omigroup / ux-research

This is the new repo for the recently formed UX Research group in OMI. Check back weekly for updates on this repo and how to get involved.
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UX Kickoff Meeting - Notes #9

Closed Elirudite closed 1 year ago

Elirudite commented 1 year ago


Introduction - What are our interests with UX research? Shadow: a designer in XR. not much coding, but want to help build the metaverse. design work. want to build processes and systems to build interoperable metaverse or metaverse tools. more processes for design in this group

sindhu: not heavily into metaverse, but understands Unity, Unreal, Blender. Software dev, data architect. Usability oriented. software PM: doing ui research / background. Often developed from application perspective: not from what the user wants. Should be developed from the perspective of user

evo: in various forms of virtual worlds, metaverse, second life. cross sector, make tools more accessible to the general public to get more to participate. to make it open, interactive and useful across different verticals. mostly focus on production to the public and strategy side. to make sure people's content is more accessible and so people can use them. helpful to know what is being asked and how you can do it better

Sifr: Mints clothes on the blockchain

Lyuma: From v-sekai group. Passionate about what's accessible to people. Interested in different UI designs

Praelian: Works in cypersecurity and AI support systems. Interested in how to cheat Fitts Law (ratio between distance target and user) Intersection between UI and virtual spaces. Figure out new ways to explore UI

Jesse (mrmetaverse): project management experience, business development, rapid prototyping. done UX work with a UX team. product management vs product design (value design). All about iteration, rather than designing first. "just build" culture is the antithesis of what I am, and hope to share practices and discuss things. hope that people can be comfortable coming here and bringing their problems: have users encountered this. avoid drawing rigid lines in the sand)

Jesse (Echoparadigm): product designer and design lead, primarily concerned about qualification of diversity, accessibility within our practices, and furthering such initiatives. interaction design and UI; accessible by many different archetypes, and the spectrum of users who look through different lenses. (e.g. don't have use of an arm; mindful) Be mindful about accessibility

Jin - I do a lot of research and building across many platforms, finding good design patterns for things that I really like that make the social experience richer or the builder experience more fun / collaborative. I frequently create and share demos between multiple platforms to devs working on diff platforms and tools, and seem to have a pretty good success rate of ideas being implemented.

Evo - hasn't seen a lot of (or any) UX conversations in various metaverse conferences

Sindhu - XR is not on many usability people's mind

Apple is going to come out soon, we dont want them to define the totality of what makes good UX for XR.

Worried about people who are likely to get swallowed up ... people who don't know any of what is going on

Coming from the perspective of an individual.

Shadow poses a question: How to make it so it's easier for people who are building these apps to talk to a regular person how they are interacting (picking things up)... how to start this research.

Product management is the alignment of business needs (viability), technical needs (feasibility), and user needs (usability)

Propose starting with a problem to solve, then go from there. How to get companies/orgs to bring their problems to us around real people

Sindhu: someone with industry usecases from financial, healthcare, not from metaverse. if I dont' come in with what the individual wants, the developer will do what they want

Sindhu - Have in-depth use cases, feel if people don't have these use cases, then we won't accomplish much.

Mrmetaverse - Want to have orgs bring us their usability problems/opportunities as a more sustainable way for us work

Action steps -

mrmetaverse commented 1 year ago

OMI - UX Research kickoff

This group is brand new to OMI. We are going to spend a few sessions learning about ourselves and each other, getting aligned, and getting our repo set up.

Attendance / Intros:

General discussion:

What are some of our goals?

Next steps:

Put your ideas in the comments below, what are some problems worth solving?