omg-dmn-taskforce / plain-text-spec

A repo for prototyping around plain text specification formats like Markdown, AsciiDoc and LaTeX
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Investigate LaTeX as intermediate step #6

Open barmac opened 1 year ago

barmac commented 1 year ago

E.g. markdown/asciidoc -> LaTeX -> PDF

barmac commented 1 year ago


barmac commented 1 year ago

Pandoc requires lots of packages to be loaded in order to work with LaTeX. This is why a minimal template did not work.

The suggested way to work with templates is to modify the default one. This is what I did in In the example, pandoc uses provided class to produce a PDF which is said to comply with OMG formatting. Further work would be to work on default.tex file to produce the actual specification.

barmac commented 1 year ago


falko commented 1 year ago

I wonder, if it would be better to just generate LaTeX for the chapters with Pandoc and then include it as chapters into the structure we got from the PSUM spec. This way we would also use the diffing which seems to be based on Latexdiff, see e.g.

falko commented 1 year ago

I a while tried building the LaTeX sources of PSUM spec and the complexity of its build process confirmed that we will need LaTeX as an intermediate step. I got some instructions from Manfred on how to build it correctly.

falko commented 1 year ago

So from here we we have three next steps:

  1. see if Pandoc's Markdown has all the features that we would need to represent the contents of the chapters, e.g. of DMN
  2. find a reproducible LaTeX build pipeline that produces the full spec (ideally with a GitHub action)
  3. get the makro for changebar doc running based on Git diffs