Closed omerday closed 7 months ago
Added the logic and implemented like so:
def iti():
blank_wait = random.uniform(3, 4)
cross_wait = random.uniform(3, 5)
blank_start = ts.time()
while ts.time() < blank_start + blank_wait:
for ev in event.getKeys():
if ev.key in ["esc", "escape", "q"]:
img = visual.ImageStim(win, image="./img/PlusOnly.jpg", pos=(0, 0), size=(2,2), units="norm")
cross_start = ts.time()
while ts.time() < cross_start + cross_wait:
for ev in event.getKeys():
if ev.key in ["esc", "escape", "q"]:
del img
Need to modify it to fit the new events
@rany-abend you can follow here
@rany-abend all done with God's help Will review tomorrow morning in the lab before merging
Additional modifications:
[x] there used to be an ITI (blank screen) between heat rating and next trial, and now it’s no longer there. let’s refine this: a blank screen for random[3-4s], followed by black fixation cross for random[3-5s]. and then when the cross is done, the next trial starts.
[x] Change the events so that the blank screen is the last event of the previous trial, and the cross is the first of the next trial
[x] Change Blank and Fixation screens to 4-6s randomization
[x] Reduce to 3 levels of heat
[x] Customize instructions
[x] Change to 6 blocks, 6 trials each (2 for every color)
[x] Make sure the Pain Rating event is sent right at the beginning of the rating
[x] make the display of each square about 0.5-1s longer before the square goes away
[x] let’s add 1s between offset of full square and rating scale onset