] ==> INFO: Installing Redis update for Debian/stretch... BOA [15:18:34] ==> INFO: Generating random password for MariaDB BOA [15:18:34] ==> INFO: Updating MariaDB configuration BOA [15:18:34] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server... BOA [15:18:46] ==> INFO: Installing Aegir Master Instance, please wait... BOA [15:18:47] ==> INFO: MariaDB is listening on BOA [15:20:10] ==> INFO: Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit, please wait... BOA [15:21:53] ==> INFO: Aegir Master Instance installed BOA [15:21:53] ==> INFO: Installing default SSL Wildcard Nginx Proxy... BOA [15:21:54] ==> INFO: Building Pure-FTPd server from sources, please wait... BOA [15:21:54] ==> INFO: Generating DH parameters, 2048 bit, please wait...

BOA [15:22:50] ==> INFO: Installing Adminer Manager... BOA [15:22:50] ==> INFO: Adminer Manager installed BOA [15:22:50] ==> INFO: Updating init scripts BOA [15:22:51] ==> INFO: InnoDB log file will be set to 256M... BOA [15:23:07] ==> INFO: Starting Redis, PHP-FPM and Nginx BOA [15:23:15] ==> INFO: MariaDB final setup BOA [15:23:15] ==> INFO: Restarting MariaDB server... BOA [15:23:26] ==> INFO: MariaDB setup completed BOA [15:23:26] ==> INFO: You can now log in as root by typing just 'mysql' BOA [15:23:26] ==> INFO: Cleaning up system swap, it may take a moment...

BOA [15:23:32] ==> INFO: Congratulations, Aegir have been installed successfully! BOA [15:23:32] ==> NOTE! Please wait 2 min before visiting Aegir at:

BOA [15:23:32] ==> LINK:

BOA [15:23:43] ==> INFO: Installing csf/lfd firewall... BOA [15:23:46] ==> TEST: csf/lfd firewall should work fine on this system BOA [15:25:16] ==> INFO: csf/lfd firewall installed BOA [15:25:16] ==> INFO: Upgrading csf/lfd firewall... BOA [15:25:18] ==> TEST: csf/lfd firewall should work fine on this system BOA [15:26:48] ==> INFO: csf/lfd firewall upgrade completed BOA [15:26:48] ==> INFO: Installing DNS cache pdnsd server... hkBOA [15:27:14] ==> INFO: Building pdnsd 1.2.9a from sources, please wait... curl: (6) Could not resolve host: mv: cannot stat 'composer.phar': No such file or directory BOA [15:28:05] ==> CARD: Now charging your credit card for this magic show... BOA [15:28:08] ==> CARD: It will take a moment to process your payment... BOA [15:28:14] ==> JOKE: Just kidding !!! Enjoy your Aegir Hosting System :)

BOA [15:28:18] ==> Final post-install cleaning, one moment... BOA [15:28:29] ==> BYE! forward host lookup failed: Host name lookup failure : Resource temporarily unavailable INFO: The mirror doesn't respond, let's try default

BOA [15:28:34] ==> Skynet Agent v.BOA-4.0.0-prod welcomes you aboard! forward host lookup failed: Host name lookup failure : Resource temporarily unavailable BOA [15:28:41] ==> WARN: The GitLab mirror repository server doesn't respond... BOA [15:28:41] ==> INFO: Creating your /root/.c1.octopus.cnf config file BOA [15:28:42] ==> New Octopus Setup on in progress... BOA [15:32:03] ==> ERROR: doesn't point to your IP: BOA [15:32:03] ==> Please make sure you have a valid A record in your DNS BOA [15:32:03] ==> It is also possible that DNS change didn't propagate yet BOA [15:32:03] ==> Bye

BOA in-head completed Bye ` I then run the following to check resolution:

root@li761-127:~# hostname -f hostname: Temporary failure in name resolution root@li761-127:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces This file describes the network interfaces available on your system and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

The loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback

The primary network interface allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp

root@li761-127:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN nameserver cws01:~# cat /etc/hosts localhost The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters Any clues?

EdNett commented 5 years ago


I think this is the right issue to post in - we have discovered that pdnsd isn't running on any boa head instance that has been updated in the last month. The problem is with the /usr/etc/pdnsd.conf file - for us on line 29 in the first server { } zone - just after the two IP addresses of our server providor's dns ( there was a bad entry "ip:;" instead of an actual IP address - and this caused pdnsd to fail and fail to restart. Hope this helps. We just removed the line and pdnsd restarted fine with a server reboot.

