omigroup / omi-archive

Archiving and transforming community documentation notes into a memex
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Fetching markdown files programmatically #4

Open madjin opened 1 year ago

madjin commented 1 year ago

Idea: use github api to recursively search responses for markdown files

we usually keep everything here:

example download url:

another way is to just clone the repo and grab / convert the markdown files this way

npm install mdpdf -g git clone mkdir docs find extensions/ -name ".md" -exec bash -c 'mkdir -p docs/"$(dirname "{}")" && mv "{}" docs/"{}"' \; find ./extensions -iname ".md" -exec mdpdf '{}' \;

then clean up

this would be useful then to convert to pdf and use in gpt4 langchain stuff:

madjin commented 1 year ago

for now I added direct links to the raw markdown files hosted on github in txt files