Closed 0x234 closed 5 years ago
Testing via
657 TPS of load caused exceptions in the Childchain & Watcher. This culminated with a client side exception where the Childchain was unable to accept /transaction.submit:
2019-09-06 07:00:27.229 [warn] module=OMG.Watcher.HttpRPC.Adapter function=rpc_post/3 ⋅Child chain rpc post "http://childchain-stress-test/transaction.submit" failed with {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{id: nil, reason: :timeout}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.229 [warn] module=OMG.Watcher.HttpRPC.Adapter function=rpc_post/3 ⋅Child chain rpc post "http://childchain-stress-test/transaction.submit" failed with {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{id: nil, reason: :timeout}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.259 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.497.0> terminating ** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {:error, {:client_error, {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{id: nil, reason: :timeout}}}} lib/omg_performance/sender_server.ex:171: OMG.Performance.SenderServer.update_state_with_tx_submission/2 lib/omg_performance/sender_server.ex:110: OMG.Performance.SenderServer.handle_info/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :do⋅
2019-09-06 06:51:29.110 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 942025740, hash: <<237, 231, 56, 132, 107, 235, 105, 247, 131, 142, 144, 245, 96, 136, 196, 212, 30, 217, 243, 77, 77, 140, 229, 70, 141, 23, 209, 59, 237, 80, 100, 220>>, nonce: 1336, num: 1336000} at: <<122, 19, 208, 80, 134, 23, 14, 158, 48, 144, 182, 106, 140, 235, 228, 202, 65, 103, 215, 189, 147, 120, 96, 65, 77, 16, 231, 53, 54, 90, 149, 225>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:51:38.357 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040933.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:51:53.601 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040934.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:51:58.381 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1526081698, hash: <<237, 231, 56, 132, 107, 235, 105, 247, 131, 142, 144, 245, 96, 136, 196, 212, 30, 217, 243, 77, 77, 140, 229, 70, 141, 23, 209, 59, 237, 80, 100, 220>>, nonce: 1336, num: 1336000} at: <<145, 129, 107, 95, 210, 194, 159, 229, 100, 187, 84, 36, 25, 185, 57, 48, 134, 129, 161, 103, 173, 210, 58, 38, 48, 49, 69, 183, 35, 30, 98, 244>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:51:59.183 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1337000', hash '"3730E146176D98F01A4B19401C2884513189B87E959D2F1DFDD492788A521568"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:51:59.218 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1526081698, hash: <<55, 48, 225, 70, 23, 109, 152, 240, 26, 75, 25, 64, 28, 40, 132, 81, 49, 137, 184, 126, 149, 157, 47, 29, 253, 212, 146, 120, 138, 82, 21, 104>>, nonce: 1337, num: 1337000} at: <<247, 9, 11, 92, 85, 25, 55, 207, 147, 221, 233, 250, 120, 234, 93, 61, 40, 188, 240, 164, 192, 248, 41, 164, 235, 213, 86, 214, 79, 198, 220, 134>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:08.282 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040935.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:23.278 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040936.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:29.080 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1338000', hash '"74224C8F73ACF6928C3310C88713DA493069A9DAEDD7D1F7DAC12B46DF9826B0"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:29.133 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1526081698, hash: <<116, 34, 76, 143, 115, 172, 246, 146, 140, 51, 16, 200, 135, 19, 218, 73, 48, 105, 169, 218, 237, 215, 209, 247, 218, 193, 43, 70, 223, 152, 38, 176>>, nonce: 1338, num: 1338000} at: <<115, 143, 50, 19, 9, 151, 60, 80, 85, 234, 113, 218, 238, 51, 156, 82, 123, 112, 170, 166, 102, 81, 168, 194, 99, 207, 32, 122, 16, 59, 203, 216>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:38.893 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040937.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:53.285 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040938.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:59.351 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1339000', hash '"F06D49A3EC12BA8052B343ECD718A2E5EDA8FAE48043971DE7BDA6DA59A4C71F"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:52:59.426 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1373473528, hash: <<240, 109, 73, 163, 236, 18, 186, 128, 82, 179, 67, 236, 215, 24, 162, 229, 237, 168, 250, 228, 128, 67, 151, 29, 231, 189, 166, 218, 89, 164, 199, 31>>, nonce: 1339, num: 1339000} at: <<186, 13, 136, 168, 217, 62, 211, 65, 228, 107, 99, 229, 191, 62, 109, 17, 181, 67, 87, 55, 231, 102, 177, 66, 195, 107, 84, 19, 86, 57, 221, 65>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:08.283 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040939.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:23.649 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040940.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:29.179 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1340000', hash '"6ED85F30454BD7DAE1BCFEC0D7F94B3295BACB4A93CA06A4672DF0BD0CA8B0E4"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:29.208 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1236126175, hash: <<110, 216, 95, 48, 69, 75, 215, 218, 225, 188, 254, 192, 215, 249, 75, 50, 149, 186, 203, 74, 147, 202, 6, 164, 103, 45, 240, 189, 12, 168, 176, 228>>, nonce: 1340, num: 1340000} at: <<95, 10, 65, 154, 7, 229, 244, 56, 129, 71, 164, 60, 8, 59, 65, 147, 97, 170, 158, 55, 42, 74, 208, 154, 169, 103, 23, 61, 230, 46, 190, 92>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:38.401 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040941.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:53.265 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040942.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:58.959 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1341000', hash '"A54A8575D72A08EA9211BBDD668105D11786D3CE69461D4BD549E97AEFE8DBBB"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:53:58.993 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1112513558, hash: <<165, 74, 133, 117, 215, 42, 8, 234, 146, 17, 187, 221, 102, 129, 5, 209, 23, 134, 211, 206, 105, 70, 29, 75, 213, 73, 233, 122, 239, 232, 219, 187>>, nonce: 1341, num: 1341000} at: <<119, 212, 244, 183, 58, 84, 16, 174, 2, 123, 83, 38, 206, 49, 236, 170, 45, 25, 18, 21, 54, 220, 6, 211, 240, 118, 38, 52, 72, 226, 34, 74>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:08.323 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040943.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:23.263 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040944.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:29.236 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1342000', hash '"8B70438FB8D3F3019CDD8D084C30A02A7ADDCCDD0038EF0890032F3B47F7528D"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:29.283 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1001262202, hash: <<139, 112, 67, 143, 184, 211, 243, 1, 156, 221, 141, 8, 76, 48, 160, 42, 122, 221, 204, 221, 0, 56, 239, 8, 144, 3, 47, 59, 71, 247, 82, 141>>, nonce: 1342, num: 1342000} at: <<126, 163, 184, 139, 198, 96, 204, 89, 214, 90, 18, 99, 104, 106, 199, 85, 10, 181, 178, 208, 125, 9, 20, 35, 32, 91, 143, 255, 16, 224, 246, 91>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:38.303 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040945.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:53.269 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040946.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:59.016 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1343000', hash '"FD4D53C8B5B7165EC91B57991B6F5FE50047230552BB0C4F6A6CBE3EF5FF7D6D"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:54:59.078 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 901135982, hash: <<253, 77, 83, 200, 181, 183, 22, 94, 201, 27, 87, 153, 27, 111, 95, 229, 0, 71, 35, 5, 82, 187, 12, 79, 106, 108, 190, 62, 245, 255, 125, 109>>, nonce: 1343, num: 1343000} at: <<119, 170, 210, 47, 34, 184, 24, 188, 44, 6, 174, 245, 246, 149, 78, 156, 63, 128, 250, 147, 245, 241, 233, 213, 127, 61, 156, 142, 124, 176, 204, 206>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:08.421 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040947.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:23.371 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040948.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:28.411 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1459840292, hash: <<253, 77, 83, 200, 181, 183, 22, 94, 201, 27, 87, 153, 27, 111, 95, 229, 0, 71, 35, 5, 82, 187, 12, 79, 106, 108, 190, 62, 245, 255, 125, 109>>, nonce: 1343, num: 1343000} at: <<45, 60, 199, 130, 67, 120, 118, 109, 39, 188, 193, 243, 211, 197, 27, 100, 128, 60, 157, 152, 71, 225, 112, 134, 87, 226, 131, 137, 229, 178, 159, 96>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:29.187 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1344000', hash '"D871E4DD6807AA96004884C9954AA32EB59FA996DC22A54B518D64E8B2113F19"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:29.218 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1459840292, hash: <<216, 113, 228, 221, 104, 7, 170, 150, 0, 72, 132, 201, 149, 74, 163, 46, 181, 159, 169, 150, 220, 34, 165, 75, 81, 141, 100, 232, 178, 17, 63, 25>>, nonce: 1344, num: 1344000} at: <<208, 232, 245, 220, 110, 241, 47, 70, 174, 169, 10, 236, 6, 81, 177, 211, 205, 30, 182, 47, 241, 82, 84, 146, 175, 241, 5, 84, 130, 154, 165, 112>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:38.384 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040949.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:53.292 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040950.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:59.289 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1345000', hash '"A384DCCCA395EB3E9BD1F1666E79BB05E884C8FCB89AB5D42898BF8A252AAB4D"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:55:59.364 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1459840292, hash: <<163, 132, 220, 204, 163, 149, 235, 62, 155, 209, 241, 102, 110, 121, 187, 5, 232, 132, 200, 252, 184, 154, 181, 212, 40, 152, 191, 138, 37, 42, 171, 77>>, nonce: 1345, num: 1345000} at: <<158, 12, 85, 223, 224, 64, 63, 201, 187, 55, 77, 101, 85, 85, 212, 113, 82, 82, 124, 23, 251, 223, 210, 240, 166, 188, 168, 33, 79, 96, 105, 71>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:08.788 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040951.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:23.445 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040952.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:29.166 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1346000', hash '"AB13E58044CA1D4E2812AB4C2C4A18F35644AE543A0455053830C6C6ACAA9258"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:29.210 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1313856263, hash: <<171, 19, 229, 128, 68, 202, 29, 78, 40, 18, 171, 76, 44, 74, 24, 243, 86, 68, 174, 84, 58, 4, 85, 5, 56, 48, 198, 198, 172, 170, 146, 88>>, nonce: 1346, num: 1346000} at: <<106, 67, 164, 23, 178, 1, 225, 244, 42, 16, 155, 34, 175, 245, 246, 44, 134, 97, 247, 198, 153, 96, 50, 24, 17, 140, 245, 133, 136, 136, 52, 211>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:38.269 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040953.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:53.444 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040954.