Open EdNett opened 2 days ago
I had originally tired to do the "autoinit" directly from a fresh install of debian bullseye, but it never worked - that is, I could never ssh in again, so I tried, above, to migrate manually, first from bullseye to bookworm, and then from bookworm to dqaedalus. After following the upgrade/migrate instuctions meticulously, I still had lsb_release -a show debian and so I had to install a specific version of base-files 12.7 for devuan 5 which then gave a return of devuan. Now I have reinstalled bullseye again, and once again "autoinit" never allows me to ssh in again.
Nowhere in the docs does it say if we have to do the following procedure before running "autoinit": (Would you please comment on whether or not these steps are still necessary to prepare a vps for boa, please?):
nano /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0"
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
dmesg | grep -i eth # to check
nano /etc/network/interfaces or nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/50-cloud-init and modify to eth0
check after rebooting with "ip a"
Best regards, Ed
Hello, I have an install which seemed to work half-way except that there is no working master instance, and no octopus instance was installed. The logs show nginx failing to restart 3 or 4 times. This was on a devuan daedalus prepared.
There is no /data/u directory. and there was no /data/disk directory, but after a day and a few attempted barracuda up-lts there is now a /data/disk direectory with a few sql backups inside!
I have tried reinstalling all, but it never gets to the "hostmaster" part, and ends saying that percopna can't be restarted - and to start percona and try again, which doesn't work: BOA [10:05:40] ==> PROC: _aegir_master_install_upgrade
BOA [10:05:40] ==> PROC: _if_to_do_fix BOA [10:05:40] ==> ALRT! Percona server not running properly! BOA [10:05:40] ==> EXIT: We can't proceed and will exit now BOA [10:05:40] ==> HINT: Please check /var/backups/barracuda-upgrade-241126-092208.log for more information, BOA [10:05:40] ==> HINT: (re)start Percona server, then run the installer again BOA [10:05:40] ==> Bye
BARRACUDA upgrade completed. " I see that there is no /etc/mysql directory, rather there is an /etc/mysql_pre directory with percona stuff inside - is this normal?
I also tried installing an octopus instance, but it won't do it, telling me to "Please install complete boa system before trying to install additional AEgir / Octopus instances"
The barracuda install log stops with: mode of '/etc/init.d/csf' retained as 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) '/etc/csf/csfwebmin.tgz' -> '/usr/local/csf/csfwebmin.tgz'
Installation Completed
Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server: sshd. Stopping enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd. Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd.
and there is even an install.log giving this: Congratulations, Aegir has now been installed.
You should now log in to the Aegir frontend by opening the following link in your web browser: (but the link doesn't resolve).
I can reach adminer.master.FQDN great, and redis-server php83-fpm, nginx, percona csf, etc - are all running OK
In the /root/.octopus.exit.exceptions.log is filled with "REASON bookworm on+ date...." There is also a /root/.boa.exit.exceptions.log with three lines of the same "Reason bookworm on + date
running "lsb_release -a" from the command line gives daedalus 5 correctly
So, my question is:
1) Is there a command to reinstall the whole thing, or just the AEgir master instance like barracuda in-hostmaster" or something?
or 2) without rebuilding the whole server is there a way to wipe the incomplete install and try again ?