omeka / plugin-Contribution

Makes an Omeka site into one that accepts public contributions. The plugin provides a form to collect stories, images, or other files from the public and manages those contributions in your Omeka archive as items. This contribution is useful when creating digital memory banks
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Multiple Rows checkbox not working #75

Open nikjdwhite opened 2 years ago

nikjdwhite commented 2 years ago

I'd like for some of the fields (such as Description) to display as a textarea in the user-end form and others (like Creator) to display as a single-line input. According to the docs the Multiple Rows checkbox in the admin interface controls this display. However, on my Omeka site the checkboxes are all marked on the admin side, but all fields display as single-line inputs on the user end (screenshots below). If I uncheck any of them and save, the unchecking doesn't stick and they revert to all being checked, with no change to the front end.

So far I have reinstalled a fresh download of Contribution, and deactivated SimpleVocab since that seemed to interfere as well, but it's still not retaining the multiline setting. Any advice appreciated!

allchecked frontendinputs