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:59.252 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1347000', hash '"9C9B58BF2E236958A207AE25A0F171A08E97C2ACC8D6A08194E0CBA5F1FF4541"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:56:59.323 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1182470637, hash: <<156, 155, 88, 191, 46, 35, 105, 88, 162, 7, 174, 37, 160, 241, 113, 160, 142, 151, 194, 172, 200, 214, 160, 129, 148, 224, 203, 165, 241, 255, 69, 65>>, nonce: 1347, num: 1347000} at: <<65, 225, 14, 244, 69, 151, 135, 224, 18, 4, 229, 225, 82, 106, 206, 10, 163, 125, 50, 66, 242, 240, 153, 116, 4, 195, 84, 144, 125, 166, 229, 252>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:08.502 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040955.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:23.644 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040956.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:29.069 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1348000', hash '"39DCECF86EAB7ABCBACA72792235D97DB00EC9F0C5DD210511909C6EA8EE159F"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:29.150 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1064223573, hash: <<57, 220, 236, 248, 110, 171, 122, 188, 186, 202, 114, 121, 34, 53, 217, 125, 176, 14, 201, 240, 197, 221, 33, 5, 17, 144, 156, 110, 168, 238, 21, 159>>, nonce: 1348, num: 1348000} at: <<25, 176, 86, 148, 105, 40, 200, 99, 17, 201, 88, 209, 212, 208, 59, 208, 237, 57, 52, 2, 243, 238, 171, 228, 223, 120, 130, 106, 146, 31, 45, 140>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:39.009 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040957.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:53.263 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040958.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:58.981 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1349000', hash '"2D238ECA0AE1DFAC42187B0C67F3A50EE51FE6BABA117EC1C1E78926AEAC104F"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:57:59.021 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 957801216, hash: <<45, 35, 142, 202, 10, 225, 223, 172, 66, 24, 123, 12, 103, 243, 165, 14, 229, 31, 230, 186, 186, 17, 126, 193, 193, 231, 137, 38, 174, 172, 16, 79>>, nonce: 1349, num: 1349000} at: <<104, 127, 13, 199, 69, 28, 245, 22, 64, 56, 142, 170, 139, 1, 105, 33, 87, 65, 220, 144, 120, 110, 23, 139, 4, 200, 122, 44, 158, 226, 149, 250>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:08.385 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040959.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:23.257 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040960.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:28.383 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1551637970, hash: <<45, 35, 142, 202, 10, 225, 223, 172, 66, 24, 123, 12, 103, 243, 165, 14, 229, 31, 230, 186, 186, 17, 126, 193, 193, 231, 137, 38, 174, 172, 16, 79>>, nonce: 1349, num: 1349000} at: <<242, 32, 249, 186, 247, 16, 162, 126, 146, 118, 173, 145, 177, 42, 170, 61, 79, 214, 120, 208, 47, 124, 38, 125, 1, 32, 29, 188, 88, 242, 204, 46>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:29.106 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1350000', hash '"AD71CBC1E8A832633717A69E47A7C759D7749B08361E6FAEA841841CF46B1BBD"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:29.134 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1551637970, hash: <<173, 113, 203, 193, 232, 168, 50, 99, 55, 23, 166, 158, 71, 167, 199, 89, 215, 116, 155, 8, 54, 30, 111, 174, 168, 65, 132, 28, 244, 107, 27, 189>>, nonce: 1350, num: 1350000} at: <<9, 177, 227, 9, 92, 90, 18, 143, 124, 172, 30, 13, 80, 26, 75, 238, 158, 3, 92, 247, 50, 200, 85, 245, 229, 166, 222, 251, 138, 67, 77, 30>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:39.221 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040961.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:54.507 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040962.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:58.979 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1351000', hash '"DF84CA23C7DDBFCD163CA0E4506F9CAF0872986103E771DD86BE2D385361F08E"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:58:59.016 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1551637970, hash: <<223, 132, 202, 35, 199, 221, 191, 205, 22, 60, 160, 228, 80, 111, 156, 175, 8, 114, 152, 97, 3, 231, 113, 221, 134, 190, 45, 56, 83, 97, 240, 142>>, nonce: 1351, num: 1351000} at: <<244, 194, 234, 208, 193, 211, 30, 242, 180, 37, 230, 227, 17, 201, 11, 29, 17, 86, 252, 85, 104, 251, 211, 186, 124, 148, 77, 227, 37, 250, 97, 75>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:08.214 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040963.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:24.467 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040964.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:29.289 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1352000', hash '"B7B07B7F352FCE0334A8FCAD2B53DBA924AAF7C2C29BEBC1E47D3C03D00AC6B5"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:29.369 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1396474173, hash: <<183, 176, 123, 127, 53, 47, 206, 3, 52, 168, 252, 173, 43, 83, 219, 169, 36, 170, 247, 194, 194, 155, 235, 193, 228, 125, 60, 3, 208, 10, 198, 181>>, nonce: 1352, num: 1352000} at: <<25, 34, 171, 78, 94, 105, 13, 51, 60, 11, 187, 245, 93, 37, 139, 174, 32, 46, 198, 123, 254, 133, 231, 124, 127, 110, 61, 222, 196, 232, 100, 4>>⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:38.877 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040964.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:38.877 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040965.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:53.287 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040966.⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:59.278 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1353000', hash '"2541F0F19292E0A87280DC173ABD6C07B4D878EF440B8A6AEE58155660C95BDE"'⋅ 2019-09-06 06:59:59.392 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 1256826756, hash: <<37, 65, 240, 241, 146, 146, 224, 168, 114, 128, 220, 23, 58, 189, 108, 7, 180, 216, 120, 239, 68, 11, 138, 106, 238, 88, 21, 86, 96, 201, 91, 222>>, nonce: 1353, num: 1353000} at: <<53, 236, 37, 191, 38, 166, 206, 131, 213, 10, 226, 144, 28, 220, 136, 49, 219, 158, 161, 82, 64, 128, 228, 118, 84, 68, 146, 59, 57, 231, 23, 193>>⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:08.633 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040967.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:23.403 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040968.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.226 [error] module=OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Views.Error function=template_not_found/2 request_id=FcHHP9B9GL6CUyEAdLci ⋅Unhandled error occurred most likely in controller / API layer: %{__phx_template_not_found__: OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Views.Error, conn: %Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, assigns: %{kind: :exit, layout: false, reason: {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exec, %OMG.State.Transaction.Recovered{signed_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction.Signed{raw_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction{inputs: [%{blknum: 1354000, oindex: 0, txindex: 14866}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}], metadata: nil, outputs: [%{amount: 999725339, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<204, 127, 196, 120, 54, 6, 102, 197, 227, 212, 67, 142, 196, 18, 39, 158, 156, 93, 245, 167>>}, %{amount: 1, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<57, 155, 46, 56, 68, 223, 155, 164, 51, 25, 242, 252, 113, 153, 191, 189, 23, 104, 14, 175>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}]}, signed_tx_bytes: <<249, 1, 84, 248, 134, 184, 65, 183, 185, 208, 211, 185, 60, 44, 55, 202, 113, 51, 188, 70, 133, 218, 204, 36, 64, 4, 245, 230, 35, 190, 119, ...>>, sigs: [<<183, 185, 208, 211, 185, 60, 44, 55, 202, 113, 51, 188, 70, 133, 218, 204, 36, 64, 4, 245, 230, 35, 190, 119, 238, 149, 20, 165, 212, ...>>, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>]}, spenders: [<<204, 127, 196, 120, 54, 6, 102, 197, 227, 212, 67, 142, 196, 18, 39, 158, 156, 93, 245, 167>>], tx_hash: <<76, 8, 172, 156, 135, 188, 171, 104, 206, 225, 32, 204, 228, 100, 48, 182, 93, 14, 238, 254, 234, 102, 11, 62, 186, 141, 167, 91, 106, 196, 186, ...>>}, %{<<92, 33, 78, 19, 70, 181, 207, 131, 193, 216, 128, 205, 84, 9, 251, 229, 169, 159, 146, 191>> => 0, <<182, 193, 88, 243, 199, 243, 162, 62, 148, 161, 2, 171, 142, 1, 8, 92, 224, 255, 129, 21>> => 0, <<159, 217, 197, 244, 79, 51, 186, 139, 61, 78, 88, 201, 64, 230, 59, 44, 249, 245, 171, 156>> => 0, <<232, 153, 102, 107, 3, 125, 139, 235, 78, 200, 178, 198, 145, 166, 99, 111, 218, 127, 35, 219>> => 0, <<194, 125, 154, 127, 29, 237, 15, 255, 161, 2, 156, 209, 208, 115, 93, 109, 166, 190, 58, 149>> => 0, <<129, 198, 128, 106, 156, 225, 91, 167, 99, 189, 159, 40, 170, 229, 24, 55, 184, 166, 79, 216>> => 0, <<5, 128, 51, 15, 106, 222, 163, 75, 30, 207, 113, 134, 128, 133, 130, 91, 215, 75, 62, 202>> => 0, <<77, 240, 220, 39, 52, 118, 113, 181, 93, 68, 71, 74, 142, 239, 9, 79, 204, 126, 156, 79>> => 0, <<86, 79, 139, 34, 29, 6, 75, 107, 147, 44, 207, 248, 70, 179, 107, 95, 6, 150, 57, 31>> => 0, <<91, 210, 189, 134, 121, 174, 139, 195, 72, 47, 0, 7, 82, 203, 248, 197, 83, 84, 48, 134>> => 0, <<0, 0, 97, 0, 247, 9, 0, 16, 0, 95, 27, 215, 174, 97, 34, 195, 194, 207, 0, 144>> => 0, <<140, 181, 66, 8, 153, 209, 224, 148, 136, 7, 59, 198, 123, 193, 48, 77, 71, 35, 229, 19>> => 0, <<62, 50, 204, 193, 65, 189, 193, 66, 133, 243, 2, 8, 5, 116, 79, 95, 186, 49, 34, 108>> => 0, <<238, 200, 79, 159, 168, 113, 34, 200, 244, 190, 186, 16, 119, 139, 0, 52, 115, 5, 86, ...>> => 0, <<199, 120, 65, 126, 6, 49, 65, 19, 159, 206, 1, 9, 130, 120, 1, 64, 170, 12, ...>> => 0, <<51, 215, 125, 33, 123, 137, 46, 64, 160, 244, 209, 54, 200, 207, 181, 28, 97, ...>> => 0, <<93, 154, 103, 16, 238, 20, 233, 208, 61, 173, 47, 244, 237, 189, 120, 197, ...>> => 0, <<209, 127, 247, 6, 10, 120, 108, 252, 218, 252, 152, 71, 35, 61, 59, ...>> => 0, <<109, 121, 12, 131, 59, 154, 16, 84, 150, 194, 23, 226, 196, 229, ...>> => 0, <<87, 123, 25, 234, 221, 221, 60, 151, 207, 82, 85, 247, 93, ...>> => 0, <<47, 83, 238, 164, 39, 105, 207, 63, 51, 40, 159, 180, ...>> => 0, <<102, 163, 241, 75, 51, 7, 110, 22, 39, 234, 88, ...>> => 0, <<166, 139, 233, 37, 202, 195, 55, 54, 181, 199, ...>> => 0, <<58, 213, 195, 62, 198, 165, 253, 1, 228, ...>> => 0, <<7, 15, 176, 164, 47, 97, 223, 45, ...>> => 0, <<160, 146, 93, 227, 135, 217, 18, ...>> => 0, <<220, 139, 139, 18, 228, 41, ...>> => 0, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>> => 0, <<30, 18, 197, 81, ...>> => 0, <<152, 213, 195, ...>> => 0, <<97, 55, ...>> => 0, <<99, ...>> => 0, <<...>> => 0, ...