omines / datatables-bundle

DataTables bundle for Symfony
MIT License
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So, what with column filters ? #347

Open e1sep0 opened 3 months ago

e1sep0 commented 3 months ago

Hi, are you planning to fix column filters? They're not displayed ( Neither Choice filter, nor Text filter:

$statusFilter = new ChoiceFilter();
            'choices' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']
        $textFilter = new TextFilter();

        $table = $dataTableFactory->create()
            ->add('id', TextColumn::class, ['label' => 'Id'])
            ->add('status', TextColumn::class, ['field' => 'e.status','searchable' => true, 'filter' => $statusFilter])
            ->add('name', TextColumn::class, [ 'field' => '', 'filter' => $textFilter])
            ->createAdapter(ORMAdapter::class, [
                'entity' => Entity::class,
                'hydrate' => AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY,
                'query' => function (QueryBuilder $builder) use ($scheduleIds): void {
                        ->from(Entity::class, 'e')


# Latest documentation available at
    language_from_cdn: false
    # Set options, as documented at
        lengthMenu : [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500]
        pageLength: 10
        dom: "<'row' <'col-sm-12' ftr>><'row' <'col-sm-6'l><'col-sm-6 text-right'pi>>"
        searching: true

        # Example classes to integrate nicely with Bootstrap 3.x
        className: 'table table-bordered table-hover data-table report-table'
        columnFilter: 'both'

    # You can for example override this to "tables" to keep the translation domains separated nicely
    translation_domain: 'messages'


$(function () {
            $('#table').initDataTables({{ datatable_settings(datatable) }},
                    searching: true,
                    dom: 'Bfltip',
curry684 commented 3 months ago

Column filters are essentially "unsupported, use at own risk". People are using them and happy with them but I have no clue how they work as we don't use it ourselves. PRs to improve them welcome.

rostyslav-a-smartgamma commented 1 month ago

Hope this feature will work soon in further updates, I need a multiple choice filter/search... As I see there is no way how to do this with column search.

kathibeepboop commented 3 weeks ago

There is a open pr for this Alternativly you could use my fork (which is poorly maintainted) and use the column filters

Keep in mind that my fork will get some other changes too, like case insensitive global search and stuff