I can see that all meta data for an image is being extracted okay but when I try to use the JSON Pointer crosswalk, according the README.md, in order to map it to a property nothing happens and the property value is not updated. Is there anyway I can enable some debug showing what's happening or how do you suggest I should proceed?
Map looks like this:
Media ExifTool /EXIF/DateTimeOriginal Dublin Core:Date Created
Sample of the Extracted Metadata looks like:
"EXIF": {
"DateTimeOriginal": "2019:11:06 12:50:16",
"DateTimeDigitized": "2019:11:06 12:50:16"
Since I also had other issue downloading the zip from this site I removed it and installed it from again this time from https://omeka.org/s/modules/ExtractMetadata/ and now everything works like it should
I can see that all meta data for an image is being extracted okay but when I try to use the JSON Pointer crosswalk, according the README.md, in order to map it to a property nothing happens and the property value is not updated. Is there anyway I can enable some debug showing what's happening or how do you suggest I should proceed?
Map looks like this: Media ExifTool /EXIF/DateTimeOriginal Dublin Core:Date Created
Sample of the Extracted Metadata looks like: "EXIF": { "DateTimeOriginal": "2019:11:06 12:50:16", "DateTimeDigitized": "2019:11:06 12:50:16" }