}}, 5000]}}, stack: [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain, :"-submit/1-fun-0-", 1, [file: 'lib/child_chain.ex', line: 42]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Controller.Transaction, :submit, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/controllers/transaction.ex', line: 29]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Controller.Transaction, :action, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/controllers/transaction.ex', line: 15]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Controller.Transaction, :phoenix_controller_pipeline, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/controllers/transaction.ex', line: 15]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Endpoint, :instrument, 4, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/endpoint.ex', line: 15]}]}, before_send: [], body_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :body_params}, cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, halted: false, host: "childchain-stress-test", method: "POST", owner: #PID<0.31667.7>, params: %{}, path_info: ["transaction.submit"], path_params: %{}, port: 80, private: %{phoenix_endpoint: OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Endpoint, phoenix_format: "json", phoenix_layout: false, phoenix_template: "500.json", phoenix_view: OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Views.Error}, query_params: %{}, query_string: "", remote_ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 2592, 346}, req_cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, req_headers: [{"host", "childchain-stress-test"}, {"user-agent", "hackney/1.15.1"}, {"content-type", "application/json"}, {"content-length", "706"}], request_path: "/transaction.submit", resp_body: nil, resp_cookies: %{}, resp_headers: [{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}], scheme: :http, script_name: [], secret_key_base: nil, state: :unset, status: 500}, kind: :exit, reason: {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exec, %OMG.State.Transaction.Recovered{signed_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction.Signed{raw_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction{inputs: [%{blknum: 1354000, oindex: 0, txindex: 14866}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}], metadata: nil, outputs: [%{amount: 999725339, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<204, 127, 196, 120, 54, 6, 102, 197, 227, 212, 67, 142, 196, 18, 39, 158, 156, 93, 245, 167>>}, %{amount: 1, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<57, 155, 46, 56, 68, 223, 155, 164, 51, 25, 242, 252, 113, 153, 191, 189, 23, 104, 14, 175>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}]}, signed_tx_bytes: <<249, 1, 84, 248, 134, 184, 65, 183, 185, 208, 211, 185, 60, 44, 55, 202, 113, 51, 188, 70, 133, 218, 204, 36, 64, 4, 245, 230, 35, 190, 119, 238, 149, 20, ...>>, sigs: [<<183, 185, 208, 211, 185, 60, 44, 55, 202, 113, 51, 188, 70, 133, 218, 204, 36, 64, 4, 245, 230, 35, 190, 119, 238, 149, 20, 165, 212, 36, 50, 102, ...>>, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>]}, spenders: [<<204, 127, 196, 120, 54, 6, 102, 197, 227, 212, 67, 142, 196, 18, 39, 158, 156, 93, 245, 167>>], tx_hash: <<76, 8, 172, 156, 135, 188, 171, 104, 206, 225, 32, 204, 228, 100, 48, 182, 93, 14, 238, 254, 234, 102, 11, 62, 186, 141, (truncated)⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.228 [error] module=OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Views.Error function=template_not_found/2 request_id=FcHHP9B5hZc1DZ0BWD-B ⋅Unhandled error occurred most likely in controller / API layer: %{__phx_template_not_found__: OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Views.Error, conn: %Plug.Conn{adapter: {Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Conn, :...}, assigns: %{kind: :exit, layout: false, reason: {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exec, %OMG.State.Transaction.Recovered{signed_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction.Signed{raw_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction{inputs: [%{blknum: 1354000, oindex: 0, txindex: 14865}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}], metadata: nil, outputs: [%{amount: 999725350, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<63, 52, 124, 105, 230, 213, 143, 141, 252, 138, 225, 243, 78, 65, 252, 37, 72, 38, 110, 150>>}, %{amount: 1, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<57, 63, 157, 28, 59, 191, 73, 97, 19, 173, 9, 113, 215, 24, 15, 41, 29, 98, 37, 190>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}]}, signed_tx_bytes: <<249, 1, 84, 248, 134, 184, 65, 193, 183, 223, 177, 221, 103, 197, 4, 92, 128, 99, 217, 89, 176, 221, 9, 143, 87, 208, 94, 72, 46, 3, 166, ...>>, sigs: [<<193, 183, 223, 177, 221, 103, 197, 4, 92, 128, 99, 217, 89, 176, 221, 9, 143, 87, 208, 94, 72, 46, 3, 166, 59, 113, 139, 85, 208, ...>>, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>]}, spenders: [<<63, 52, 124, 105, 230, 213, 143, 141, 252, 138, 225, 243, 78, 65, 252, 37, 72, 38, 110, 150>>], tx_hash: <<106, 35, 191, 231, 127, 237, 124, 230, 199, 110, 187, 199, 166, 64, 150, 137, 1, 44, 114, 35, 93, 118, 117, 56, 69, 157, 8, 79, 195, 184, 29, ...>>}, %{<<92, 33, 78, 19, 70, 181, 207, 131, 193, 216, 128, 205, 84, 9, 251, 229, 169, 159, 146, 191>> => 0, <<182, 193, 88, 243, 199, 243, 162, 62, 148, 161, 2, 171, 142, 1, 8, 92, 224, 255, 129, 21>> => 0, <<159, 217, 197, 244, 79, 51, 186, 139, 61, 78, 88, 201, 64, 230, 59, 44, 249, 245, 171, 156>> => 0, <<232, 153, 102, 107, 3, 125, 139, 235, 78, 200, 178, 198, 145, 166, 99, 111, 218, 127, 35, 219>> => 0, <<194, 125, 154, 127, 29, 237, 15, 255, 161, 2, 156, 209, 208, 115, 93, 109, 166, 190, 58, 149>> => 0, <<129, 198, 128, 106, 156, 225, 91, 167, 99, 189, 159, 40, 170, 229, 24, 55, 184, 166, 79, 216>> => 0, <<5, 128, 51, 15, 106, 222, 163, 75, 30, 207, 113, 134, 128, 133, 130, 91, 215, 75, 62, 202>> => 0, <<77, 240, 220, 39, 52, 118, 113, 181, 93, 68, 71, 74, 142, 239, 9, 79, 204, 126, 156, 79>> => 0, <<86, 79, 139, 34, 29, 6, 75, 107, 147, 44, 207, 248, 70, 179, 107, 95, 6, 150, 57, 31>> => 0, <<91, 210, 189, 134, 121, 174, 139, 195, 72, 47, 0, 7, 82, 203, 248, 197, 83, 84, 48, 134>> => 0, <<0, 0, 97, 0, 247, 9, 0, 16, 0, 95, 27, 215, 174, 97, 34, 195, 194, 207, 0, 144>> => 0, <<140, 181, 66, 8, 153, 209, 224, 148, 136, 7, 59, 198, 123, 193, 48, 77, 71, 35, 229, 19>> => 0, <<62, 50, 204, 193, 65, 189, 193, 66, 133, 243, 2, 8, 5, 116, 79, 95, 186, 49, 34, 108>> => 0, <<238, 200, 79, 159, 168, 113, 34, 200, 244, 190, 186, 16, 119, 139, 0, 52, 115, 5, 86, ...>> => 0, <<199, 120, 65, 126, 6, 49, 65, 19, 159, 206, 1, 9, 130, 120, 1, 64, 170, 12, ...>> => 0, <<51, 215, 125, 33, 123, 137, 46, 64, 160, 244, 209, 54, 200, 207, 181, 28, 97, ...>> => 0, <<93, 154, 103, 16, 238, 20, 233, 208, 61, 173, 47, 244, 237, 189, 120, 197, ...>> => 0, <<209, 127, 247, 6, 10, 120, 108, 252, 218, 252, 152, 71, 35, 61, 59, ...>> => 0, <<109, 121, 12, 131, 59, 154, 16, 84, 150, 194, 23, 226, 196, 229, ...>> => 0, <<87, 123, 25, 234, 221, 221, 60, 151, 207, 82, 85, 247, 93, ...>> => 0, <<47, 83, 238, 164, 39, 105, 207, 63, 51, 40, 159, 180, ...>> => 0, <<102, 163, 241, 75, 51, 7, 110, 22, 39, 234, 88, ...>> => 0, <<166, 139, 233, 37, 202, 195, 55, 54, 181, 199, ...>> => 0, <<58, 213, 195, 62, 198, 165, 253, 1, 228, ...>> => 0, <<7, 15, 176, 164, 47, 97, 223, 45, ...>> => 0, <<160, 146, 93, 227, 135, 217, 18, ...>> => 0, <<220, 139, 139, 18, 228, 41, ...>> => 0, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>> => 0, <<30, 18, 197, 81, ...>> => 0, <<152, 213, 195, ...>> => 0, <<97, 55, ...>> => 0, <<99, ...>> => 0, <<...>> => 0, ...}}, 5000]}}, stack: [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain, :"-submit/1-fun-0-", 1, [file: 'lib/child_chain.ex', line: 42]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Controller.Transaction, :submit, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/controllers/transaction.ex', line: 29]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Controller.Transaction, :action, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/controllers/transaction.ex', line: 15]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Controller.Transaction, :phoenix_controller_pipeline, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/controllers/transaction.ex', line: 15]}, {OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Endpoint, :instrument, 4, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/endpoint.ex', line: 15]}]}, before_send: [], body_params: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :body_params}, cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, halted: false, host: "childchain-stress-test", method: "POST", owner: #PID<0.31668.7>, params: %{}, path_info: ["transaction.submit"], path_params: %{}, port: 80, private: %{phoenix_endpoint: OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Endpoint, phoenix_format: "json", phoenix_layout: false, phoenix_template: "500.json", phoenix_view: OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Views.Error}, query_params: %{}, query_string: "", remote_ip: {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 65535, 2592, 346}, req_cookies: %Plug.Conn.Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, req_headers: [{"host", "childchain-stress-test"}, {"user-agent", "hackney/1.15.1"}, {"content-type", "application/json"}, {"content-length", "706"}], request_path: "/transaction.submit", resp_body: nil, resp_cookies: %{}, resp_headers: [{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}], scheme: :http, script_name: [], secret_key_base: nil, state: :unset, status: 500}, kind: :exit, reason: {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exec, %OMG.State.Transaction.Recovered{signed_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction.Signed{raw_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction{inputs: [%{blknum: 1354000, oindex: 0, txindex: 14865}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}], metadata: nil, outputs: [%{amount: 999725350, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<63, 52, 124, 105, 230, 213, 143, 141, 252, 138, 225, 243, 78, 65, 252, 37, 72, 38, 110, 150>>}, %{amount: 1, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<57, 63, 157, 28, 59, 191, 73, 97, 19, 173, 9, 113, 215, 24, 15, 41, 29, 98, 37, 190>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}]}, signed_tx_bytes: <<249, 1, 84, 248, 134, 184, 65, 193, 183, 223, 177, 221, 103, 197, 4, 92, 128, 99, 217, 89, 176, 221, 9, 143, 87, 208, 94, 72, 46, 3, 166, 59, 113, 139, ...>>, sigs: [<<193, 183, 223, 177, 221, 103, 197, 4, 92, 128, 99, 217, 89, 176, 221, 9, 143, 87, 208, 94, 72, 46, 3, 166, 59, 113, 139, 85, 208, 180, 154, 88, ...>>, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>]}, spenders: [<<63, 52, 124, 105, 230, 213, 143, 141, 252, 138, 225, 243, 78, 65, 252, 37, 72, 38, 110, 150>>], tx_hash: <<106, 35, 191, 231, 127, 237, 124, 230, 199, 110, 187, 199, 166, 64, 150, 137, 1, 44, 114, 35, 93, 118, 117, 56, 69, 157, 8, 79, 195, 184, 29, 113>>}, (truncated)⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.228 [info] module=Phoenix.Logger function=phoenix_error_rendered/4 request_id=FcHHP9B9GL6CUyEAdLci ⋅Converted exit {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exec, %OMG.State.Transaction.Recovered{signed_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction.Signed{raw_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction{inputs: [%{blknum: 1354000, oindex: 0, txindex: 14866}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}], metadata: nil, outputs: [%{amount: 999725339, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<204, 127, 196, 120, 54, 6, 102, 197, 227, 212, 67, 142, 196, 18, 39, 158, 156, 93, 245, 167>>}, %{amount: 1, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<57, 155, 46, 56, 68, 223, 155, 164, 51, 25, 242, 252, 113, 153, 191, 189, 23, 104, 14, 175>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}]}, signed_tx_bytes: <<249, 1, 84, 248, 134, 184, 65, 183, 185, 208, 211, 185, 60, 44, 55, 202, 113, 51, 188, 70, 133, 218, 204, 36, 64, 4, 245, 230, 35, 190, 119, 238, 149, 20, 165, 212, 36, 50, ...>>, sigs: [<<183, 185, 208, 211, 185, 60, 44, 55, 202, 113, 51, 188, 70, 133, 218, 204, 36, 64, 4, 245, 230, 35, 190, 119, 238, 149, 20, 165, 212, 36, 50, 102, 30, 72, 194, 134, ...