has_field flag was mistakenly false which resulted in the bank list being hidden
3. Quality assurance
Test this update locally and ensure FPX banklist shows up correctly
🔧 Environments:
Specify the details of your test environments, including, for each, the platform version (on which the plugin was run), the Omise plugin version, and the versions of your system software such as PHP or Ruby.
WooCommerce: v4.3.0
WordPress: v5.4.2
PHP version: 7.3.3
✏️ Details:
Enable FPX through Omise setting and try to checkout selecting FPX as payment method, a bank form should show.
4. Impact of the change
Fix FPX bank list UI, should be no impact since this wasn't released yet
5. Priority of change
6. Additional Notes
Any further information that you would like to add.
1. Objective
Fix FPX form not showing correctly
2. Description of change
has_field flag was mistakenly false which resulted in the bank list being hidden
3. Quality assurance
Test this update locally and ensure FPX banklist shows up correctly
🔧 Environments:
Specify the details of your test environments, including, for each, the platform version (on which the plugin was run), the Omise plugin version, and the versions of your system software such as PHP or Ruby.
✏️ Details:
Enable FPX through Omise setting and try to checkout selecting FPX as payment method, a bank form should show.
4. Impact of the change
Fix FPX bank list UI, should be no impact since this wasn't released yet
5. Priority of change
6. Additional Notes
Any further information that you would like to add.