omeka / plugin-ExhibitBuilder

Allows users to develop online interpretive exhibits that combine items in the Omeka archive with narrative text. The plugin provides pre-built themes and layouts, and a WYSIWYG visual editor, to build complex pages.
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Feature Request: Add exhibit_builder_nested_nav() function like the one in Omeka 1.x versions #48

Open JonathanReeve opened 11 years ago

JonathanReeve commented 11 years ago

The code from the previous versions was this:

function exhibit_builder_nested_nav($exhibit = null, $showAllPages = false)
    if (!$exhibit) {
        if (!($exhibit = exhibit_builder_get_current_exhibit())) {
    $html = '<ul class="exhibit-section-nav">';
    foreach ($exhibit->Sections as $exhibitSection) {
        $html .= '<li class="exhibit-nested-section' . (exhibit_builder_is_current_section($exhibitSection) ? ' current' : '') . '"><a class="exhibit-section-title" href="' . html_escape(exhibit_builder_exhibit_uri($exhibit, $exhibitSection)) . '">' . html_escape($exhibitSection->title) . '</a>';
        if ($showAllPages || exhibit_builder_is_current_section($exhibitSection)) {
            $html .= exhibit_builder_page_nav($exhibitSection);
        $html .= '</li>';
    $html .= '</ul>';
    $html = apply_filters('exhibit_builder_nested_nav', $html, $exhibit, $showAllPages);
    return $html;

It'd be great if there were something similar in the current version. If there are no plans to do this, I might write this function myself, although it'll take me quite a while to figure everything out.

zerocrates commented 11 years ago

The new exhibit_builder_page_summary will make a nested list of links to children and sub-children when given an exhibit page.

What functionality are you looking for in the 2.x versions that you can't do now?