>>, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>]}, spenders: [<<204, 127, 196, 120, 54, 6, 102, 197, 227, 212, 67, 142, 196, 18, 39, 158, 156, 93, 245, 167>>], tx_hash: <<76, 8, 172, 156, 135, 188, 171, 104, 206, 225, 32, 204, 228, 100, 48, 182, 93, 14, 238, 254, 234, 102, 11, 62, 186, 141, 167, 91, 106, 196, 186, 247>>}, %{<<92, 33, 78, 19, 70, 181, 207, 131, 193, 216, 128, 205, 84, 9, 251, 229, 169, 159, 146, 191>> => 0, <<182, 193, 88, 243, 199, 243, 162, 62, 148, 161, 2, 171, 142, 1, 8, 92, 224, 255, 129, 21>> => 0, <<159, 217, 197, 244, 79, 51, 186, 139, 61, 78, 88, 201, 64, 230, 59, 44, 249, 245, 171, 156>> => 0, <<232, 153, 102, 107, 3, 125, 139, 235, 78, 200, 178, 198, 145, 166, 99, 111, 218, 127, 35, 219>> => 0, <<194, 125, 154, 127, 29, 237, 15, 255, 161, 2, 156, 209, 208, 115, 93, 109, 166, 190, 58, 149>> => 0, <<129, 198, 128, 106, 156, 225, 91, 167, 99, 189, 159, 40, 170, 229, 24, 55, 184, 166, 79, 216>> => 0, <<5, 128, 51, 15, 106, 222, 163, 75, 30, 207, 113, 134, 128, 133, 130, 91, 215, 75, 62, 202>> => 0, <<77, 240, 220, 39, 52, 118, 113, 181, 93, 68, 71, 74, 142, 239, 9, 79, 204, 126, 156, 79>> => 0, <<86, 79, 139, 34, 29, 6, 75, 107, 147, 44, 207, 248, 70, 179, 107, 95, 6, 150, 57, 31>> => 0, <<91, 210, 189, 134, 121, 174, 139, 195, 72, 47, 0, 7, 82, 203, 248, 197, 83, 84, 48, 134>> => 0, <<0, 0, 97, 0, 247, 9, 0, 16, 0, 95, 27, 215, 174, 97, 34, 195, 194, 207, 0, 144>> => 0, <<140, 181, 66, 8, 153, 209, 224, 148, 136, 7, 59, 198, 123, 193, 48, 77, 71, 35, 229, 19>> => 0, <<62, 50, 204, 193, 65, 189, 193, 66, 133, 243, 2, 8, 5, 116, 79, 95, 186, 49, 34, 108>> => 0, <<238, 200, 79, 159, 168, 113, 34, 200, 244, 190, 186, 16, 119, 139, 0, 52, 115, 5, 86, 38>> => 0, <<199, 120, 65, 126, 6, 49, 65, 19, 159, 206, 1, 9, 130, 120, 1, 64, 170, 12, 213, 171>> => 0, <<51, 215, 125, 33, 123, 137, 46, 64, 160, 244, 209, 54, 200, 207, 181, 28, 97, 90, 216, 0>> => 0, <<93, 154, 103, 16, 238, 20, 233, 208, 61, 173, 47, 244, 237, 189, 120, 197, 227, 33, 34, 42>> => 0, <<209, 127, 247, 6, 10, 120, 108, 252, 218, 252, 152, 71, 35, 61, 59, 219, 211, 221, 129, 150>> => 0, <<109, 121, 12, 131, 59, 154, 16, 84, 150, 194, 23, 226, 196, 229, 205, 4, 55, 207, 243, 56>> => 0, <<87, 123, 25, 234, 221, 221, 60, 151, 207, 82, 85, 247, 93, 208, 196, 106, 233, 0, 246, 181>> => 0, <<47, 83, 238, 164, 39, 105, 207, 63, 51, 40, 159, 180, 93, 115, 8, 222, 157, 205, 233, ...>> => 0, <<102, 163, 241, 75, 51, 7, 110, 22, 39, 234, 88, 19, 153, 251, 145, 247, 106, 47, ...>> => 0, <<166, 139, 233, 37, 202, 195, 55, 54, 181, 199, 66, 159, 85, 167, 40, 176, 13, ...>> => 0, <<58, 213, 195, 62, 198, 165, 253, 1, 228, 138, 148, 207, 151, 233, 63, 187, ...>> => 0, <<7, 15, 176, 164, 47, 97, 223, 45, 180, 64, 241, 92, 199, 91, 236, ...>> => 0, <<160, 146, 93, 227, 135, 217, 18, 65, 121, 234, 216, 255, 163, 194, ...>> => 0, <<220, 139, 139, 18, 228, 41, 153, 152, 20, 118, 183, 201, 238, ...>> => 0, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 93, 71, 128, 183, 49, 25, ...>> => 0, <<30, 18, 197, 81, 254, 179, 246, 199, 218, 185, 125, ...>> => 0, <<152, 213, 195, 161, 39, 123, 126, 252, 76, 94, ...>> => 0, <<97, 55, 244, 223, 168, 0, 215, 144, 200, ...>> => 0, <<99, 48, 185, 250, 177, 225, 4, 236, ...>> => 0, <<107, 236, 91, 161, 215, 5, 4, ...>> => 0, <<177, 239, 76, 88, 227, 99, ...>> => 0, <<47, 16, 111, 84, 47, ...>> => 0, <<84, 11, 152, 185, ...>> => 0, <<0, 0, 1, ...>> => 0, <<201, 49, ...>> => 0, <<150, ...>> => 0, <<...>> => 0, ...}}, 5000]}} to 500 response⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.230 [info] module=Phoenix.Logger function=phoenix_error_rendered/4 request_id=FcHHP9B5hZc1DZ0BWD-B ⋅Converted exit {:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exec, %OMG.State.Transaction.Recovered{signed_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction.Signed{raw_tx: %OMG.State.Transaction{inputs: [%{blknum: 1354000, oindex: 0, txindex: 14865}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}, %{blknum: 0, oindex: 0, txindex: 0}], metadata: nil, outputs: [%{amount: 999725350, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<63, 52, 124, 105, 230, 213, 143, 141, 252, 138, 225, 243, 78, 65, 252, 37, 72, 38, 110, 150>>}, %{amount: 1, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<57, 63, 157, 28, 59, 191, 73, 97, 19, 173, 9, 113, 215, 24, 15, 41, 29, 98, 37, 190>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}, %{amount: 0, currency: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, owner: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>}]}, signed_tx_bytes: <<249, 1, 84, 248, 134, 184, 65, 193, 183, 223, 177, 221, 103, 197, 4, 92, 128, 99, 217, 89, 176, 221, 9, 143, 87, 208, 94, 72, 46, 3, 166, 59, 113, 139, 85, 208, 180, 154, ...>>, sigs: [<<193, 183, 223, 177, 221, 103, 197, 4, 92, 128, 99, 217, 89, 176, 221, 9, 143, 87, 208, 94, 72, 46, 3, 166, 59, 113, 139, 85, 208, 180, 154, 88, 19, 79, 237, 167, ...>>, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...>>]}, spenders: [<<63, 52, 124, 105, 230, 213, 143, 141, 252, 138, 225, 243, 78, 65, 252, 37, 72, 38, 110, 150>>], tx_hash: <<106, 35, 191, 231, 127, 237, 124, 230, 199, 110, 187, 199, 166, 64, 150, 137, 1, 44, 114, 35, 93, 118, 117, 56, 69, 157, 8, 79, 195, 184, 29, 113>>}, %{<<92, 33, 78, 19, 70, 181, 207, 131, 193, 216, 128, 205, 84, 9, 251, 229, 169, 159, 146, 191>> => 0, <<182, 193, 88, 243, 199, 243, 162, 62, 148, 161, 2, 171, 142, 1, 8, 92, 224, 255, 129, 21>> => 0, <<159, 217, 197, 244, 79, 51, 186, 139, 61, 78, 88, 201, 64, 230, 59, 44, 249, 245, 171, 156>> => 0, <<232, 153, 102, 107, 3, 125, 139, 235, 78, 200, 178, 198, 145, 166, 99, 111, 218, 127, 35, 219>> => 0, <<194, 125, 154, 127, 29, 237, 15, 255, 161, 2, 156, 209, 208, 115, 93, 109, 166, 190, 58, 149>> => 0, <<129, 198, 128, 106, 156, 225, 91, 167, 99, 189, 159, 40, 170, 229, 24, 55, 184, 166, 79, 216>> => 0, <<5, 128, 51, 15, 106, 222, 163, 75, 30, 207, 113, 134, 128, 133, 130, 91, 215, 75, 62, 202>> => 0, <<77, 240, 220, 39, 52, 118, 113, 181, 93, 68, 71, 74, 142, 239, 9, 79, 204, 126, 156, 79>> => 0, <<86, 79, 139, 34, 29, 6, 75, 107, 147, 44, 207, 248, 70, 179, 107, 95, 6, 150, 57, 31>> => 0, <<91, 210, 189, 134, 121, 174, 139, 195, 72, 47, 0, 7, 82, 203, 248, 197, 83, 84, 48, 134>> => 0, <<0, 0, 97, 0, 247, 9, 0, 16, 0, 95, 27, 215, 174, 97, 34, 195, 194, 207, 0, 144>> => 0, <<140, 181, 66, 8, 153, 209, 224, 148, 136, 7, 59, 198, 123, 193, 48, 77, 71, 35, 229, 19>> => 0, <<62, 50, 204, 193, 65, 189, 193, 66, 133, 243, 2, 8, 5, 116, 79, 95, 186, 49, 34, 108>> => 0, <<238, 200, 79, 159, 168, 113, 34, 200, 244, 190, 186, 16, 119, 139, 0, 52, 115, 5, 86, 38>> => 0, <<199, 120, 65, 126, 6, 49, 65, 19, 159, 206, 1, 9, 130, 120, 1, 64, 170, 12, 213, 171>> => 0, <<51, 215, 125, 33, 123, 137, 46, 64, 160, 244, 209, 54, 200, 207, 181, 28, 97, 90, 216, 0>> => 0, <<93, 154, 103, 16, 238, 20, 233, 208, 61, 173, 47, 244, 237, 189, 120, 197, 227, 33, 34, 42>> => 0, <<209, 127, 247, 6, 10, 120, 108, 252, 218, 252, 152, 71, 35, 61, 59, 219, 211, 221, 129, 150>> => 0, <<109, 121, 12, 131, 59, 154, 16, 84, 150, 194, 23, 226, 196, 229, 205, 4, 55, 207, 243, 56>> => 0, <<87, 123, 25, 234, 221, 221, 60, 151, 207, 82, 85, 247, 93, 208, 196, 106, 233, 0, 246, 181>> => 0, <<47, 83, 238, 164, 39, 105, 207, 63, 51, 40, 159, 180, 93, 115, 8, 222, 157, 205, 233, ...>> => 0, <<102, 163, 241, 75, 51, 7, 110, 22, 39, 234, 88, 19, 153, 251, 145, 247, 106, 47, ...>> => 0, <<166, 139, 233, 37, 202, 195, 55, 54, 181, 199, 66, 159, 85, 167, 40, 176, 13, ...>> => 0, <<58, 213, 195, 62, 198, 165, 253, 1, 228, 138, 148, 207, 151, 233, 63, 187, ...>> => 0, <<7, 15, 176, 164, 47, 97, 223, 45, 180, 64, 241, 92, 199, 91, 236, ...>> => 0, <<160, 146, 93, 227, 135, 217, 18, 65, 121, 234, 216, 255, 163, 194, ...>> => 0, <<220, 139, 139, 18, 228, 41, 153, 152, 20, 118, 183, 201, 238, ...>> => 0, <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 93, 71, 128, 183, 49, 25, ...>> => 0, <<30, 18, 197, 81, 254, 179, 246, 199, 218, 185, 125, ...>> => 0, <<152, 213, 195, 161, 39, 123, 126, 252, 76, 94, ...>> => 0, <<97, 55, 244, 223, 168, 0, 215, 144, 200, ...>> => 0, <<99, 48, 185, 250, 177, 225, 4, 236, ...>> => 0, <<107, 236, 91, 161, 215, 5, 4, ...>> => 0, <<177, 239, 76, 88, 227, 99, ...>> => 0, <<47, 16, 111, 84, 47, ...>> => 0, <<84, 11, 152, 185, ...>> => 0, <<0, 0, 1, ...>> => 0, <<201, 49, ...>> => 0, <<150, ...>> => 0, <<...>> => 0, ...}}, 5000]}} to 500 response⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.246 [error] ⋅#PID<0.31667.7> running OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Endpoint (cowboy_protocol) terminated Server: childchain-stress-test:80 (http) Request: POST /transaction.submit ** (exit) an exception was raised: ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (omg_child_chain_rpc) lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/endpoint.ex:15: (plug_cowboy) lib/plug/cowboy/handler.ex:18: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Handler.upgrade/4 (cowboy) /home/elixir-user/elixir-omg/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_protocol.erl:442: :cowboy_protocol.execute/4⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.247 [error] ⋅#PID<0.31668.7> running OMG.ChildChainRPC.Web.Endpoint (cowboy_protocol) terminated Server: childchain-stress-test:80 (http) Request: POST /transaction.submit ** (exit) an exception was raised: ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (omg_child_chain_rpc) lib/omg_child_chain_rpc/web/endpoint.ex:15: (plug_cowboy) lib/plug/cowboy/handler.ex:18: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Handler.upgrade/4 (cowboy) /home/elixir-user/elixir-omg/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_protocol.erl:442: :cowboy_protocol.execute/4⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.320 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server terminating ** (stop) exited in:, :get_status, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/block_queue.ex:129: OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server.handle_info/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :check_ethereum_status⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.322 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:561: :gen_event.server_notify/4 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", "OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, :get_status, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/block_queue.ex:129: OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server.handle_info/2"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":check_ethereum_status"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 0, 27, 320}}, [registered_name: OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, :get_status, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server, :handle_info, 2, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/block_queue.ex', line: 129]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 249]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.591.0>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.324 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.338.0> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 561]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 561]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.335 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting Elixir.OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server service.