I have listed this as issue 1374


namontague commented 5 years ago

I have since been able to successfully run the install/update scripts.

In order to stop the DNS lookup failing

INIT A: FATAL ERROR: DNS looks broken for

I had to do the following:

-create a file : /root/.use.local.nameservers.cnf -copy /etc/resolv.conf to /var/backups/resolv.conf.vanilla

This was required to maintain AWS DNS settings during the install/update.

This is documented here:

However this did not fix these other 2 issues:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
mv: cannot stat 'composer.phar': No such file or directory

netcat: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution
INFO: The mirror doesn't respond, let's try default
petrowsky commented 5 years ago

This is definitely an issue when pdnsd is initially built. If your starting resolv.conf can't be parsed and the proper control file isn't there, then it looks like the DNS gets hosed and the box can't make outbound connections to finish the install.

Here's what I hit.

I had to simply modify pdnsd.conf to have the right dns servers for outbound connections and then finish the install of the o1 satellite using the following.

boa in-octopus o1 {mini|max|none} head

Note, if running on Linode, it looks like you need to stop their auto-configure networking

omega8cc commented 5 years ago

We haven't tested anything on AWS for a long time. Not sure if the problem here is related to pdnsd (now no longer installed by default), or the system IP detection we have switched to doesn't work for AWS networking. Please try BOA head again on a fresh instance and let us know if not installing pdnsd by default helped. Thank you.

EdNett commented 5 years ago


We'd like to try this, but we can't install on a new instance from scaleway. What "services" must we disable, please? I have already purged mosh, iptables and exim4. I don't know what else to purge?

ERROR: BOA requires minimal, supported OS, with no services installed ERROR: The only acceptable exceptions are: sshd and mail servers Bye root@server1:~# service --status-all [ - ] bootlogd [ + ] cgmanager [ - ] cgproxy [ + ] cron [ + ] dbus [ - ] exim4 [ + ] haveged [ - ] [ + ] irqbalance [ + ] kmod [ + ] networking [ + ] ntp [ + ] procps [ - ] rsync [ + ] rsyslog [ - ] screen-cleanup [ + ] ssh [ - ] stop-bootlogd [ - ] stop-bootlogd-single [ - ] sudo [ + ] sysstat [ + ] udev [ + ] unattended-upgrades [ - ] uuidd

There is no etc/apache2 directory. There is as etc/mysql directory but mysql is not installed. What keeps causing the "minimal" services error message in a current/modern stretch provisioned server. I hate to waste time this way looking for things that probably have no effect at all in BOA. Can you please review your pre-install checks that keep giving this error?




omega8cc commented 5 years ago

Here is the list of directories which shouldn't exist on a clean basic Debian OS which will block the installation:

system_check_clean() {
  if [ -e "/etc/nginx" ] \
    || [ -e "/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php" ] \
    || [ -e "/etc/apache2" ] \
    || [ -e "/etc/mysql" ] \
    || [ -e "/var/lib/mysql" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: BOA requires minimal, supported OS, with no services installed"
    echo "ERROR: The only acceptable exceptions are: sshd and mail servers"
    echo "Bye"
omega8cc commented 5 years ago

We have just improved the error message:

system_check_clean() {
  if [ -e "/etc/nginx" ] \
    || [ -e "/var/aegir/.drush/hostmaster.alias.drushrc.php" ] \
    || [ -e "/etc/apache2" ] \
    || [ -e "/etc/mysql" ] \
    || [ -e "/var/lib/mysql" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: BOA installation procedure requires minimal supported OS."
    echo "ERROR: Please make sure you don't have MySQL nor Apache installed."
    echo "ERROR: Here's the list of directories which shouldn't exist:"
    echo "ERROR: /etc/nginx /etc/apache2 /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql /var/aegir"
    echo "Bye"
omega8cc commented 5 years ago

Now with pdnsd not installed by default since BOA-4.0.1 the problem is hopefully gone. Feel free to re-open if there are still any host specific issues we have missed. Thanks @All for the feedback!

AntiNSA commented 1 year ago

I have disabled network helper and am unable to install on a fresh linode. Im getting pretty desperate here. ANy tips would be appreciated.