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Issue with opening an excel in 4.2.2 #41

Open jacobhsamuels opened 1 year ago

jacobhsamuels commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am having trouble with the 3rd line of code from below: book <- ex$workbooks()$Open(file) in which the ex$workbooks() is resulting in an error as follows:

Error in .COM(x, name, ...) : Cannot locate 0 name(s) workbooks in COM object (status = -2147418111)

Strangely, this was not an issue yesterday, but with no change to the code it now does not work today. The file is irrelevant for this step as the error occurs before it gets to the Open(file) part. I am not sure how to go about this, my R version is 4.2.2. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

file <- getAbsolutePath("myfile.xlsx")) # absolute path to Excel file ex <- COMCreate("Excel.Application") # create COM object book <- ex$workbooks()$Open(file) # open Excel file excel <- book$Worksheets() excel$Select() ex[["ActiveSheet"]]$ExportAsFixedFormat(Type=0, Filename=paste0(getwd(), "myfile.pdf"), IgnorePrintAreas=FALSE) # export as pdf ex[["ActiveWorkbook"]]$Save() # save workbook ex$Quit() # close Excel`