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.350 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting BlockQueue at parent_height: 5040968, parent_start: 4667388, mined_child_block: 1353000, stored_child_top_block: 1353000⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.363 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting BlockQueue, top_mined_hash: "0x2541f0f19292e0a87280dc173abd6c07b4d878ef440b8a6aee58155660c95bde"⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.365 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=enqueue_existing_blocks/3 ⋅Loaded with [{1333000, <<44, 211, 30, 196, 64, 118, 171, 74, 40, 166, 207, 137, 149, 130, 159, 12, 214, 92, 209, 182, 218, 60, 211, 47, 9, 99, 51, 99, 108, 2, 16, 154>>}, {1334000, <<194, 205, 21, 249, 205, 29, 148, 8, 230, 138, 200, 144, 127, 179, 33, 0, 0, 142, 52, 154, 238, 250, 244, 152, 250, 249, 71, 158, 213, 158, 238, 178>>}, {1335000, <<41, 37, 150, 21, 152, 103, 85, 192, 43, 242, 118, 65, 245, 120, 98, 58, 7, 95, 247, 1, 200, 87, 227, 215, 12, 107, 51, 41, 179, 140, 78, 155>>}, {1336000, <<237, 231, 56, 132, 107, 235, 105, 247, 131, 142, 144, 245, 96, 136, 196, 212, 30, 217, 243, 77, 77, 140, 229, 70, 141, 23, 209, 59, 237, 80, 100, 220>>}, {1337000, <<55, 48, 225, 70, 23, 109, 152, 240, 26, 75, 25, 64, 28, 40, 132, 81, 49, 137, 184, 126, 149, 157, 47, 29, 253, 212, 146, 120, 138, 82, 21, 104>>}, {1338000, <<116, 34, 76, 143, 115, 172, 246, 146, 140, 51, 16, 200, 135, 19, 218, 73, 48, 105, 169, 218, 237, 215, 209, 247, 218, 193, 43, 70, 223, 152, 38, 176>>}, {1339000, <<240, 109, 73, 163, 236, 18, 186, 128, 82, 179, 67, 236, 215, 24, 162, 229, 237, 168, 250, 228, 128, 67, 151, 29, 231, 189, 166, 218, 89, 164, 199, 31>>}, {1340000, <<110, 216, 95, 48, 69, 75, 215, 218, 225, 188, 254, 192, 215, 249, 75, 50, 149, 186, 203, 74, 147, 202, 6, 164, 103, 45, 240, 189, 12, 168, 176, 228>>}, {1341000, <<165, 74, 133, 117, 215, 42, 8, 234, 146, 17, 187, 221, 102, 129, 5, 209, 23, 134, 211, 206, 105, 70, 29, 75, 213, 73, 233, 122, 239, 232, 219, 187>>}, {1342000, <<139, 112, 67, 143, 184, 211, 243, 1, 156, 221, 141, 8, 76, 48, 160, 42, 122, 221, 204, 221, 0, 56, 239, 8, 144, 3, 47, 59, 71, 247, 82, 141>>}, {1343000, <<253, 77, 83, 200, 181, 183, 22, 94, 201, 27, 87, 153, 27, 111, 95, 229, 0, 71, 35, 5, 82, 187, 12, 79, 106, 108, 190, 62, 245, 255, 125, 109>>}, {1344000, <<216, 113, 228, 221, 104, 7, 170, 150, 0, 72, 132, 201, 149, 74, 163, 46, 181, 159, 169, 150, 220, 34, 165, 75, 81, 141, 100, 232, 178, 17, 63, 25>>}, {1345000, <<163, 132, 220, 204, 163, 149, 235, 62, 155, 209, 241, 102, 110, 121, 187, 5, 232, 132, 200, 252, 184, 154, 181, 212, 40, 152, 191, 138, 37, 42, 171, 77>>}, {1346000, <<171, 19, 229, 128, 68, 202, 29, 78, 40, 18, 171, 76, 44, 74, 24, 243, 86, 68, 174, 84, 58, 4, 85, 5, 56, 48, 198, 198, 172, 170, 146, 88>>}, {1347000, <<156, 155, 88, 191, 46, 35, 105, 88, 162, 7, 174, 37, 160, 241, 113, 160, 142, 151, 194, 172, 200, 214, 160, 129, 148, 224, 203, 165, 241, 255, 69, 65>>}, {1348000, <<57, 220, 236, 248, 110, 171, 122, 188, 186, 202, 114, 121, 34, 53, 217, 125, 176, 14, 201, 240, 197, 221, 33, 5, 17, 144, 156, 110, 168, 238, 21, 159>>}, {1349000, <<45, 35, 142, 202, 10, 225, 223, 172, 66, 24, 123, 12, 103, 243, 165, 14, 229, 31, 230, 186, 186, 17, 126, 193, 193, 231, 137, 38, 174, 172, 16, ...>>}, {1350000, <<173, 113, 203, 193, 232, 168, 50, 99, 55, 23, 166, 158, 71, 167, 199, 89, 215, 116, 155, 8, 54, 30, 111, 174, 168, 65, 132, 28, 244, 107, ...>>}, {1351000, <<223, 132, 202, 35, 199, 221, 191, 205, 22, 60, 160, 228, 80, 111, 156, 175, 8, 114, 152, 97, 3, 231, 113, 221, 134, 190, 45, 56, 83, ...>>}, {1352000, <<183, 176, 123, 127, 53, 47, 206, 3, 52, 168, 252, 173, 43, 83, 219, 169, 36, 170, 247, 194, 194, 155, 235, 193, 228, 125, 60, 3, ...>>}, {1353000, <<37, 65, 240, 241, 146, 146, 224, 168, 114, 128, 220, 23, 58, 189, 108, 7, 180, 216, 120, 239, 68, 11, 138, 106, 238, 88, 21, ...>>}] mined and [] enqueued⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.365 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started BlockQueue⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.520 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.521 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.521 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.521 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.523 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.523 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":piggyback", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 0, 27, 520}}, [registered_name: :piggyback, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.595.0>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.523 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.523 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.524 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.525 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31680.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.525 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040957⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.530 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040957⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.530 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040957⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:27.531 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040957⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:38.681 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040969.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:53.252 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040970.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:57.785 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Server function=handle_info/2 ⋅Enqueuing block num '1354000', hash '"AAAB896365D5D322E206EA90315EE47EBCD5C2E6B83CCEAF89DFAAEAEB8B716A"'⋅ 2019-09-06 07:00:57.864 [info] module=OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core function=process_submit_result/3 ⋅Submitted %OMG.ChildChain.BlockQueue.Core.BlockSubmission{gas_price: 20000000000, hash: <<170, 171, 137, 99, 101, 213, 211, 34, 226, 6, 234, 144, 49, 94, 228, 126, 188, 213, 194, 230, 184, 60, 206, 175, 137, 223, 170, 234, 235, 139, 113, 106>>, nonce: 1354, num: 1354000} at: <<109, 240, 86, 239, 206, 249, 233, 131, 246, 89, 203, 136, 27, 181, 119, 247, 47, 142, 214, 227, 247, 26, 151, 241, 108, 206, 148, 255, 123, 205, 179, 137>>⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:08.284 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040971.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:23.243 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040972.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.469 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.469 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.469 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.470 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.470 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.471 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.471 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.471 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.472 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":exiter", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 1, 27, 469}}, [registered_name: :exiter, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31683.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.474 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31688.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.474 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040961⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.474 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040961⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.474 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040961⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:27.475 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040961⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:38.271 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040973.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:01:53.218 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040974.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:08.254 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040975.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:23.355 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040976.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.464 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.464 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.465 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.465 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.466 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.467 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.467 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":in_flight_exit", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 2, 27, 464}}, [registered_name: :in_flight_exit, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31716.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.467 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.467 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.469 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31722.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.469 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040965⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.471 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040965⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.472 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040965⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:27.472 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040965⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:38.259 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040977.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:02:53.319 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040978.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:08.760 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040979.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:23.328 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040980.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.204 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.205 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.205 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.205 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.207 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.207 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.207 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.207 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":depositor", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 3, 27, 204}}, [registered_name: :depositor, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:deposits, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 249]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31747.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.208 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.209 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31751.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.210 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040969⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.211 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040969⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.212 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040969⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:27.212 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040969⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:38.461 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040981.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:03:53.723 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040982.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:08.936 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040983.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:23.299 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040984.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.600 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.600 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.600 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.600 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.601 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.602 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.602 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.603 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":piggyback", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 4, 27, 600}}, [registered_name: :piggyback, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31777.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.603 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.604 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040973⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.604 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040973⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.604 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31782.