omines / datatables-bundle

DataTables bundle for Symfony
MIT License
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Notice: Undefined offset: 0 #159

Closed evskorobogatij closed 4 years ago

evskorobogatij commented 4 years ago


I try to output data to datatables:

     * @Route("/", name="admin_petition")
    public function index(Request $request,DataTableFactory $dataTableFactory, LoggerInterface $logger)

        $table = $this->createDataTable()
                'format' => 'd-m-Y',
                //"field" => "autor.fam",
                "render" => function(string $value,Petition $petition){
                    $people = $petition->getAutor();
                    //return $people->getFam().' '.$people->getIm().' '.$people->getOt();
                    $id = $people->getId();
                    return (string)$people.' '."<a href=/admin/people/$id/info><i class=\"fas fa-search\"></i></a>";
                'render' => function(string $value,Petition $petition){
                    $stad = $petition->getStad();
                    return '<span class="label label-danger" >'.$stad->getName().'</span>';

            ->add('buttons', TextColumn::class, [
                'render' => function(string $value,Petition $petition){
                    $id = $petition->getId();
                    return "<a href=/admin/petition/$id/info class=\"btn-primary btn\">Просмотр</a>";
                'entity' => Petition::class,
                'criteria' => [
                    function(QueryBuilder $builder){

When count of records is 1 all is fine... but when records count is more then 1, error occured Notice: Undefined offset: 0

What can I do to fix that?

evskorobogatij commented 4 years ago

I replease 'criteria' by 'query' and it work fine.. Very very bad documentation....

curry684 commented 4 years ago

Very very bad documentation....

My apologies for this apparent oversight in our completely free software. PR's on the docs folder are of course also highly welcome.