omid / Hijri-Calendar-for-Gnome-Shell

An extension for Gnome-Shell to show Hijri date/calendar
GNU General Public License v3.0
24 stars 9 forks source link

Change calendar position #6

Closed mnop23 closed 6 years ago

mnop23 commented 7 years ago

Can you make check box in Preferences to change position (Centre or Left) ? I think it would be nice if hijri calendar can replace main calendar of gnome.

omid commented 7 years ago

Yes, you are right, it's a long-lasting feature request, but I didn't have enough time to do this. (You can find it here)

And the "replacement with default calendar" might be another option or another extension at all 😄 For example, personally, I like to have both calendars.

If you can help yourself and I, create a fork and make a pull request