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.605 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040973⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:27.605 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040973⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:38.742 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040985.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:04:54.003 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040986.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:08.260 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040987.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:23.352 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040988.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.332 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.334 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.334 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.335 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.336 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.337 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":in_flight_exit", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 5, 27, 332}}, [registered_name: :in_flight_exit, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31812.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.341 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.342 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.343 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31817.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.344 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.345 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040977⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.346 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040977⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.346 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040977⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:27.347 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040977⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:38.270 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040989.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:05:53.381 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040990.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:08.290 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040991.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:23.256 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040992.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.308 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.308 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.309 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.309 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.309 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.310 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.310 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.311 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.311 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":depositor", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 6, 27, 308}}, [registered_name: :depositor, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:deposits, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 249]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31841.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.312 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040981⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.312 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31845.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.313 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040981⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.313 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040981⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:27.314 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040981⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:38.821 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040993.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:06:53.241 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040994.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:08.232 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040995.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:24.245 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040996.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.196 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.197 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.197 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.198 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.198 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.199 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":exiter", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 7, 27, 196}}, [registered_name: :exiter, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31874.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.199 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.199 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.200 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.201 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040985⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.201 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31879.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.202 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040985⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.203 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040985⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:27.204 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040985⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:38.407 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040997.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:07:53.409 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040998.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:09.512 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5040999.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:24.651 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041000.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.525 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.525 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.525 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.526 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.526 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.526 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.527 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.527 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":exiter", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 8, 27, 525}}, [registered_name: :exiter, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31903.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.528 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.528 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040989⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.528 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31908.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.529 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040989⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.530 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040989⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:27.530 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040989⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:40.080 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041001.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:08:54.571 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041002.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:09.358 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041003.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:24.439 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041004.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.293 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.294 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.294 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.294 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.295 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.295 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.295 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.296 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.296 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":in_flight_exit", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 9, 27, 293}}, [registered_name: :in_flight_exit, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31937.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.297 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040993⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.298 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040993⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.298 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040993⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.298 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31941.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:27.298 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040993⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:39.862 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041005.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:09:54.691 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041006.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:09.534 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041006.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:09.534 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041007.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:25.223 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041008.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.459 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.459 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.460 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.460 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.461 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.461 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.461 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":exiter", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 10, 27, 459}}, [registered_name: :exiter, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31967.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.461 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.462 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.463 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.31974.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.464 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5040997⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.464 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5040997⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.464 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5040997⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:27.464 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5040997⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:39.416 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041009.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:54.761 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041010.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:09.916 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041011.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:24.526 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041010.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:24.526 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041011.