The NumericDataTypes module provides several data types that could be beneficial to form builders: integer, timestamp, duration, and interval (the last three being ISO 8601). Since the ISO 8601 types require specialized input controls and client-side processing, some generalizations to NumericDataTypes may be needed so Collecting can share existing code. For instance, while the duration type controls are simple year/month/day/hour/minute/second inputs, the submitted duration must follow ISO 8601 duration format, e.g. "P2019Y1M30DT12H30M0S".
The NumericDataTypes module provides several data types that could be beneficial to form builders: integer, timestamp, duration, and interval (the last three being ISO 8601). Since the ISO 8601 types require specialized input controls and client-side processing, some generalizations to NumericDataTypes may be needed so Collecting can share existing code. For instance, while the duration type controls are simple year/month/day/hour/minute/second inputs, the submitted duration must follow ISO 8601 duration format, e.g. "P2019Y1M30DT12H30M0S".