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:24.526 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041012.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.694 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.694 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.694 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.695 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.696 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.697 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.697 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.697 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":piggyback", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 11, 27, 694}}, [registered_name: :piggyback, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.31998.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.697 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.698 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.32002.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.703 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5041001⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.703 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5041001⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.703 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5041001⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:27.703 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5041001⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:40.486 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041013.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:11:55.863 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041014.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:09.693 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041014.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:09.693 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041015.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:24.369 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041016.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.482 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.483 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.483 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.483 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.484 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.484 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.485 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.485 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":depositor", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 12, 27, 482}}, [registered_name: :depositor, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:deposits, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}, {:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 249]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.32033.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.485 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.486 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.32034.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.489 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5041005⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.489 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5041005⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.489 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5041005⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:27.489 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5041005⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:39.761 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041017.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:54.863 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041017.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:12:54.863 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041018.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:09.417 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041019.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:24.463 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041020.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.320 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.322 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.322 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.322 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.323 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.323 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":in_flight_exit", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 13, 27, 320}}, [registered_name: :in_flight_exit, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.32064.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.323 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.324 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.324 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.325 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.32065.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.326 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5041009⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.327 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5041009⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.327 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5041009⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:27.328 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5041009⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:39.412 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041021.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:13:54.412 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041022.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:09.388 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041023.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:24.454 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041024.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.594 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.595 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exiter terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.595 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :in_flight_exit terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.595 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:deposits, []}, 5000) ** (EXIT) time out (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989: (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2 (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1 (appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :sync⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.597 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.597 [error] module=gen_event function=report_error/5 ⋅:gen_event handler Sentry.LoggerBackend installed in Logger terminating ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in URI.parse/1 (elixir) lib/uri.ex:445: URI.parse(nil) (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:226: Sentry.Client.get_dsn/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:329: Sentry.Client.get_headers_and_endpoint/0 (sentry) lib/sentry/client.ex:92: Sentry.Client.do_send_event/3 (sentry) lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex:38: Sentry.LoggerBackend.handle_event/2 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:577: :gen_event.server_update/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:559: :gen_event.server_notify/4 (stdlib) gen_event.erl:300: :gen_event.handle_msg/6 Last message: {:error, #PID<0.581.0>, {Logger, ["GenServer ", ":piggyback", " terminating", [["\n** (stop) " | "exited in:, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000)\n ** (EXIT) time out"], ["\n " | "(elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:989:"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex:70: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6"], ["\n " | "(omg_child_chain) lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex:87: OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor.exit_and_ignore_validities/1"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:123: OMG.EthereumEventListener.sync_height/2"], ["\n " | "(omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:108: anonymous fn/2 in OMG.EthereumEventListener.do_sync/1"], ["\n " | "(appsignal) lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex:97: Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators.in_transaction/3"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4"], ["\n " | "(stdlib) gen_server.erl:711: :gen_server.handle_msg/6"]], "\nLast message", [], ": ", ":sync"], {{2019, 9, 6}, {7, 14, 27, 594}}, [registered_name: :piggyback, crash_reason: {{:timeout, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.State, {:exit_utxos, []}, 5000]}}, [{GenServer, :call, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_server.ex', line: 989]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers, :instrument, 6, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/helpers.ex', line: 70]}, {OMG.ChildChain.Supervisor, :exit_and_ignore_validities, 1, [file: 'lib/omg_child_chain/supervisor.ex', line: 87]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :sync_height, 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 123]}, {OMG.EthereumEventListener, :"-do_sync/1-fun-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex', line: 108]}, {Appsignal.Instrumentation.Decorators, :in_transaction, 3, [file: 'lib/appsignal/instrumentation/decorators.ex', line: 97]}, {:gen_server, :try_dispatch, 4, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 637]}, {:gen_server, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_server.erl', line: 711]}]}, function: "error_info/7", module: :gen_server, line: 888, file: "gen_server.erl", pid: #PID<0.32095.7>]}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.597 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.598 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.598 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.598 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer #PID<0.32096.7> terminating ** (stop) {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}} Last message: {:gen_event_EXIT, Sentry.LoggerBackend, {:EXIT, {:function_clause, [{URI, :parse, [nil], [file: 'lib/uri.ex', line: 445]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_dsn, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 226]}, {Sentry.Client, :get_headers_and_endpoint, 0, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 329]}, {Sentry.Client, :do_send_event, 3, [file: 'lib/sentry/client.ex', line: 92]}, {Sentry.LoggerBackend, :handle_event, 2, [file: 'lib/sentry/logger_backend.ex', line: 38]}, {:gen_event, :server_update, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 577]}, {:gen_event, :server_notify, 4, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 559]}, {:gen_event, :handle_msg, 6, [file: 'gen_event.erl', line: 300]}]}}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.599 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for piggyback, synced_height: 5041013⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.601 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for in_flight_exit, synced_height: 5041013⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.601 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for exiter, synced_height: 5041013⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:27.601 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Started OMG.EthereumEventListener for depositor, synced_height: 5041013⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:39.615 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041025.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:14:54.407 [info] module=OMG.EthereumHeight function=handle_info/2 ⋅Elixir.OMG.EthereumHeight got a newHeads event for new Ethereum height 5041026.
2019-09-06 07:10:38.371 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 5893f43bafa6406f8e8143a4cd32b018 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.371 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 45f1e70aeb7940819d0fedaee78bbdeb - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.371 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :convenience_exit_processor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040953, :convenience_exit_processor}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.371 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :challenges_responds_processor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040953, :challenges_responds_processor}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.371 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :depositor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040955, :depositor}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: f1290c37349d407a97790ade04b578e3 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 7c5e20a30b924a3c84c2592afc75c908 - {:error, :checkout_timeout} - {"breadcrumbs":[],"culprit":"","environment":"stress-test-v0.2","event_id":"7c5e20a30b924a3c84c2592afc75c908","exception":[{"module":null,"type":"ErlangError","value":"Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040953, :exit_finalizer}, 5000]}}"}],"extra":{},"fingerprint":["{{ default }}"],"level":"error","message":"(ErlangError) Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040953, :exit_finalizer}, 5000]}}","modules":{"certifi":"2.5.1","cowboy":"1.1.2","cowlib":"1.0.2","decimal":"1.7.0","hackney":"1.15.1","idna":"6.0.0","jason":"1.1.2","metrics":"1.0.1","mime":"1.3.1","mimerl":"1.2.0","parse_trans":"","phoenix":"1.4.7","phoenix_pubsub":"1.1.2","plug":"1.8.2","plug_cowboy":"1.0.0","plug_crypto":"1.0.0","ranch":"1.3.2","ssl_verify_fun":"1.1.4","telemetry":"0.4.0","unicode_util_compat":"0.4.1"},"platform":"elixir","release":null,"request":{},"server_name":[119,97,116,99,104,101,114,45,115,116,114,101,115,115,45,116,101,115,116,45,48],"stacktrace":{"frames":[{"filename":"proc_lib.erl","function":":proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3","in_app":false,"lineno":249,"module":"proc_lib","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.loop/7","in_app":false,"lineno":388,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.try_dispatch/4","in_app":false,"lineno":637,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex","function":"OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2","in_app":false,"lineno":83,"module":"Elixir.OMG.EthereumEventListener","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/gen_server.ex","function":"","in_app":false,"lineno":979,"module":"Elixir.GenServer","vars":{}}]},"tags":{"application":"WATCHER","eth_network":"RINKEBY","eth_node":"parity"},"timestamp":"2019-09-06T07:10:30","user":{}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :convenience_deposit_processor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040955, :convenience_deposit_processor}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :ife_exit_finalizer terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040953, :ife_exit_finalizer}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :exit_challenger terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040953, :exit_challenger}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: bfb1b79d4f7a439e922287ecee3a78a9 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: be67b49397bb46ddbadd53b63c32732f - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 848a0f6573f9421a8722f40e79618d3e - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.372 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 5420c746e2c74dc997f7c4449cdc6690 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.373 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 04b94b3f71a741a6a89373f36d8f8bc2 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.373 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 41a176a4c3bb4d23af1dbccd25755b5d - {:error, :checkout_timeout} - {"breadcrumbs":[],"culprit":"","environment":"stress-test-v0.2","event_id":"41a176a4c3bb4d23af1dbccd25755b5d","exception":[{"module":null,"type":"ErlangError","value":"Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040955, :depositor}, 5000]}}"}],"extra":{},"fingerprint":["{{ default }}"],"level":"error","message":"(ErlangError) Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040955, :depositor}, 5000]}}","modules":{"certifi":"2.5.1","cowboy":"1.1.2","cowlib":"1.0.2","decimal":"1.7.0","hackney":"1.15.1","idna":"6.0.0","jason":"1.1.2","metrics":"1.0.1","mime":"1.3.1","mimerl":"1.2.0","parse_trans":"","phoenix":"1.4.7","phoenix_pubsub":"1.1.2","plug":"1.8.2","plug_cowboy":"1.0.0","plug_crypto":"1.0.0","ranch":"1.3.2","ssl_verify_fun":"1.1.4","telemetry":"0.4.0","unicode_util_compat":"0.4.1"},"platform":"elixir","release":null,"request":{},"server_name":[119,97,116,99,104,101,114,45,115,116,114,101,115,115,45,116,101,115,116,45,48],"stacktrace":{"frames":[{"filename":"proc_lib.erl","function":":proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3","in_app":false,"lineno":249,"module":"proc_lib","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.loop/7","in_app":false,"lineno":388,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.try_dispatch/4","in_app":false,"lineno":637,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex","function":"OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2","in_app":false,"lineno":83,"module":"Elixir.OMG.EthereumEventListener","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/gen_server.ex","function":"","in_app":false,"lineno":979,"module":"Elixir.GenServer","vars":{}}]},"tags":{"application":"WATCHER","eth_network":"RINKEBY","eth_node":"parity"},"timestamp":"2019-09-06T07:10:30","user":{}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.373 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for exit_finalizer.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.373 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for convenience_exit_processor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.373 [info] module=OMG.EthereumEventListener function=handle_continue/2 ⋅Starting OMG.EthereumEventListener for challenges_responds_processor.⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 0afa46f9565147feb65e7b125a51515e - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [error] module=gen_server function=error_info/7 ⋅GenServer :piggyback_processor terminating ** (stop) exited in:, {:check_in, 5040953, :piggyback_processor}, 5000) ** (EXIT) no process: the process is not alive or there's no process currently associated with the given name, possibly because its application isn't started (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:979: (omg) lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex:83: OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:637: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:388: :gen_server.loop/7 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:249: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: {:continue, :setup}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 7052f4d506ed44aab6d643418630eec3 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 14e3c15a6ba04b78a8fab57a637b2e5a - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 8747bc6f2cd64c28b93da1e60bad6757 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: bc4691fac779498daf7ca0017aae6fe0 - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 92c674d965304b69b5865c5fa36f1e66 - {:error, :checkout_timeout} - {"breadcrumbs":[],"culprit":"","environment":"stress-test-v0.2","event_id":"92c674d965304b69b5865c5fa36f1e66","exception":[{"module":null,"type":"ErlangError","value":"Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040953, :piggyback_challenges_processor}, 5000]}}"}],"extra":{},"fingerprint":["{{ default }}"],"level":"error","message":"(ErlangError) Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040953, :piggyback_challenges_processor}, 5000]}}","modules":{"certifi":"2.5.1","cowboy":"1.1.2","cowlib":"1.0.2","decimal":"1.7.0","hackney":"1.15.1","idna":"6.0.0","jason":"1.1.2","metrics":"1.0.1","mime":"1.3.1","mimerl":"1.2.0","parse_trans":"","phoenix":"1.4.7","phoenix_pubsub":"1.1.2","plug":"1.8.2","plug_cowboy":"1.0.0","plug_crypto":"1.0.0","ranch":"1.3.2","ssl_verify_fun":"1.1.4","telemetry":"0.4.0","unicode_util_compat":"0.4.1"},"platform":"elixir","release":null,"request":{},"server_name":[119,97,116,99,104,101,114,45,115,116,114,101,115,115,45,116,101,115,116,45,48],"stacktrace":{"frames":[{"filename":"proc_lib.erl","function":":proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3","in_app":false,"lineno":249,"module":"proc_lib","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.loop/7","in_app":false,"lineno":388,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.try_dispatch/4","in_app":false,"lineno":637,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex","function":"OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2","in_app":false,"lineno":83,"module":"Elixir.OMG.EthereumEventListener","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/gen_server.ex","function":"","in_app":false,"lineno":979,"module":"Elixir.GenServer","vars":{}}]},"tags":{"application":"WATCHER","eth_network":"RINKEBY","eth_node":"parity"},"timestamp":"2019-09-06T07:10:30","user":{}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 1b6a3c6652a3486a8f1ffa2590ce56fb - {:error, :checkout_timeout} - {"breadcrumbs":[],"culprit":"","environment":"stress-test-v0.2","event_id":"1b6a3c6652a3486a8f1ffa2590ce56fb","exception":[{"module":null,"type":"ErlangError","value":"Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040953, :convenience_exit_processor}, 5000]}}"}],"extra":{},"fingerprint":["{{ default }}"],"level":"error","message":"(ErlangError) Erlang error: {:noproc, {GenServer, :call, [OMG.RootChainCoordinator, {:check_in, 5040953, :convenience_exit_processor}, 5000]}}","modules":{"certifi":"2.5.1","cowboy":"1.1.2","cowlib":"1.0.2","decimal":"1.7.0","hackney":"1.15.1","idna":"6.0.0","jason":"1.1.2","metrics":"1.0.1","mime":"1.3.1","mimerl":"1.2.0","parse_trans":"","phoenix":"1.4.7","phoenix_pubsub":"1.1.2","plug":"1.8.2","plug_cowboy":"1.0.0","plug_crypto":"1.0.0","ranch":"1.3.2","ssl_verify_fun":"1.1.4","telemetry":"0.4.0","unicode_util_compat":"0.4.1"},"platform":"elixir","release":null,"request":{},"server_name":[119,97,116,99,104,101,114,45,115,116,114,101,115,115,45,116,101,115,116,45,48],"stacktrace":{"frames":[{"filename":"proc_lib.erl","function":":proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3","in_app":false,"lineno":249,"module":"proc_lib","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.loop/7","in_app":false,"lineno":388,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"gen_server.erl","function":":gen_server.try_dispatch/4","in_app":false,"lineno":637,"module":"gen_server","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/omg/ethereum_event_listener.ex","function":"OMG.EthereumEventListener.handle_continue/2","in_app":false,"lineno":83,"module":"Elixir.OMG.EthereumEventListener","vars":{}},{"filename":"lib/gen_server.ex","function":"","in_app":false,"lineno":979,"module":"Elixir.GenServer","vars":{}}]},"tags":{"application":"WATCHER","eth_network":"RINKEBY","eth_node":"parity"},"timestamp":"2019-09-06T07:10:30","user":{}}⋅ 2019-09-06 07:10:38.374 [warn] module=Sentry.Client function=log_api_error/1 ⋅Failed to send Sentry event. Event ID: 455a8e1f58e24e94ab2e6faa789ae79d - {:error, :checkout_timeout}⋅
Thanks. As discussed, closing in favor of the issue to fix the root cause #936
Testing via
657 TPS of load caused exceptions in the Childchain & Watcher. This culminated with a client side exception where the Childchain was unable to accept